OK, what the heck is Boxing Day?


Just a bit tied up...
Nov 27, 2000
I've heard of it, it's on the day after Christmas. But what does it mean?

And yeah, I'm sure this has been asked before.
I wondered too. And searched on google.


"Boxing Day originated in England in the middle of the nineteenth century under Queen Victoria. December 26th became a holiday as boxes were filled with gifts and money for servants and tradespeople.

Also, poor people carried empty boxes from door to door, and the boxes were soon filled with food, Christmas sweets, and money. Parents gave their children small gifts such as, oranges, handkerchiefs, and socks. People also placed old clothing that they didn't need anymore in boxes, and they were given to those in need.

Today, Boxing Day is a holiday in the United Kingdom, Canada, and many other Commonwealth nations. It is spent with family and friends at open gatherings with lots of food, fun, and the sharing of friendship and love.

While government buildings and small businesses are closed, the malls are filled with people either exchanging gifts or buying reduced priced Christmas gifts, cards, and decorations.

Throughout the Christmas season, many organizations follow the original tradition of Boxing Day by donating their time, energy, and money to fill the Food Bank, provide gifts for children who live in poverty, or to help an individual family who is in great need at the time."

ahhhhh, thank you, debbiexxx.

For some reason I was thinking it was the day you boxed up all your relative's/guest's belongings and sent them on their way. ROFL.


Rather a nice tradition, actually.
Also in days before social welfare, churches had alms boxes where visitors left money as an offering. The day after Christmas Day was when the contents of these boxes were distributed among the parish needy.
An answer from a Canuck

Most Canadians don't see it that way debbiexxx. But good answer. I'm sure I've heard that some time ago but here's what I think of Boxing day.
You know how crazy the days leading up to Christmas can be? Why not split the day into two days? My family is so large I spend xmas eve, xmas, and Boxing day going around to family dinners. If I only had one day to do it I'd be going crazy. B-day is a recognized holiday so those that do work get extra cash for their efforts.
Boxing day is a huge day for shopping. My bro is going out today to take advantage and my salesman roomate is going to make a killing on sales today.
Boxing day is no big deal, but it does make the holidays easier.
Wow, I'm surprised to hear it's such a big shopping holiday for so many people. Here in London, most everything is closed until tomorrow, when the big winter sales start. I though Boxing Day was essentially a sedate kind of day, meant for pure laziness, really.
peachykeen said:
Wow, I'm surprised to hear it's such a big shopping holiday for so many people. Here in London, most everything is closed until tomorrow, when the big winter sales start. I though Boxing Day was essentially a sedate kind of day, meant for pure laziness, really.

It's really an open day here. What ever you feel like doing really. But the common 9-to-5 people usually don't work. People start lining up at stores early . My roomate had to be at work for six am. (he's in electronics). I'll probably work tonight. I don't really follow anyone's sched but my own ;)
I thought it was the day you took all the left over boxes from Xmas and put them out at the curb for the garbage man to pick up??? :D
I always figured it was in relation to "boxing up" all the crap presents you got (sox, undies, ties) and trying to get refunds on them, for useful stuff like alcohol and porn mags!!

Just my .05cents...Reduced for Boxing Day to .025cents

Gotta love the Boxing Day sales tho Debs......

Happy Boxing Day to ALL.....:kiss:
peachykeen said:
Wow, I'm surprised to hear it's such a big shopping holiday for so many people. Here in London, most everything is closed until tomorrow, when the big winter sales start. I though Boxing Day was essentially a sedate kind of day, meant for pure laziness, really.

some shops are open here :) im not working today though

usually its a day when we see the extended family but we're having it as a pure laziness day which is nice and fine by me :)

i love boxing day almost as much as christmas