Old-Fashioned Manhood


On the Downbeat
Sep 12, 2001
I was going through some old stuff a couple of days ago and I ran across some notes I had taken back in my teenage years. They were from a "youth leadership conference" I had attended with others from my church and the subject was on what kind of qualities make a "man".

Now, of course, some of these are very much tilted toward the particular religious belief of the folks giving the conference back then. I do think, though, that most of them hold true.

What Qualities Make a Man?

1 - He promises only rarely and keeps his promises above all else. A man should do what he says he will do, when he says he will do it.

2 - A man is temperant. Overindulgence is a sign of a weak will.

3 - A man is a master of his own actions and takes responsibility for them.

4 - A an is a master of his own thoughts and endeavors each day to make his thoughts pure and oriented toward certain goals.

5 - A man treats women with deference, respect, and honor.

6 - A man pays his debts on time. If he finds financial difficulty, he makes every effort to make arrangements with those he owes and works as hard as he must to pay them quickly and completely.

7 - A man does not demand respect. He commands it through his words and actions.

8 - A man treats everyone fairly, as he would want himself treated by them.

9 - A man is charitable and generous. Stinginess is a sign of weak character.

10 - A man is well-groomed and clean.

11 - A man dressed neatly and modestly. Even when wearing casual clothes, a man will make sure they are in good condition and clean.

12 - A man leads with action. Words are never enough.

13 - A man bears responsibility for his household. If it goes astray, he bears the burden for it.

14 - A man should listen at least three times more than he speaks.

15 - A man protects those weaker than himself.

There are more, but I didn't find the second page. I'll spare you the sub-notes I made for each point. They're all Biblical and stuff. :)
Sounds decent enough. I may wear stockings, but by God, they are clean stockings.
That's pretty much the way I was trained in manhood by my dad, our church, the boy scouts...I must forward copies of that to the people that owe me money.
This is all very true...kinda reminds me of my Dad, and few other special men.
You don't find many of those qualities these days. Sad, really.

Good call, Jim
intrigued said:
This is all very true...kinda reminds me of my Dad, and few other special men.

Yeah, I was raised to be a dinosaur, really.

Oddly enough, I found tonight a book I got at that conference that, though parts of it are dated, really should be read by a lot of guys I know.
JazzManJim said:

13 - A man bears responsibility for his household. If it goes astray, he bears the burden for it.

I think we've already had a full-blown discussion on this one .. *ahem*

The rest seem pretty much, not so much what is a "man" but what is a "decent person"

Well, except for the part about purity of thought. That's highly overrated, in my opinion.
Okay, simple math here. If every man were to listen at least three times as much as he talks, I s'pose we all know who's supposed to be doing all the talking, right?


Actually, Jim, those are great values for everyone. Nice job.
Starblayde said:
We can try to live up to those, but they're best if they come naturally

What do you mean?

JMJ...I'm not sure what you meant about the dinosaur.....:)
intrigued said:
What do you mean?

Some guys go that naturally, without any hesitation or thought.

Other guys will see those points and think "That's right, I should be more like that"

Thats what i mean
1 - He promises only rarely and keeps his promises above all else. A man should do what he says he will do, when he says he will do it.

"But I say to you, do not swear at all: neither by heaven, .... But let your "Yes" be "Yes," and your "No," "No." For whatever is more than these is from the evil one."
Matthew 5.33-37 (The Christian Bible)

A yes or no is as good as a promise. I guess that goes with number 1.

3 - A man is a master of his own actions and takes responsibility for them.

My Dad also used to tell me "Don't complain and don't explain." I guess that goes with number 3.

A man doesn't make excuses for his behavior, or try to justify a wrong that is done.

For example, if one is late, it is disrespectful to launch into an explanation of why one is late. If there is an emergency, you say what you must--but otherwise, it is most polite to simply say: "I'm sorry that I am late. I hope you weren't too inconvenienced--" or something to that effect.

Personally, I would rather not advertise such a personal weakness (in that I cannot plan for minor contingencies) anyway.

I also consider complaining about everyday occurances a sign of weakness and a character problem. Complaining about everyday circumstances that one cannot change only serves to lower the mood of oneself and of those within earshot. It is considerate to put on a cheerful face.

15 - A man protects those weaker than himself.
My Dad told me that I need to be respectful of my own physical strength, and to treat others as gently as they require.

8 - A man treats everyone fairly, as he would want himself treated by them.
My stepmother taught me that one should never throw or give up a game because it is better to receive an honest defeat than a false victory.
intrigued said:
JMJ...I'm not sure what you meant about the dinosaur.....:)

Just that I'm nearly extinct in the world. There aren't many who actually take thigns like those points to heart. And they get fewer and fewer the more they're not appreciated. :)
Great post Jim. I, for one, would like to see more MEN around, and fewer boys.
Starblayde said:
We can try to live up to those, but they're best if they come naturally

It's posts such as this that reminds me why I :heart: you.

You do enjoy melting me, don't you?

Makes one think of what qualities it took to become a knight, and those qualities which is becoming of a man. Were these an honor or requirement? Of those qualities to be bestowed upon your son, by of course your dad. However, society as it is, and familes as they are, those magnanimous qualties are left to be taught sometimes by women, other times by nobody at all. It would seem if some men were not too selfish to reguard this honor of bearing a child as such a sanctimonious endevor, then perhaps they could live up to those words which bear meaning to whom they have become.

Then again you have this phlight of america, let me digress. My brother recently parked beside a car, and his 5 year old daughter opened the door wide. He quickly noticed a ding in the car door beside him, he assumed his daughter did it, but since he didn't actually see the accident he wasn't sure. He then took a business card, and wrote on the back that he was sorry he hit the car door, and said he would honor the fixing of the repair. Honorable correct? However, this is what ensued. The person called him up, cursed him out for hitting her brand new car(just a kia, but still), and made demands. She then went and got an estimate, and demanded he replace the complete door, and that it would cost upwords of $500. The point of this story is this, that by doing the honorable thing someone saw this as a way to take advantage of someone else.

It is sad when being a man, is slighted by those who do not appreciate this honor. Saddly enough, he will not be so honest in the future.
JMJ, you may think you're a dinosaur, but I'm doing my damnedest to raise a dinosaur too. I'm trying very hard to raise my son to be a man. I only hope he learns what I can teach him.
he'll be a man if you teach him right SC... it's working so far with my nephew and he's one of the sweetest (and most polite) 6 year olds there are.
I was raised by drug addict parents who didn't give a shit about me, and I was never taught morals, or religion... but somehow, I ended up as a person of extreme moral values... my own, not Christianity's by the way. My values might be different then other peoples, but my convictions are what make me, me. I will never back down from them, for without Honor... we have nothing.
JazzManJim said:
14 - A man should listen at least three times more than he speaks

this one is easy, I am always holding the remote looking for something else to watch....