On The Losing Side


Really Experienced
Jan 11, 2010
Elena looked around her in fear, stumbling along the ground, her feet not wanting to move but unable to resist the force dragging her. A heavily armed soldier pulled a long length of rope which in turn wound tightly around the wrists of Elena and seven other young women, pulling them along in a line. All around her men sat drinking and relaxing, leering at the sight of the fresh batch of slaves, and Elena cast her eyes down, hiding from their stares under her brown curls, the thin white dress she wore providing little protection from their gaze.

Only a week before it had seemed the city of Harn would repel the invaders, that their army would defeat the attackers but in the end it had taken mere hours to ransack the city and change all that. Elena had been a priestess in one of the many temples but a horde of attacking soldiers had swarmed in and captured them all, she assumed to sell as slaves, which was only a little better than being killed, but all she could do now was go where she was being led and wait to see what would happen next.
One of the Soilders chuckled picking her head up as they walked. His name was Harold and he was one of the Elite Soilders. Short brown hair and Dark brown eyes. One hand took her face and forced her to look at him.

"You can't keep up huh?"-he slapped her.-"Useless nothing of a slut pick up the pace."

The pace quickens faster and faster. They reached the Palace as they were putting the future slaves in the cages to get them cleaned and looking good to be sold the guard chcukled as they were going in to grop and play with the Slaves before selling them on. Harold stood in front of Elena.-

"What is your name?"-When she spat at him he smiled a bit of spunk in this one's soul she even put up a bit of a fight a hand to her cheek shut her up quick.-"Careful i may let them sell yout o abrutal master in the heights."
As a soldier stood in front of her Elena felt a wave of fear run through her, she'd seen the devastation they'd brought to her city and was scared of what would happen to her now. He asked her name and instinctively she spat back at him, angry and defiant but his threat quickly subdued her. She'd forgotten for a brief moment that they were all about to be sold and realised how much power they had over where she ended up.

"No! I mean, please, don't. My name is Elena." She looked into the face of the man who held her rebelliously, trying not to look as scared as she felt.
-Harold smiled.-"I think i may keep you....not sure..."-opening her cell with the rest. They brought the girls to a giant bath to get them clean. Once done they had slave clothes and provocative outfits. There hair had to be done by the castle maidens who began to make them look nice and slutty to be sold.-
Elena was stunned as the soldier mentioned he might keep her, unsure whether that would be better or worse than being sold on. She and the other captives were herded into a castle to be washed and dressed and when they'd finished Elena barely recognised herself, looking more like a whore than the priestess she'd been. Starting to pull on the ropes holding her Elena jerked around trying to get free.
-The Auctions began as each slave was brought out one by one. Harold took Elena to the side stage and showed her.-"I think i will give you to that guy over there."-he pointed to a big nasty man.-"That is bad Master Gon he uses girls like you and beats them every time they do somethgin wrong let me put it to you this way...that is a lot of things.....I may keep you my self if you agree.....being a sex slave is a lot of fun the things i can make your pussy drip with."
"No!" Elena begged, "Please don't sell me to him, please, I don't want to be hurt. I'll stay with you but I've never..... I don't want to have sex, please, don't hurt me"

She looked at the soldier holding her in fear, not wanting to become a sex slave but certainly not wanting to be sold to the fat oaf who was likely to beat her, realising she had little choice about what was going to happen to her.
-Harold smiled.-"Don't worry....while you are with me you are mine and i willt ake care of you....bit you will be deflowered priestess."-catching the holy mark she took as a priestess he didn't notice till now.-"If that is what you wish you will be saved."-He brought her to her cage and locked her up until the end of the Auction.-
"I just want to go home" Elena begged as the soldier locked her into a cage. "I don't want this" she pleaded, but she knew from where she was and what he'd said that she was running out of options. She could see the other girls starting to be auctioned off already, leering men bidding for them, looking at them like they were pieces of meat, wanting to possess them and use them. At least the soldier had agreed to take care of her, which was probably the best she could hope for. Against her will she found herself hoping she did end up with him.
-The end of the Auction came hours later and Harold wa sback and open the cage.-"So your coming with me then. Don't worry i have a heart....I will allow you home....It isn't like i am a heartless man. But you are officially my slave if your good for me....I will let you go around yoru home."
Elena shivered in fear as the auction time gave her nothing to do but stand, her legs aching, watching the men gathered who looked with undisclosed lust at the slaves being sold. Each one was auctioned off and started to be collected, some going calmly, others dragged off with their new owners already pawing at their bodies. Elena could only imagine with dread what was to happen to them, and so to her.

The soldier returned and took Elena from the cage - she didn't dare fight in case her situation became even more dangerous so listened quietly as he told her what was to happen. Nodding she started to follow him.

"Yes.... sir, I don't want to be hurt, I'll obey"
-Harold smiled to the priestess.-"good then let's go."-the guard took her in to his own carriage for the ride home and smiled to her.-"while in here let's talk about your captivity with me. Once where at my place a collar goes around you and your mine. I am going to have to teach you about your carnal pleasures but I guess it will be worth it. I think deep down you will enjoy this."
Elena shivered when her 'buyer' mentioned owning her and carnal pleasures, not having a clue what to expect and fearful of what might happen, but having no choice in the matter.

"I will obey you but I don't understand how even I could force myself to enjoy it" she answered with a touch of rebellion. "I'm not supposed to be... close.... to a man, let alone be pleased about it."
"the Human body has natural instinct i am sure you are aware."-He took his cock out and smiled.-"Kneel before me and takt this in to your mouth."-Lowering her head slowly her nervious nature made her tense.-"If you do not relax your going to choke and not be able to please me."-Once she started to relax he looked ot her eyes.-"Lick it and suck it like Rock Candy."-Harold said h groaned as she was not bad so far. This was just the first stage in pleasing.-
The soldier drew out his hard length and Elena's eyes widened in fear and surprise but she did as he said to avoid any punishment. She slid the flesh between her lips and slowly started to obey his commands, licking along the shaft as well as she could, getting used to the odd new task.

The soldier groaned and Elena looked up through her eyelashes, hoping she wasn't displeasing him.
-He groaned again and smiled.-"So far your not bad for a Virgin Priestess....Keep going as you suck on it more try to take it deeper remember what i said if you relax you will won't hurt your self."