On the first Day of Christmas Osama brought to me...

One the second day of Christman Osama brought to me...

Two suicide jackets...
Oh boy, this is gonna take awhile.....:p

(but what you're saying with this thread basically contradicts what you've said elsewhere. If Osama is capable of bringing gifts, then he must be alive!!!)
My magnetic personality, eccentric thought patterns, the possibility of me trolling someone, and size 13 shoes...

I'll come back when you get to 12 virgins in paradise and sing the last bit with you.
Coolville said:
Oh boy, this is gonna take awhile.....:p

(but what you're saying with this thread basically contradicts what you've said elsewhere. If Osama is capable of bringing gifts, then he must be alive!!!)

RLMAO on that one...

As we say here in the Flatlands...

SINthysist said:
My magnetic personality, eccentric thought patterns, the possibility of me trolling someone, and size 13 shoes...


I wouldn't want you to change a think, SIN!

Hey, you stole my best line...

5 Rings of Power to Bind them all.

Yeah, it's wordy, but I'm working on it!

What think?


With a smarter person, it'd be called stream on conscience or some such happy horseshit...
SINthysist said:
What think?


With a smarter person, it'd be called stream on conscience or some such happy horseshit...

Then you could write a novel and retire. :)

G'mornin' bro.

SINthysist said:
My magnetic personality, eccentric thought patterns, the possibility of me trolling someone, and size 13 shoes...


So you're trolling Osama?:D
Morning bro! Farenheit 68, 'cause I'm just not that big a Ron Howard Fan. Something a little cooler for me, closer to the Cookoo's Nest...

Is that what Hanns is calling itself now?
SINthysist said:
Morning bro! Farenheit 68, 'cause I'm just not that big a Ron Howard Fan. Something a little cooler for me, closer to the Cookoo's Nest...

Is that what Hanns is calling itself now?

"Catcher in the Rye" is the proto I believe. :)

Hanns? Don't know what he's calling himself these days. I have his ass on ignore anyway. At least as far as Lit. is concerned.

I'm reconfiguring today so I can telnet into a friends Cisco 7620 access router and start having some real fun with IP's. Perhaps a Xmas gift for all Lit'ers. :D

Set up with a web site to 'publish' the results. No personal info at lit. ya know.

Ishmael said:

I'm reconfiguring today so I can telnet into a friends Cisco 7620 access router and start having some real fun with IP's. Perhaps a Xmas gift for all Lit'ers. :D

Set up with a web site to 'publish' the results. No personal info at lit. ya know.


And people call me a tease!;)
Bob Newhart ?

He was funny because he was so unfunny!


Have a great day, all.

MissT has to go bring home the bacon.

On the third day of Christmas Osama brought to me,
3 Molotov cocktails...
Hello all,

Morning AJ, Ish.

Glad to see the morning crew alive and kicking. I guess OBL hasn't gotten you yet.

Do you think gas masks could be on the list? Pretty please?