Older than Dirt, fat, horny, married dude has a question for you ladies!


Really Really Experienced
Aug 7, 2000
Why is it that a sweet wonderful woman, regardless of her size, age, marital status or anything else can put an ad in these personals and immediately have a jam packed mailbox with horny guys of all sizes, ages, and marital status'? However, when an older than dirt, fat, married dude, or any other size or age or marital status dude, puts an ad in here his mailbox remains as empty as his wife's pussy.

Don't you ladies know that some of us are just as good lovers, fuck buddies, friends with benefits, romantically enlightened hard cocks, highly experienced love machines, extremely romantic tongue massagers, and even highly interested conversationalists on multiple subjects? Do you realize what you are missing with all the sexy, hard-bodied, thinking with only one head, slam-bam-thank-you-mam dudes you are searching the ads for?

Try this older than dirt, fat, married dude. You won't know until you try. I even cum with a money back garrantee. I used to be good, but I got better.

PM me if you think you can handle it. Hell, at least you will keep me from having to handle it so damn much.

If you have a long distance play partner, doesn't that mean you'll be handling it more?
YES, but "IT" can handle it, lol!

Matter of fact, since I have no clothes on right now I really am handling it, LOL.
OMG I can't believe it!

I can't believe you sweet ladies have allowed my post to make it to the second page.

Do you realize that I am 6'1" 220 lbs of handsome muscle, covered with 100 lbs that turns into cock, tongue and fingers at the stroke of midnight. What more could you want?
Thanks for the PMs

Thanks ladies for the great PM's. I am actually overwhelmed after writing such a truthful post. It is wonderful to meet ladies that like older than dirt, fat, married dude's (OTDFMD's). But hell, just remember, we need loving too and you would be surprised how much we will show our appreciation.

Isn't there anyone closer, say North Alabama/Tennessee. Don't get me wrong. I love to correspondand have a LDR, but it would be nice if I could actually meet someone for us to share in fulfilling our fantasies.
Still Me

I'm still older than dirt. I'm still fat (pleasingly plump if that sounds better than fat0. I'm still and always will be horny, at least until some sweet lady takes me under her wings and takes care of me. I am still married, and plan to remain so.

Now to why I am bumping this thread. I need to have my brains fucked out!!!!! Or, if that is too harsh, I need to make slow sweet love to a wonderful sweet lady friend and lay in her heavenly arms afterwards and whisper sweet nothings in her ear, and then maybe we could fuck our brains out, lol!!!!!
Thanks ladies for the great PM's. I am actually overwhelmed after writing such a truthful post. It is wonderful to meet ladies that like older than dirt, fat, married dude's (OTDFMD's). But hell, just remember, we need loving too and you would be surprised how much we will show our appreciation.

Isn't there anyone closer, say North Alabama/Tennessee. Don't get me wrong. I love to correspondand have a LDR, but it would be nice if I could actually meet someone for us to share in fulfilling our fantasies.

I sincerely wish I was only a ten minute drive away. I would make sure you never felt the need to come back here again.
Not to sound harsh as I dont know your circumstance. But have you talked with your wife about the need for more intimacy? Or tried things that might make her more romatically inclined?
Hi jaylips. I've wondered the same thing for a long time. I constantly read about how fat our world has become, and yet, it seems most on here are looking for washboard abs, lean & muscled arms and legs and the cutest butt cheeks in the world.

Hang in there my friend. There truly are those out there that realize not everyone is interesting and sculpted, some of us are actually human with a few years under our belts. One of those will mysteriously inbox you soon. :rolleyes:
Sorry, I'm not a lady (obviously) as you would prefer responding, but you seem to be bumping this thread; looking for answers that aren't coming up.

Why do women pay more money for their haircuts?
Why do women pay more money for underwear?
This list goes on (for both sexes).

There are inequalities in life. This is, for the most part, an irrefutable fact of life.

Why struggle with such weighty (no pun intended) matters and worry yourself to an early grave?
I'd suggest you consider yourself lucky that you found someone to marry, while the rest of us are still looking.

