has turned copycatish here.

Someone made a snide comment about copycat threads, and they REALLY overdid it. hahaha. Monkey See, Monkey Do.

Vaguely amusing, Sorta like using cut and paste to put words in people's mouths in chatrooms.
*bratcat* said:

Dicks, newbies, oldies, ish ish ish...


Hey,one of the great human traits is the ability to adapt to any new situation.

Try me. :D
My Comment:

(might know I would have one LOL)....

There is little originality on the LIT General Board. There are many sycophants hanging on tiresome and redundant topics. Very little that is new. Also, what is wrong with "newbies?" They are the potential source for new thinking and original thread topics. Certainly, few here can take 100% honest thought. To offer it gets you either branded as a jerk or a troll. Maybe some open-minded newbies with some self esteem would be good here. :)