On line dating


Literotica Guru
Sep 28, 2000
Hi everyone. I'm trying to find ways to meet women for a legitimate long-term relationship. I really can't stand bars, and besides, I'm totally inept at meeting women anyway: "say, come here often?" does anyone have any experience with any kind of on-line dating? Any web site reccomendation? I'm in So. Cal. Thanks in advance!!
Well I met my wife online at Match.com, which seems odd. But, its worked for 3 years now and I have two more daughters. I'm happy with the service. :)
Good luck in your search. :) I met my man in a chat room on AOL a bit over two years ago. Various corners of the web have personal ads available, but Lit seems to be the only free one out there anymore. Yahoo and Love@AOL used to be free, but I don't believe either are anymore.
I think I've tried them all! *sigh*

The best I've had was at (I think) Matchmaker.com. Problem is, it has a limited trial period and then you have to start paying. I met a couple of men from there who were nice, even though we didn't "click".

I would stay away from AdultFriendFinder.com and sexyads. They basically have set themselves as sex personals. On AFF, from what I've gathered from the men that I've met from there, they feel overjoyed when they finally contact a real live woman. Most of the women setting up ads actually direct these men to websites where they are asked to pay - total scam. I've met a couple of men from sexyads, and they all turned out to be complete losers. I was told that most of the women on these two sites were "freaks" and "psychos". Well, that might be only in Calif, who knows?

I would suggest, if you really want to use an online service, to go to one that advertises as a dating service, and not an "adult" or "sex" site. You will probably have better luck, though you will have to pay. Unless you can contact lots of women in the free trial period they give you! ;)
If you like to chat try Yahoo chat rooms. Go to the romance section and find your state in locations. Have met many there for friendship nothing more yet but our group has local parties and such. A great way to meet others and for now its free. A way to get to know someone a little and see if you have anything in common before meeting.:)
I met my incredible man on MSN chat. That first night, we talked for five hours. Now we are inseparable. I've never met someone that I had so much in common with.

And we learned that by meeting over the internet, we didn't have to worry about the physical aspects: how we looked, the physical tension, none of that. We focused on what we had on the screen: feelings, thoughts, beliefs and just good conversation. All the rest came later. :)

It's an exceptional way to get to know someone. Go into the city chat of your choice, or under your interests, and read the profiles BEFORE you message them. That way, you have a good conversation starter.

To anyone who says that the internet isn't good for meeting people: my man and I will be married next year. He's the best thing that has ever happened to me. Thank God for MSN!

Good luck to you. :)

What a sweet reply. Thanks so much, and best of luck to you.
This is my story

I have found some luck at meeting mates online. But as I am male you compete more than necessary, and sometimes it takes more talking to get someone to meet ya.

I will now say this, some people I have met are awesome, and exactly what they say they are. There are others that lie like water is flowing down a fall. Be careful of everything, if it seems too good to be true it usually is.....(wow my mom and dad just came through me)

MatchDoctor.com is a site that is actually free. You can put up an ad, search and respond to ads for free and they also have a premium service you can pay for but don't have to. I met a very nice guy through the site about 6 months ago. We have a long distance relationship but have met in person three times. It's not easy meeting someone online, I waded through a lot of assholes before I found someone nice. Good luck!
I would say Match.com is a good place to try. Its free to put your ad up but if you want to contact other people, you have to pay. You can leave your profile up for free and let others come to you and the fact that they have to pay to email you sort of helps weed out the weirdos from the people who are serious. I've been on there for a few months and have met with only 1 person and had 2 potential meetings that didn't happen for one reason or another. Not really successful but its something.
I met my g/f on matchmaker.com. You're probably going to have to pay to meet someone. The male/female ratio is skewed, but it's not as bad as in years past. If you're serious about meeting someone, this is the way to go because you get to post a lot of information on yourself and can weed out people in many different ways.

Hope that helps.

I have tried quite a few of those online dating services, unfortunately there are more porn ads and fakers posted on them than real people.
So be carefull.
There are aproximately 2 women for every 11 men on them and
respectively in conjunction 9 fakers for all of those.

I tried Match maker but i have yet to get a single responce to my post or a reply to my messages.
Well there was 1 responce my ad but it was someone trying to sell me porn.
Or atleast thats what i figure considering the e-mail adress provided in the responce was one of those Jenny236797@hotmail.com things and the topic was picture exchange with someone from New York.

becarefull and try not to feel too dissapointed if and when it does not work.

There are also quite a few psychotic and dangerous individuals on those services so be avare of them as well.
Meat&Potatos said:
Well I met my wife online at Match.com, which seems odd. But, its worked for 3 years now and I have two more daughters. I'm happy with the service. :)

I also met my current boyfriend off of match.com... lovely site it is, lol.
I met my honey on **********, before it became a pay site... we've been together over a year now, and we're really happy. I met my ex-fiance (before my current SO) on excite.com, which has also become a pay site.
WOw! Vixenshe! What a great photo. any chance of seeing another...er...well...you know, one that has less....uh..well...cloth involved? Just wondering
About online dating.... haha well, I met my boyfriend online last Christmas. We talked for awhile and then physically met. We've been going out since January 4th so it'll soon be a year. My advice is just go with the flow and be yourself!! Love will eventually come to you!! Good Luck!
Not that I actually _do_ date online, but I'm interested in how the sites work...the thing that I like most about the Lit forum is that you get to know people mostly by interacting with them, not by reading some canned script about "who I am and what I'm looking for..." So chances are that when you approach someone, you already have a feel for their personality and interests, and looks become almost secondary.

I have not yet found another site where you can find people in your area, determine that you have some affinity through informal interaction like this, and THEN contact them personally.

I can vouch for nerve.com. Not only is it a great site for erotica stories and photos, but it's an interesting community.
I've only just registered but I've lurked for a long time here. This thread caught my eye. I'm currently dating someone LD who I met through the internet but not through one of these sites. I have a friend of mine who is interested so I am going to have to keep track of the responses here! Thanks!