Okay how the heck are you all posting links


Really Experienced
Jan 17, 2002
Every time i try to post a link to a certain page it would let me
i'm wondering if im doing something wrong or...
well i hope someone can help me out.
help is on the way

Hey Christy,
when you are writing a post there is a bar directly above the type window and it is called the vB Code. If you click the button that says http:// it will open a pop-up window that first asks for the name of the link, so enter your story name, then click ok. A second pop-up will appear asking for the link. Enter the link there and click ok, then it will enter the code in to you post.

When I do a link for my story I usually go to the Erotic Couplings section and right click on my story and copy the link, then paste it to the pop-up window. It would probably be easier to just write it down, but I have lots of time. lol. Any more questions? I hope this helps you.

-Tim (niceguy2002tim)
My Story: A College Girl to be... <-- see a good link, click it! =)
thanks but not what im looking for...

Im looking for how to get a link to a page in my story
like a linkto the magic shop page
in the address badd all i get is this
and that doesn't seem to take you anywhere
thank you all
I understand!

I do not know exactly how to do it, but I can give you an alternative.

Say you want the link for the Magic Shop page. My best idea would be, if you wrote that page yourself, to go to my threads and open it. It will be open so you can modify the thread. If you right click on the "view previous thread" link, it will give you the page before the Magic shop page. I suppose you could use it.

That is my thoughts. Sorry I can't help ya more.


A College Girl to be...
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The site is pretty buggy now, for some reason... :(

You must first find the story id. You can find it by opening the first page of the story (look in the address bar, it is pretty obvious). After a point, the address switches to "?", as was pointed out. You then have to go to "My Threads", find the thread you want, open it, click on "Previous thread", replace {STORY_ID} in the address bar with the story number you found previously, hit enter, check if it is what you want, THEN you can cut-and-paste that address to the message board.


And if it's someone else's thread, you can still do it, using View Source on the page. Basically all Chyoo threads have the same form, with two bits that vary, the STORY_ID and the NEXT_ID.


is a URL that points to one of my stories.

If you peek inside the source of a Chyoo thread page ("View Source" on a browser) being read as part of a story, you see a little block of lines that looks like this:

<form action="?" method="post">
<input type="hidden" name="dx" value="r">
<input type="hidden" name="story_id" value="907">
<input type="hidden" name="thread_id" value="6941">
<input type="hidden" name="parent_id" value="6589">

Grab the story_id=907. Use the thread_id=6941 for your next_id, and you get:


Which if you turn it into a link with [ URL=http://... ] and [ /URL ], and add a label in between, it ends up as:

You decide to get some sunglasses

A definite pain :rolleyes: but it's kind of the way I do it for people's new contributions to my stories. Of course I used to get paid to read through this kind of stuff.

I would have used your "magic shop" page as an example but I hunted around for a while in A Day At The Stone Wall Mall and couldn't find it. It's a big story. You've inspired quite a lot of writing!

Best. Hope this was more helpful than blather.

- Zingiber
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