Old TV shows that provide a lot of Plot Bunnies

I wouldn't want to suggest that just possibly some of you were obsessed with television but if you wanted a fetish story, there it is . . .
Not as old as some of the other suggestions, but what about:

Empty Nest
M.A.S.H. is just one big plot bunny.

Battlestar Gallactica has tons of bunnies for interspecies sex.

So what about old movies that would be good fodder?
We haven't even started to touch all the gung-ho, military shows from the past...

*Rat Patrol...what happens in the desert, stays in the desert!

*McHale's Navy...you know how those navy boys are when they've been out to sea too long!

*Gomer Pyle USMC...just so many possibilities there!

And let's not forget the fetish groups:

*Ironsides...sex on wheels!

*Cannon...make the chubby-chasers happy!

*Quincey ME...even something for the necrophiliacs!