"Okay, everybody out of the pool."


Riding to the Rescue
Jan 25, 2002
the lifeguards are shorthanded one day, so they assign the 16 year old to watch the swimmers, out of the pool and the story, during lunch break.
What do the 18+ lifeguards get up to in their locker room during "lunch"?
the lifeguards are shorthanded one day, so they assign the 16 year old to watch the swimmers, out of the pool and the story, during lunch break.
What do the 18+ lifeguards get up to in their locker room during "lunch"?
Gotta find a dirty pun on 'shorthanded'.
why do we need a 16 year old in the story?
to explain why she does not join the lunch munch bunch but gets assigned to babysit. I suppose the lifeguards could be all 18+ and draw straws to see who babysits...
to explain why she does not join the lunch munch bunch but gets assigned to babysit. I suppose the lifeguards could be all 18+ and draw straws to see who babysits...
If you do the draw-straws or a less appealing adult stuck watching the store, perhaps the stuckee could gain credit from the others - a high profile drowning save, or preventing theft or something?
Oh, they stop the pretty/ditzy one’s mistake from causing harm - massive overchlorination, or leaving a wet towel dripping into an outlet
to explain why she does not join the lunch munch bunch but gets assigned to babysit. I suppose the lifeguards could be all 18+ and draw straws to see who babysits...
I get that's technically the reason, I'm just saying if anyone were to run with this idea the way the site works sometimes is the age alone-whether around sex or not-can get kicked back.

Just have the new lifeguard be some 18 year old nerd they stuck there while the 'cool kids' have some fun.
I get that's technically the reason, I'm just saying if anyone were to run with this idea the way the site works sometimes is the age alone-whether around sex or not-can get kicked back.

Just have the new lifeguard be some 18 year old nerd they stuck there while the 'cool kids' have some fun.
... and then the newbie saves the day, one way or the other. The cool kids either owe the newbie (male or female) a favor to keep their yap shut, or are impressed, or both.

Hrm! Could make an interesting female-led free-use scenario! Can't remember seeing many of those...
These guys are correct. The mods will kick it back if there's even a mention of an underage character. My first submission was a first-person narrative of an eighteen-year-old's story in which he remembers back to lusting for a woman when he was a teenager. Denied.

Just do yourself a favor and modify the story to fit the rules.