Ok so Bobby Fisher said WHAT???


Super Jewess
Mar 12, 2002
Ok, so the Cape Cod Times is not the most reputable publication in the states, but I don't see how they could have gotten this wrong.


"Now 59, Fischer makes only rare public appearances. In recent radio interviews, he has praised the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks, saying America should be "wiped out," and has described Jews as "thieving, lying bastards." His mother was Jewish".
If the FBI hounded him and his family for so long I can see how that could turn into a hatred of the US and everything it stood for. Of course I'm just playing armchair therapist here.
deliciously_naughty said:
If the FBI hounded him and his family for so long I can see how that could turn into a hatred of the US and everything it stood for. Of course I'm just playing armchair therapist here.

OOooo, can I play? You meant "Armchair Sex Terapist," right?
Problem Child said:
Sounds like Bobby's bitter.

No big deal, REDWAVE said practically the same thing.

Except Bobby Fisher is a man world renowned for his brilliance and REDWAVE is an insane babbler who lives in his parents basement and wears a tinfoil hat to protect him from government mind reading devices that opperate through his computer.

Not quite the same.
deliciously_naughty said:
If the FBI hounded him and his family for so long I can see how that could turn into a hatred of the US and everything it stood for. Of course I'm just playing armchair therapist here.

And the Jewish thing?
sunstruck said:
Except Bobby Fisher is a man world renowned for his brilliance and REDWAVE is an insane babbler who lives in his parents basement and wears a tinfoil hat to protect him from government mind reading devices that opperate through his computer.

Not quite the same.

Of course, many very intelligent people have said similar things, put in a much milder way. Example...the way the United States has conducted foreign policy for at least the past 50 years (declaring communism the red menace, arming and training guerrilla terrorists like Bin Laden in the 70's and 80's, and the way we handled and are handling the whole saddam thing) has created the type of sentiment towards us as a people that made retaliation inevitable.

Before y'all flame me into oblivion...I am in NO WAY saying what happenned was justified, acceptable or good. Merely that it is opinion that many academics and scholars have put forward.

Fischer essentially said the same thing, in a very different and crude way.

Again, I have no comments or justifications about the comments regarding Jews.

Also, I would venture that the Cape Cod paper is hardly reputable...I would guess that if Fischer did indeed say that, it would've been in the NYTimes, and it has not been.
deliciously_naughty said:
maybe he hates his mommy?

I truly doubt he said any of it...I would question a paper like that.

Why would any paper just make something like that up out of the blue?
Problem Child said:
Why would any paper just make something like that up out of the blue?


You've never read the metro (which they hand out at the subway in the boston) I take it, or the boston herald...major rags.
Problem Child said:
Why would any paper just make something like that up out of the blue?

Exactly. I said that as a joke because it's a local paper and NOT the NY Times or the Boston Globe, but I've never known them to misquote anything.

"The U.S. and Israel have been slaughtering the Palestinians for years," Fischer babbled. "Nobody gave a f*&#. Now it is coming back to the U.S. F*&# the U.S.!"

Though he is half-Jewish, Fischer hates Jews more than anyone. "What I'm really hoping for is some kind of 'Seven Days in May' scenario, where the country will be taken over by the military and they'll close down all the synagogues," he said on the radio show.

'Execute Hundreds of Thousands
of Jewish Ringleaders'

"Arrest all the Jews, execute hundreds of thousands of Jewish ringleaders and, you know, apologize to the Arabs."

And then there was this:

"Nobody has single-handedly done more for the U.S. image than me," he bragged. "I really believe this. When I won the world championship in 1972, the United States was, you know, it was a football country, a baseball country, but nobody thought of it as an intellectual country.
I really think he needs to work on hit self esteem. He should try to feel GOOD about himself a little.

Bobby Fischer: Yes, well, umm, this is just the latest in a long line of crimes against me by World Jewry and the Jew controlled United States of America.

Bobby Fischer: I have spent on this .. just in storage fees alone over 10,000 dollars. I have spent in buying the custom made safes, custom made file cabinets, with secret built in safes in the file cabinets, another file cabinet, a safe with special drill proof doors, with a second door inside, combination locks, both timers, in case somebody tries to force you to open it. The works! to preserve my memorabilia. My stuff from Marcos, my letters from President Nixon, books dedicated to me by President Nixon, former President Nixon when he dedicated the books, but he was President Nixon when he wrote to me. All kinds of stuff, photo albums, statues, the works! They have stole every fucking thing and sold if off. The dirty Jews that want to put me in prison for 10 years. They have sold off all of my memorabilia which I collected over years. They have confiscated, they have stolen my book My 60 Memorable Games. they have come out with the illegal movie called Searching for Bobby Fischer which is exploiting my name for money. They've made tens if not hundreds of millions of dollars on this movie. I never get a penny of it. They came out with the illegal. the Jews have come out with the illegal CD-ROM called Bobby Fischer Teaches Chess. Zero for me. I get nothing. even from the legitimate edition of My 60 Memorable Games. Nothing. These fucking Jews are thieves, they are liars, they are mother fuckers, and it's time we took care of these bastards.

This guy is a nut.
He [Fischer] says of Jews:

"This is the Jewish mentality. These are a criminal people. They torture their prisoners in the worst way. It's even illegal! They don't even deny it hardly. Hews were always were always bastards throughout history. They are liars, they are the worst pieces of shit in the world. They mutilate their own children... You know the Jews control the courts... The United States is a farce controlled by dirty, hook-nosed circumcised Jew bastards... What's the difference between a good Jew and bad Jew? The good Jew fucks you slower."

neither quote is from a reputable news source. shrug...

In all honesty, if a reporter from the cape cod was breaking a story like that, it would still get picked up by the associated press and the major papers. Who knows why they ran it? Maybe they had a space exactly that big that needed to be filled b/c the local drug store isn't running the sale?

I'm just saying...who knows what's really going on with him..he's prolly not that sane...most child geniuses are quite disturbed by adult hood.
Wow, what a fucknut. I guess it IS a fine line between genius and insanity. And Bobby tap danced across it.
deliciously_naughty said:
neither quote is from a reputable news source. shrug...

Lol...you and RED should really rent a cave together. Somewhere where there's lots of sand to stick your head in.
Pc...everything you've quoted is from rightwing sources...quote teh ny times or another reputable newsource and I'll believe you. Hell, find it on cnn.com or something like that.
Searching for Bobby Fischer made "tens if not hundreds of millions of dollars"????

What planet does this guy live on?
Problem Child said:
Lol...you and RED should really rent a cave together. Somewhere where there's lots of sand to stick your head in.

PC, you're so right wing I'd be shocked if you allow your car to take left turns.