OK take your famous President...


The 'Euro' European
Feb 18, 2001
Do you know what he announced today, you probably don't..

Not verbatim...But he will not allow the Kurds in Northen Iraq set up their own autonomous and independent State...

That cunt you've got as a President will do anything to make sure that he can launch an attack against Iraq from Turkey

So why don't you miles, Texan, and all the other arsehole Bush lickers admit it...

Bush is completely the wrong man to be President...

He should be in an asylum...

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p_p_man said:
Do you know what he announced today, you probably don't..

Not verbatim...But he will not allow the Kurds in Northen Iraq set up their own autonomous and independent State...

That cunt you've got as a President will do anything to make sure that he can launch an attack against Iraq from Turkey

So why don't you miles, Texan, and all the other arsehole Bush lickers admit it...

Bush is completely the wrong man to be President...

He should be in an asylum...


I have to agree with you p_pman but don't forget that we got Blair who is dancing to Bush's tune.:(

Bring back Tony Benn
Back to basics.....

Iraq is to remain a single nation, with a representative parliment in Baghdad. We know what happens to Balkanized countries, highly instable. We don't want to stay any longer than is needed to let the exiled leadership to assumed democratic control in the capital. President Bush has said this in several speeches, but your contempt for him personally, has made you all ignorant of the objective.
Bush doesn't want the Kurds of northern Iraq to unite with the Kurds of eastern Turkey and fight Turkey for independence and a Kurdish state. Bush also doesn't want to get into the mess of redrawing national borders, and creating new countries. Bush wants to get rid of Saddam, not make new countries.

ppman, you'd bitch if Bush wanted to let the Kurds set up their own country, and you bitch when he won't.
Disclaimer: I'm just here to blow a kiss to Texan. I don't do political threads. Ever. My bag's kink and y'all know it.

Texan, hello. It's wonderful to see your name here and to have another chance to brush up against your fine mind, however slight is that contact.
cymbidia said:
Disclaimer: I'm just here to blow a kiss to Texan. I don't do political threads. Ever. My bag's kink and y'all know it.

Texan, hello. It's wonderful to see your name here and to have another chance to brush up against your fine mind, however slight is that contact.

Cym darlin, I'm so glad to see you on Lit. I am trying to spend a little time in other places than political threads, so maybe we'll get a chance to twist our minds together again sometime. :) a little "twist" is good.

don't be a stranger. ;)
Texan said:
Cym darlin, I'm so glad to see you on Lit. I am trying to spend a little time in other places than political threads, so maybe we'll get a chance to twist our minds together again sometime. :) a little "twist" is good.

don't be a stranger. ;)
Differences are good, Texan.
I'll just pop into the threads i see you're a part of anyway, just for a quick hello. Maybe we can get something good in the science arena going again sometime. I miss those kinda threads.
You people actually expected that fascist asshole Bush to back democracy???? He wasn't elected President in a democratic fashion, so what would make you think that he'd support it elsewhere in the world?
Texan said:
Bush doesn't want the Kurds of northern Iraq to unite with the Kurds of eastern Turkey and fight Turkey for independence and a Kurdish state. Bush also doesn't want to get into the mess of redrawing national borders, and creating new countries. Bush wants to get rid of Saddam, not make new countries.

I can see that in Bush's simplistic view of how things are that by taking away one leader and his supporters you're not going to create power vaccuums to be filled by anyone who wants to take over.

But that's the trouble with Bush, his views are too simplistic for this world...

p_p_man said:
I can see that in Bush's simplistic view of how things are that by taking away one leader and his supporters you're not going to create power vaccuums to be filled by anyone who wants to take over.

But that's the trouble with Bush, his views are too simplistic for this world...

Whose views are simplistic?

Your obsession with GWB is weird. You don't seem to have a clue about American government. It isn't a monarchy. Refer to H.J. Res. 114, Oct. 10, 2002.

The current situation is in contrast to Bush Sr., who made it clear that he would save Plutocracy in Kuwait regardless of what the US Congress thought about it.
Byron In Exile said:
Whose views are simplistic?

Your obsession with GWB is weird. You don't seem to have a clue about American government.

Someone has finally captured the essence of pp.

A waste of skin.
Byron In Exile said:
Whose views are simplistic?

Your obsession with GWB is weird. You don't seem to have a clue about American government. It isn't a monarchy. Refer to H.J. Res. 114, Oct. 10, 2002.

The current situation is in contrast to Bush Sr., who made it clear that he would save Plutocracy in Kuwait regardless of what the US Congress thought about it.

Aw, c'mon guys . . . the prize is 112 BILLION barrels of proven oil reserves with a production cost of less than a dollar a barrel . . . and a further 112 BILLION barrels of unproven oil reserves . . .

The successful regime in Iraq is the one which will give the U$ oil corporations complete control over those oil reserves for no cost . . .

The weapons business is a futile smoke screen because both the U$ government through the CIA and U$ corporations provided most of the weapon systems that Iraq has . . .

A war is the only way that the U$ can displace the legitimate contracts already drawn up with the constitutionally elected government of Iraq by French and Russian oil corporations, and the Chinese are interested as well . . .

The Kurds are merely worthless pawns in the international chess game of controlling oil reserves . . . they have been double crossed by the U$ when Saddam HUssein was given back his helicopter gunships, in 1991 and again when the uprising failed in 1996 and now again with the "post-Saddam" regime plans for 2003 . . . <When will they ever learn . . . thanks Pete Seeger>

Saddam Hussein was a Bagdhad guttersnipe put into power by the CIA to protect the Middle East from the Mullahs of Iran . . . also put into power by the CIA . . . why doesn't AmeriKKKa do us all a big favour and stay home with their empty oil wells and inefficient primary industries and polluting secondary industries . . .

Did you know that the great bastion of free enterprise, the Boeing Corporation, has about 60% of its work building planes done in . . . PR China . . . because it is cheaper than doing the work in the U$ . . . so much for the American Way of doing business . . . :)
Cuckolded_BlK_Male said:
You people actually expected that fascist asshole Bush to back democracy???? He wasn't elected President in a democratic fashion, so what would make you think that he'd support it elsewhere in the world?

Ding!!! We have a winner......
Originally posted by yayati
i am not the type of person who is gonna argue so end of discussion, if ur last statement makes u happy, then a candy for u!
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p_p_man said:
Do you know what he announced today, you probably don't..

Not verbatim...But he will not allow the Kurds in Northen Iraq set up their own autonomous and independent State...

That cunt you've got as a President will do anything to make sure that he can launch an attack against Iraq from Turkey

So why don't you miles, Texan, and all the other arsehole Bush lickers admit it...

Bush is completely the wrong man to be President...

He should be in an asylum...


im glad we didnt vote for him
Originally posted by yayati
u dint read my message i said end of discussion....u guys are so pedantic its untrue....typical of a feminists etc daym lets bring the topic under discussion back to the real issue or ima shut this operation down....
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