In my experiences, whiners and complainers usually go on being whiners and complainers about why they aren't happy when all they need to do is stop whining and complaining and just accept life as it is.

Most people become much happier after that.

Consider childhood characters: "Eeyore" and "Bad Luck Shlep-rock." How many kids really liked those characters or would hang out with them in real life?

I hate being a cheerleader, but turn your frown upside down and you'll probably find the answer to your own solution dude.
Sorry, I'm not a lady (obviously) as you would prefer responding, but you seem to be bumping this thread; looking for answers that aren't coming up.

Why do women pay more money for their haircuts?
Why do women pay more money for underwear?
This list goes on (for both sexes).

There are inequalities in life. This is, for the most part, an irrefutable fact of life.

Why struggle with such weighty (no pun intended) matters and worry yourself to an early grave?
I'd suggest you consider yourself lucky that you found someone to marry, while the rest of us are still looking.

In my experiences, whiners and complainers usually go on being whiners and complainers about why they aren't happy when all they need to do is stop whining and complaining and just accept life as it is.

Most people become much happier after that.

Consider childhood characters: "Eeyore" and "Bad Luck Shlep-rock." How many kids really liked those characters or would hang out with them in real life?

I hate being a cheerleader, but turn your frown upside down and you'll probably find the answer to your own solution dude.

<Applauds>...Well said ! If you want anything out of life don't wait for it to come to you. Go get it !!
You get out of things what you put into them. Cherry picking is no way to go through life. I'm not anywhere near the most attractive guy on earth, but I have a gorgeous, sexy wife because I started making the effort to be positive and confident, and negative and self-deprecating. You will be shocked at the caliber of women you find when you just make the effort to smile and engage them in a upbeat manner.
Ok, I am also an old, fat, married, horny guy. When I began reading the original post, I couldn't help but smile. Buddy you get points for honesty. It may not help a helluva lot, but you have other members of the same club.

And to all the lovely ladies of Lit, we thank you for being you as well.
hehe, his avie is a lil scary. No worries big guy, there are plenty of sweet young'uns who prefer older guys. I'm not keen on the married part if the wifey isn't part of the playtime though. I can go for cheating fantasy but not interested in being the home wrecker for real. Thank goodness my hubby loves to slut me out so it is impossible for me to cheat lol. In fact he is like 3000 miles away right now and just asked me to come on here and turn on the world if I could. I don't want to hijack but it doesn't look like you're on so I can't ask you about your wife, but any older guys who might want to play can PM me. 60+ would be good :) If I start my own thread i have to juggle too much and, well, I hope it wasn't rude to invite someone in this thread. And if your wife is okay with it I'd love to play with you sometime too hun.
More about me!

I just wanted to clarify some things about me. First, I would like to thank everyone who has commented to my post.

I am a very honest person. That does not stop with my wife! I am very honest with her also, so honest in fact that she knows not to ask me a question she feels like she will not like the honest answer to. If she asked me about my feelings for other women she would get the truth as she has already heard.

The only person I really want to romance, make love to and fuck is my wife and she knows that. I have had more discussions on this subject with her than I have fingers and toes to count. I have been to counseling concerning this and she has gone with me a few times several years ago. However, her answer is always the same when we discuss this, which is pretty regularly, and has been as soon as the last month. Her answer is, "I don't know what makes me feel this way. You know I love you." My answer is always, Yes, I know you love me, but I just need to feel that love by your actions, rather than just your words." I also can't count the number of times I have said that.

That is the reason I turn elsewhere. I neeeeed someone to want me as much as I want them and show it in their actions.

I hope this has clarified my situation better. I will be glad to discuss this more in detail to anyone who would like to know more.

Thank you again.:)
My avatar

I would like to clarify the reason for my avatar. That is really my hand holding the baby alligator. I don't want to show my actual picture for reasons of discretion, but I love animals and what better way can I say that than me holding a small baby alligator.

I might add that I have heard that animal lovers are usually good people lovers, lol:).