OK JohnEngelman, this one's for you.


Loves Spam
Feb 26, 2022
A very deep discussion re. IQ and race along with other subjects.

What particularly caught my attention was the IQ difference between races with regard to age. Initially it's just not that great a difference. The deviation begins to appear after age 5 which tends to support my thesis that culture, environment, and nutrition play a major role.

Jordan Peterson and Heather MacDonald.

As a footnote Biblically the age of wisdom is age 7. That is the age where the peer group begins to exert as much influence as the parents and the parents need to battle against those pressures to produce a civilized individual.

The discussion is almost 2 hr's long so I'm not expecting ANY of the short attention span posters to respond with anything approaching thoughtful insight.
It's good to point out a racist thread by making it about someone else.

Own your racismm. You hate blacks and believe their are genetically worse human beings than you. Admit it
It's good to point out a racist thread by making it about someone else.

Own your racismm. You hate blacks and believe their are genetically worse human beings than you. Admit it
A reply living up to the best Alinsky standards.
Btw- pretty sure hes been banned...so your race bullshit might be lost on your target.

But good luck hating the blacks.
Did you bother to watch the discussion? If not, you have nothing of value to say.
Lol ..Peterson has no solutions or suggestions..neither do you

Maybe rip johnny eagle will make you happy with your racism.
The last resort of the terminally ignorant...............name calling.

If you'd have bothered to watch the video you'd know that the solution(s) are obvious. The problem is that neither you, I, or the government can make individuals to do what we want. The individual has to make up their own mind. And that's the point, the individual has agency or not.

IF the individual has agency then the only role the government can play is to reward good behavior and punish bad behavior. IF the individual has no agency then the government is going to act in it's own best interest and eliminate drags on the economy as quickly as it can. History is replete with examples of the latter.
The last resort of the terminally ignorant...............name calling.

If you'd have bothered to watch the video you'd know that the solution(s) are obvious. The problem is that neither you, I, or the government can make individuals to do what we want. The individual has to make up their own mind. And that's the point, the individual has agency or not.

IF the individual has agency then the only role the government can play is to reward good behavior and punish bad behavior. IF the individual has no agency then the government is going to act in it's own best interest and eliminate drags on the economy as quickly as it can. History is replete with examples of the latter.
Lol....you think you started the discussion with an argument

You're a racist wanting to discuss your racism

And you expect other people to accept it as a base discusst.
Of course, back to name calling with no evidence.
Don't fret none about it, Ish. Honestly, you really can't expect others to give this also-ran topic any importance versus all the other vastly fun things they could be doing on a Saturday night.

AJ will likely bump this thread up in the early morn with his Vinny alt and give you a few supportive disposable posts in camaraderie before exhausting his interest and letting it sink down to the river bottom, to be forgotten. ;)
Which one’s Jordan and which one’s Heather? I can’t tell them apart.
The last resort of the terminally ignorant...............name calling.

If you'd have bothered to watch the video you'd know that the solution(s) are obvious. The problem is that neither you, I, or the government can make individuals to do what we want. The individual has to make up their own mind. And that's the point, the individual has agency or not.

IF the individual has agency then the only role the government can play is to reward good behavior and punish bad behavior. IF the individual has no agency then the government is going to act in it's own best interest and eliminate drags on the economy as quickly as it can. History is replete with examples of the latter.
If it took two hours to explain that individuals have agency then its someone who is flat out lying about the situation. The government in any modern nation plays an important role in creating an environment that is conducive to success.

Lets start with the simple truth, people have a lot less "agency" than people like to pretend we have. Its particularly rich coming from conservatives with their constant claims that America is the greatest nation in the history of the world. Ignoring that that is a very debatable point the reality is that a person born in America has opportunities that someone born in say Kenya doesn't have. That gives them "agency" that the others simply do not have and that is not something we can really debate.

This is no different than, and its hilarious listening to Ashton Kutcher talking about how he won't be leaving his kids money because he wants them to learn the value of hardwork. As if they won't go to the best schools, have connections that you and I can only dream of having and quite possibly be millionaires in their own right. I can hate on a Kardasian, Hilton, Trump, Walton or McMahon but the reality is that each of them (yes even Donald) have grown the fortunes they were born with. Good for them but lets never pretend that someone who has never HAD to have a job has the same amount of agency as someone who has been working since they were teens because that's a flat out lie.

