On a rainy day...

I'm watching Jay and Silent Bob while working on my website and answering any PMs I get and ... oh, yeah, that too. :D
Open the windows and then snuggle up on the couch with a blanket and a good book.
Dietrich K. said:
I'm watching Jay and Silent Bob while working on my website and answering any PMs I get and ... oh, yeah, that too. :D

which jay and silent bob? strike back? or one of the jersey trilogy?

kevin smith kicks arse..


if its too cold out to play in the rain, like in the dead of winter, I write..
Okay...I'm snuggled on my couch with a blanket and a cup of chamomile tea. Playing hide and seek under the edge with my little son and studying a little. I have to admit I love the sound of the rain.
I'm doing "Strikes Back" right now. Finished "Dogma" about an hour ago. May do "Clerks" next.
Ideally? Stay in bed all day with that special someone - reading, talking, cuddling, playing, napping. Light some candles, turn the lights off and listen to the rain beating on the windows.
Snuggle in bed with company......if there is no company a book comes a pretty good second place.
Kiddie poem


Tiny little bug,
scurrying across the floor.
Merely seeking shelter,
as outside, it begins to pour.

The rain provides food,
to the flowers and the trees.
Nourishing all things living,
like the birds and the bees.

So next time you're stuck inside,
as the rain begins to fall.
Think of the ways we use water,
and try to name them all.
cutie pie said:
Ideally? Stay in bed all day with that special someone - reading, talking, cuddling, playing, napping. Light some candles, turn the lights off and listen to the rain beating on the windows.

I like this idea...hmm...need to find that damn sugar daddy soon!
Re: Kiddie poem

ShamelessFlirt said:

Tiny little bug,
scurrying across the floor.
Merely seeking shelter,
as outside, it begins to pour.

The rain provides food,
to the flowers and the trees.
Nourishing all things living,
like the birds and the bees.

So next time you're stuck inside,
as the rain begins to fall.
Think of the ways we use water,
and try to name them all.

Heya sweets, this is cute...did you have a good birthday?
a rainy day should include me, dancing with all my best friends, laughing and giggling, and singing along to the great music blasting from the stereo we set on my porch, filled with our favorite mix CD's. I'd be barefoot and barechested, the rain soaking my pants and my hair, with lots of puddles around to jump in.

it very rarely rains warm enough to do it here, and everytime it does, it's a memory that is etched in my mind forever, and I can't ever be sad on those days...
I love to send my kids to my sister's and then come home and grab a snack and a book and turn on my favorite classical CD and just listen to the rain pouring down while lounging on my bed. I have to admit I dont' always keep my hands on my book...Rain makes me horny. Reminds me of a long ago waterfall...
I love the rain, specially a cool rain. Snuggling on the couch under a warm blanket, the crackle of a fire heard through the smooth sounds of a nice jazz disc, or perhaps some Al Green a low volume. Hot tea, and a good book are good, but warm bodies and strong arms are better. Snuggling, talking, laughing, kissing, holding, touching these are all the wonderful things to do on the couch under a blanket while the rain falls outside.
Bindii said:
Snuggle in bed with company......if there is no company a book comes a pretty good second place.

Bindii, I am shocked.

I have never seen an Indian girl with light skin and blonde hair
Sad but true, Caly. Although the rain isn't falling and it is anything but cold down here, snuggles would be nice. ;)
I enjoy rainy days... at least I did when I lived in PA... doesn't seem to rain often enough here in CA. But when it does rain, I like to cook... bake actually... something about the heat of the oven, the smells throughout the house.. And it's great to have something to enjoy out on the patio when the rains over. Nothing smells like fresh rain and I enjoy being outside as soon as it's over..

cutie pie said:
Ideally? Stay in bed all day with that special someone - reading, talking, cuddling, playing, napping. Light some candles, turn the lights off and listen to the rain beating on the windows.

What she said.:)
I just thought of another favorite. Surrounding my bathtub with candles, then taking a nice long hot bubblebath while listening to it pour outside.