Ok, who here besides me........

La Huesera

see how high she flies
Aug 24, 2001
Has a cold from hell. What are you doing for it. I am fixing to take some Nyquil and hit the bed. Hubby fixed me home made chicken soup for supper... should be feeling better in the morning.
Hot buttered rum is every bit as effective as that sissy NyQuil Lite stuff, but tastes much better. Try it, you'll like it.
Boil some water.


Put a tablespoon of brown sugar in the bottom of a glass or mug. Fill it most of the way with the boiling water. Dump in a shot of rum. Float a slice of butter on top (it will melt quickly, of course) then sprinkle on a bit of nutmeg. Hold it in your hands to warm up until it cools down enough to drink. Warm up drinking it.
LukkyKnight said:
Boil some water.


Put a tablespoon of brown sugar in the bottom of a glass or mug. Fill it most of the way with the boiling water. Dump in a shot of rum. Float a slice of butter on top (it will melt quickly, of course) then sprinkle on a bit of nutmeg. Hold it in your hands to warm up until it cools down enough to drink. Warm up drinking it.

I use honey instead of brown sugar, but it does help.
I just got over the worst part of an autumn cold a couple of days ago. It had hold of me for about a week. Mostly, I took daytime cold medicine as directed and drank Echinacea Tea. The aroma of the tea brewing did wonders for clearing up my stuffy head and the honey I put in it made me feel absolutely scrumptuous.

At night, I bundled up, snuggled into bed, took my cold medicine and slept as best I could. The worst part of every day was, no surprise, first thing in the morning. Then again, tha's always the worst part of the day for me.
LK, Wouldn't a hangover be worse in the long run?

*Am I being stalked?*
Mona said:
LK, Wouldn't a hangover be worse in the long run?

*Am I being stalked?*
A hangover would be unfortunate indeed, Mona, so I advocate stopping after two unless you have a demonstrated tolerance for such things.

Now, who might be stalking you? Shall I draw my trusty pig sticker and run somebody through in defense of your honour?
Has anyone tried Zicam Nasal Gel/spray? I was thinking about getting some to have on hand for the next cold...

When you have a child, there is always a next cold...
I have been drinking green tea and taking Echinacea pills.(do those things help at all?) I don't have any rum, but I have vodka..can I use that?
La Huesera said:
I have been drinking green tea and taking Echinacea pills.(do those things help at all?) I don't have any rum, but I have vodka..can I use that?
Whoa, I suppose you "can" but your mileage may vary and it voids the warranty.
I have had an ear infection from hell for about 3 months. Nothing is getting rid of it. And I refuse to take any antibiotics.

My daughter also has one... so we are on the same regimine. Ibuprofen and a decongestant. Hopefully it clears up soon.
LukkyKnight said:
Whoa, I suppose you "can" but your mileage may vary and it voids the warranty.

at this point I feel as like my odometer has flipped over...my tires are flat... and I need a paint job. Don't think it could make me feel worse.
Paint job.

Start with the toenails. Let me know if you need help - I also unflip odometers.
I can use all the help I can get with the paint job. But first, can you see whats making that *tick tick tick* sound under my hood?