ok, so let's address this whole '87,000 new IRS hires with gunz coming for YOU' crap


High on a Hill
Jul 2, 2009


"The 87,000 figure does exist, buried within a May 2021 Treasury Department report when the Biden administration was pushing a bigger spending bill with the same $80 billion IRS funding," Reuters noted Friday. "The report estimated the money could fund 86,852 full-time hires through 2031."

But the actual net increase in staff would be much lower, as the IRS expects more than 50,000 aging Baby Boomer employees to retire over the next half-decade.

In addition to an unspecified number of new revenue agents—there were 8,321 in fiscal year 2021—the agency is looking to hire tens of thousands of new information technology specialists and customer service personnel who can create a user experience more akin to online banking, Natasha Sarin, Treasury counselor for tax policy and administration, told Reuters.

There are 2,100 special agents in the IRS Criminal Investigation branch who are authorized to carry firearms, but right-wing assertions that all 87,000 new hires would be auditors, criminal enforcement agents, or armed are "deeply dangerous nonsense—and false," said Sarin.

Congressional republicans saw that there were 16,000 fewer employees in 2021 than had existed in 2010

the people being targeted are those wealthy who employ convoluted tactics and shady filings to avoid paying their dues, dues that account for a huge chunk of the $600 billion annual 'gap'

there's more, but i don't expect the truth-challenged to bother reading it all
butters is so poor that she knows they will come for her last
this explains her attitude so smug
The Democrats see the IRS as a reliable source of Brown Shirts aimed at Republicans.
They feel that they have successfully weaponized it and that they have the tiger by the tail.

This is why they want to grow it, it has nothing to do with any imagined increase in revenues because that Democrats are married to the economic school that says, if government needs more money, it can just print it because money supply has nothing to do with inflation (inflation is nothing more than demand in this school of unicorn economics) and everything to do with buying votes. When people have more dollars, they feel richer and if the Democrats are about anything, it's a fistful of dollars, or, for a few dollars more. Abolish the IRS? Go ahead, make their day...
Government is a vampire, and it continues its unholy existence by sucking taxes out of your wallet.

No amount of taxation will ever be enough. There is no point where Congress will run out of pet projects and pork to spend your money on.

I personally don't believe that many Congresspeople have malicious intent, quite the opposite. I think that most members of Congress are good people with good intentions, but that's what they say about the road to Hell.

The power wielded by the government is as useful as an axe when trying to treat food poisoning. Sure, you can use the axe, but it will cause more harm than good. But, the well meaning members of Congress feel like they have the wisdom and intelligence and righteousness to take your money so that they can flex their power and "solve problems" with the aforementioned efficacy. They want to do good, but they are using the wrong means and they are taking too direct a route to the desired ends.

So, yeah, more IRS agents and more taxes is just Dracula at your neck, taking a bigger and bigger gulp of your blood.
Government is a vampire, and it continues its unholy existence by sucking taxes out of your wallet.
Obviously your opinion of government is not biased at all so we should take it seriously based on this statement. 👍
Lol.... yes. Thanks for that. Your bias is a little stronger on the subject matter you are giving your opinion on than most....maybe you didn't notice.
I feel strongly about this.

If you give tax breaks...there is less money coming in. Republicans chose not to balance the books after their cuts.
The 87k are going to be hired over 9 years and a good portion of them replacing people they anticipate to lose.
I don't buy into they're going door to door shaking people down.

However, the Government needs money, and as always the working class is targeted more than the wealthy who should be. So if you owe, I'd expect to be getting a letter-not an armed visit. That's nonsense.

But, and this isn't about choosing a side, this is a bi-partisan thing, as much as I want to think they're going to be going after the wealthy more, I think that's as bogus as the strong arming.

They never go after the wealthy, any of them, and that's because they are the wealthy
Americans like to believe in the threat of armed invasions of their property to justify gun ownership. In reality, outside of Europe, they are the less likely to face violence than other people on the planet. Even with mass shootings their murder rate is only 4.96 per 100k, below Greenland and not even in the Premier league. The top 10 are all above 35. So they have to fear the bogeyman.

Even south africa at 36.4 only takes 8th place. Complaining about 87000 more armed agents is like a tame house cat complaining about more revenue to feed its fat bloated body even more
Some people believe not everything is about guns. Because some people don't have their head filled with the same hysteria that you're calling out on the other side.

It takes two sides of brain washed morons to create the mess we're in.


