
Lost Cause

It's a wrap!
Oct 7, 2001
Smoking a cigarette..."Prepares my lungs for the future environment.

The last mistake I made..."Was logging on when I have To be somewhere else."

The mistake I'm doomed to repeat..."Is logging on when I have to be somewhere else."

If Laurel lived next door..."She would have called the cops on me a dozen times."

Can someone..."Mow my lawn?"

Making money is like..."Trying to empty a lake with a spoon."

If I went to lunch with Saddam Hussein I'd ask him..."How the hell do we dig our way out of here?"

The coolest dude on the planet..."Is equal to the shinest fish in the aquarium."

Fat chicks..."Use more soap."

The one person on Literotica..."That can't laugh, belongs somewhere else."

I wear..."Aluminum foil to confuse the NSA spy satellites."
The one person on Literotica..."That can't laugh, belongs somewhere else."

I wear..."Aluminum foil to confuse the NSA spy satellites." [/B][/QUOTE]


2.hey hey.