Olivianna's Guide to Warming the Hearts of Those You Love!


pee aitch dee
Dec 21, 2001
Be sure to drain off all excess blood, if you're worried about Kashrut. Marinating the heart for several hours in a melange composed of red wine and dried herbs will produce a delicious aroma when heated later. I prefer to cook over a gas stove, though electric will do if that's all you've got. Microwaves should be avoided completely. Internal organs are delicacies and should be treated as such - take the time to slow cook in a pan or at 325 degrees in the oven.
So you're saying this works better with the hearts of those you love rather than the hearts of people you just can't stand?
Angel said:
So you're saying this works better with the hearts of those you love rather than the hearts of people you just can't stand?

It depends on your preference, really. Some people live by the maxim "you are what you eat."

I would suppose that one could make the argument that it could work well in either case. Who am I to make the final judgment?
I hate it when you leave the hearts wrapped in tin foil in the back of fridge until they look like I don't know what.
is she trying to take Martha Stewarts place? I hear there is a spot open on the NYSE if this is the case.
Purple Haze said:
Any tips for backyard charcoal grilling?

First of all, you're using too much lighter fluid. And you gotta make a pyramid. You know what? Get out of there, let me do it...
Oooh, good recipe. I'll have to try that. Hey, PC, you gonna be busy this evening? Mind if I come over?
Problem Child said:

I'll take smarmy over dollie any month of the decade.

Smarmy's good. I wear the penguin to over-compensate for my lack of cuteness. I've got smarm up the wazoo.
KillerMuffin said:
Oooh, good recipe. I'll have to try that. Hey, PC, you gonna be busy this evening? Mind if I come over?

No. Tú tienes un germen mal en su cabeza.
Angel said:

Behave yourself, or I'll make you a PC dollie!

I'd rather you made me your personal fucktoy, but I'll take what I can get from the genius girl with the wonderful full breasts.
I have a bad germ in his head? Um. Okay...

Meecheehanan nomee spainuh halsoo upsuh.
Problem Child said:

Thank you for my new title. I think I like you.

I'm flattered (really). I like the editing job you did with it. Kazoo just sounds more sinister than wazoo.
KillerMuffin said:
I have a bad germ in his head? Um. Okay...

Meecheehanan nomul spainuh halsoo upsuh.

Su can mean his, her, its, their, and your.

I have no idea what you gibberished at me though.
Problem Child said:

I'd rather you made me your personal fucktoy, but I'll take what I can get from the genius girl with the wonderful full breasts.

I tried, but that hot Vixen chick keeps distracting me. Thank Gawd KM keeps getting in my way with that.

Olivianna said:

I'm flattered (really). I like the editing job you did with it. Kazoo just sounds more sinister than wazoo.

Actually that was my screw-up, but I think I'll keep it that way.
You need to speak more clearly for Babblefish, PC, otherwise you'll be mistranslated.

I only speak English and a non-romanized language so my gibberish is un-translatable to non-speakers. Sorry, baby.
Purple Haze said:
What, no worcestershire?

You're supposed to pierce the meat with a fork and marinate for three hours in the fridge, what's the matter with you? That's it, go inside and snap beans for your mother.
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KillerMuffin said:
You need to speak more clearly for Babblefish, PC, otherwise you'll be mistranslated.

I only speak English and a non-romanized language so my gibberish is un-translatable to non-speakers. Sorry, baby.

Shut up and say something really fucking nasty to me in Korean, you hot mama-san!