"old" net stories


In her dreams I hope
Jul 10, 2001
there are stories popping up here at Lit, and other places that I can't actually cofrim aren't by the people posting them, but some of them have been around on the net for years...

am I the only one noticting that?
other peoples stories

I think you should compile a list and tell Laurel by PM.
Re: other peoples stories

PAUL C said:
I think you should compile a list and tell Laurel by PM.

no offense but you may have missed the part that I have no proof they aren't the authors.

I just think it's quite odd that stories I read years & years ago, are just now popping up on Lit, as if they may be new stories...
Re: Re: other peoples stories

lobito said:
I just think it's quite odd that stories I read years & years ago, are just now popping up on Lit, as if they may be new stories...

Oh, dear. My plagaism is finally uncovered. I thought I'd waited long enough so everyone would forget.

Re: Re: other peoples stories

lobito said:
no offense but you may have missed the part that I have no proof they aren't the authors.

I just think it's quite odd that stories I read years & years ago, are just now popping up on Lit, as if they may be new stories...

Same title's or name changes?
same everything sometimes, but varies. Sometimes I dont' realize until I'm reading the story half way through, then it clicks, that I've read it before.

Titles almost have to be repeated just because. Stories don't have to be, if someone feels they need to pass someone elses work off as their own, then that's not saying much for that person.
Before everyone gets carried away with accusations of plagarism and other unsavory practices, I would like to sound a word of caution.

No doubt not everyone is an angel, and some people are capable of, and do, steal stories.

However I note Lobito says he becomes aware halfway through the story. Now there are only a small number of plots and a limited number of dramatic situations. There are even good character names and poor character names.

Therefore I would suggest in some, I hope many, cases it is that he has read a very simular story. If you read a lot of Romance Novellas - in the UK and NZ Mills and Boon is a largescale publisher of these - you will soon encounter the same situation, and know what will happen next.

jon:devil: :devil: :devil:
Thanks Jon, but I am actually talking about the SAME story in these instances, not similair stories. It just takes time to jog a memory form several years earlier.

There are stories here on Lit about how copycay sites are using the stories form authors here, and posting under the same or different author names even. That's stealing for sure.

As I've pointed out a few tiems, I can't guarantee the people posting aren't the same authors, BUT if they are, they aren't using the author names in some cases that was on the original stories I'm sure.

It'd be easy to post a story found anywhere else on the net, and say, hey this is my story, and it not even be questioned.
lobito said:
Thanks Jon, but I am actually talking about the SAME story in these instances, not similair stories. It just takes time to jog a memory form several years earlier.

As I've pointed out a few tiems, I can't guarantee the people posting aren't the same authors, BUT if they are, they aren't using the author names in some cases that was on the original stories I'm sure.

You may be sure but are probably mistaken. There's no way you can reasonably identify a number of stories as the same as ones you've read ten years ago. A single story that left an impression on you maybe. A bunch of them? I don't think so.

If you think you remember a story, give some info about the author or title or location as you remember them. Without any such detail, as Jon says, it's more likely than not that the stories are similar (be it the general plot idea and maybe the writing style or some expressions) but not the same.

It's so good to see people telling me I'm essentialy wrong, and that some of you know what I've read & haven't read. I certainly didn't say ten years ago, or a specific number of years.

I didn't make this info up, just for a debate on whether I've read the same stories at 2 different times. If I said I've read ths story before then I read the story before.

I'm not going to restate info I said in my earlier psots, if you didn't read my posts fully, then it's your problem for just jumping in & assuming.
I am one(at least), of those that have posted edited stories here, after submiting them to other sites.

Two of the stories I had posted to other sites were "UNDER AGE" for Lit, so I edited them to remove/change ages. Both have mid 4 ratings.
That happens to me all the time with published short stories, "oh, yeah, I remember this story now. I read this in high school." I don't see why the situation is so hard to imagine. Why is it harder for people to believe that someone has seen some of the same stories before than to believe that anonymous porn authors have either submitted work to more than one place or stolen work from elsewhere (which is something we've seen a lot of around here, apparently)?
Hey there Lo.:cool: I used to do a fair bit of reading at another site which shall remain nameless out of respect for the anti spamming rule here. Lately I have noticed a lot of the authors that used to post there popping up on Lit and submitting stories that I read on the other site years ago.

Could this be what you are seeing? And how are ya man? Long time no see.:D
Basically, if you post it here on the net somebody is going to steal it

if you want to keep the basic copywrite then you have to leave out large chunks (if its a longer work) or just resign yourself to the theft

unfortunate but true
lobito said:
It's so good to see people telling me I'm essentialy wrong, and that some of you know what I've read & haven't read. I certainly didn't say ten years ago, or a specific number of years.

I didn't make this info up, just for a debate on whether I've read the same stories at 2 different times. If I said I've read ths story before then I read the story before.

I'm not going to restate info I said in my earlier psots, if you didn't read my posts fully, then it's your problem for just jumping in & assuming.

Could I make a suggestion? Why not look through the story until you find an unusual or unique line and use it to do a Google Search. That way you might be able to find the original version of the story you read here. Then you could email that author and see if someone is ripping them off or if possibly they've reposted under another name.
