older women with older men


Owl of Minerva
Mar 23, 2012
It must happen... occasionally, anyway. Has anyone here had the experience of being one of the participants in sexual activity between a guy, say, over 40 and a gal over 40?
people over 40 do not have sex. it's illegal and immoral.
I just ignore what I don't like, unless I think I can make a funny. Stupid abounds in the world, can't escape it.

Thanks LadyVer, I'll try.:rose:
I just ignore what I don't like, unless I think I can make a funny. Stupid abounds in the world, can't escape it.

Thanks LadyVer, I'll try.:rose:

:) I think you have many threads to glean from on the gb. TTFN!
It must happen... occasionally, anyway. Has anyone here had the experience of being one of the participants in sexual activity between a guy, say, over 40 and a gal over 40?
What a strange question to ask, does sex stop at 40?

I hope not otherwise I have been living beneath my chronological age. (and enjoying it)

Whilst most old men crave a youthful partner, in reality it is more likely that they will attract an older lady, which isn't a bad thing.

But in answer to, I hope a tongue in cheek, question I plead guilty to the offence of having fun with a lady who has past her 40th birthday.
It must happen... occasionally, anyway. Has anyone here had the experience of being one of the participants in sexual activity between a guy, say, over 40 and a gal over 40?

I'm a old man as per your defination...

Sex with old women is okay, but I prefer young girls, they are more tender...:rolleyes:
Tender as in showing concern or sympathy?

Or tender as in easy to cut or chew?
Old gals require too much fussing with to be worth the game. They don't like themselves and construe attraction as critical scrutiny. WHAZZA MATTA? WHACHU LOOKIN AT?