Congressional republicans saw that there were 16,000 fewer employees in 2021 than had existed in 2010

the people being targeted are those wealthy who employ convoluted tactics and shady filings to avoid paying their dues, dues that account for a huge chunk of the $600 billion annual 'gap'

there's more, but i don't expect the truth-challenged to bother reading it all
Except Joe Biden made a public statement that no one who makes less than $400,000 a year would be taxed. The new agents would only be going after the "billionaires" to make sure they paid their "fair" share. Trouble is there are only 664 billionaires in the US. The total amount of IRS agents after adding the 87,000 will be 160,000. Here's the facts about what is going to happen:


When the Democrats themselves admit the title of the bill was a lie how can the American people believe a word they say or how they attempt to redefine the inherent fraud in their legislation? Despite the facts being the facts, they know there are 12% of the people who will help them do so. People like you.


Except Joe Biden made a public statement that no one who makes less than $400,000 a year would be taxed. The new agents would only be going after the "billionaires" to make sure they paid their "fair" share. Trouble is there are only 664 billionaires in the US. The total amount of IRS agents after adding the 87,000 will be 160,000. Here's the facts about what is going to happen:


When the Democrats themselves admit the title of the bill was a lie how can the American people believe a word they say or how they attempt to redefine the inherent fraud in their legislation? Despite the facts being the facts, they know there are 12% of the people who will help them do so. People like you.


They will go after people who owe taxes. That will be any tax bracket

Biden didn't say anything about people who owed back taxes...only that he wouldn't add taxes to those under $400k and he has not. Of course you'll spin anything to say otherwise, but tax rates have not gone up for those people.
They will go after people who owe taxes. That will be any tax bracket

Biden didn't say anything about people who owed back taxes...only that he wouldn't add taxes to those under $400k and he has not. Of course you'll spin anything to say otherwise, but tax rates have not gone up for those people.

seems like R-Ky Barr has a problem with tax cheaters needing to pay what they owe:
"If you're upset about extra IRS agents," the host added, "stop cheating on your taxes, Congressman. I'm not saying you personally. I'm talking about in general."
Barr complained that taxes are going to "go up" on people who are currently cheating.
Florida Republican candidate for Congress threatened that FBI agents would go “home in a body bag” if they ever try to search his house the way they did Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago home.

In a shocking video he posted to YouTube on Saturday, Sarasota businessman Martin Hyde said, “I wish they’d turn up at my home ’cause they’d have gone home in a body bag.”
so armed with valid search warrant, looking for stolen gov't documents... he'd shoot them. has he something to hide, or is he merely hiding behind hypothetical rhetoric to stir hatred? both?

let me say this: if ANYONE who voted for trump is illegally stashing stolen top secret, hyper-sensitive gov't documents then the FBI SHOULD be coming after them. of course, most (if not all) aren't, so his 'big-man' remarks make him look like a fucking idiot to those with a brain, and won't change the stoopids of those who believe him.
^^^ Almost sounds like an invitation for them to go to his house .... with an arrest warrant.
Americans like to believe in the threat of armed invasions of their property to justify gun ownership. ...
I own a lot of guns. A lot. Most of my friends own a lot of guns. 100s of guns. Most are ex-military guys and were born and raised around guns.

Never once... in my long history on this Earth, have I ever heard a single one of them cite fear of an armed invasion of their property as a reason to own a gun.
^^^ Almost sounds like an invitation for them to go to his house .... with an arrest warrant.
i'm thinking cowards like this cunt haven't the documents but will give it all the big 'un in front of voters simply because he knows he has no fear of an actual search warrant being executed on his property
I own a lot of guns. A lot. Most of my friends own a lot of guns. 100s of guns. Most are ex-military guys and were born and raised around guns.

Never once... in my long history on this Earth, have I ever heard a single one of them cite fear of an armed invasion of their property as a reason to own a gun.
I own guns because I like to shoot
I also share forest with bears, cougars and feral dog packs
I also like wild hog and venison
wild hogs are a real problem when it comes to farming people food
the conservation people like it a lot when we shoot them
they are real breeders that are smarter than traps


Congressional republicans saw that there were 16,000 fewer employees in 2021 than had existed in 2010

the people being targeted are those wealthy who employ convoluted tactics and shady filings to avoid paying their dues, dues that account for a huge chunk of the $600 billion annual 'gap'

there's more, but i don't expect the truth-challenged to bother reading it all
I think Republicans managed to strip much of those funds that were intended for agents out of the budget agreement.