You speak of the government working in its own best interest, well the best interest of the government is to create an environment with as much opportunity as possible. When people fall down we should be working on picking them up. We see this model in much of Europe where they have lower repeat offenses. Our system in the US is failing all of us but in particular people of color.

Much of this was very intentional. We could easily fix this but like so many problems in America we like this problem. I wish I could lay all of this squarely at the feet of conservatives but while the liberals are much, much better there are problems that we have because we've decided to accept. This isn't just about black people its also about Latino/Hispanics. While not tied directly the IQ tests this is about women and the LGBT community.

Yes ultimately this is about "wokeness" and nobody but conservatives are the only people who are insisting that white males are the enemy. That is a choice some of them make yes, but it is a choice. We welcome them with open arms. We are stronger together.

Yes, stronger together does come with an all or nothing, full stop clause. Your religion is your business. Keep it the fuck out of government. It includes acknowledging that wrongs have been done some of which will never be repaid and frankly white people particularly in the South should be pissed as hell too. We failed you as a nation following the Civil War. We tried and you were stubborn sons of bitches but we still failed. Actually you're still stubborn sons of bitches. Texas catches fire every couple of years (so does California but we don't cut taxes or want smaller government. We want effective government. Nothing more, nothing less the size is ultimately irrelevant.) Florida is underwater and how long did it take DeSantis to ask for help? Part of me wants to commend him for sticking to his morals whatever they may be. However America is sick. We have many, many symptoms but one of the biggest is that we think there is shame in asking for help. Needing help. This is obviously more prevalent in one party than the other but we all have it. I don't "both sides" issues save the rare occasion it applies.

So you can be a hate filled piece of shit who tries to take rights/privileges away from others and I will do everything I can to make functioning in polite society impossible for you. I don't care if you're a Jew/Muslim trying to take away my bacon wrapped shrimp because fuck you that's why or if you're a Christian who can't fathom why females (I'm not interested in age right now) should have access to reproductive health care then fuck you live in the shadows.

There of course is more but still.
I can hate on a Kardasian, Hilton, Trump, Walton or McMahon but the reality is that each of them (yes even Donald) have grown the fortunes they were born with.
Not true of Trump. In real dollars, he would be a lot richer now if he had just put his father's money in the bank. Instead, he lost most of it.
If it took two hours to explain that individuals have agency then its someone who is flat out lying about the situation. The government in any modern nation plays an important role in creating an environment that is conducive to success.

~snip for brevity~

So you can be a hate filled piece of shit who tries to take rights/privileges away from others and I will do everything I can to make functioning in polite society impossible for you. I don't care if you're a Jew/Muslim trying to take away my bacon wrapped shrimp because fuck you that's why or if you're a Christian who can't fathom why females (I'm not interested in age right now) should have access to reproductive health care then fuck you live in the shadows.

There of course is more but still.
Who is trying to take "rights" away? To make that assertion you have to specify the "rights." And, of course, different people have different ideas as to exactly what is or is not a "right."

Government can best serve the people, all people, by removing obstacles. That is precisely what happened that brought on the Chinese 'miracle.' And now the CCP is once more attempting to micro-manage its people and the economy that 'miracle' is swirling down the toilet.

No government can legislate competency. Competency is a product of experience (hard work) and education. The incompetent will be culled from the workforce as soon as they can be identified via one means or another. That culling should take place without regards to race, creed, or place of natural origin.

Meritocracy has worked every time its been tried. Any attempt to tamper with that formula is going to result in growing inefficiency and ultimately failure.
Did you bother to watch the discussion? If not, you have nothing of value to say.
The discussion seems to be little more than anothe one of your "confirmation bias" videos of your long-held erroneous belief that black folks are "inferior" to white folks.
The discussion seems to be little more than anothe one of your "confirmation bias" videos of your long-held erroneous belief that black folks are "inferior" to white folks.
Peterson is a racist asshole. He is not worth the shit stain on Johnny Eagle's pants. I'd prefer sticking a drill into the side of my head rather than listen to "debate"...
Peterson is a racist asshole. He is not worth the shit stain on Johnny Eagle's pants. I'd prefer sticking a drill into the side of my head rather than listen to "debate"...
Yeah, yeah, yeah. And you're a racialist asshole, a quite ignorant one at that (but most racialists are anyway).