OK, it appears the Republicans have done it, taken back the House, but...


Really Experienced
Jul 14, 2022
Now comes the hard part. The Republicans tend to stand in a circle when they want to form a firing squad. If they, for example, keep supporting oil and coal, even though 60% of America's energy now comes from renewable, and that is what the people want, they will lose support, If they let the fundamentalist Evangelicals run the party again, they will further lose support. If they remain committed to oil and coal, they will lose support, What I want to do is stand up to the sick, diseased *culture* of the Left, the one thinks it's groovy to inject "gender affirming chemicals" into the bodies of children. The Hollywood culture that has to through their "woke" agenda at us in every movie or tv show. The ones still fighting for speech control despite the Supreme Court's 2017 unanimous ruling that all speech is protected by the First Amendment.
But for now, let's just pop a champagne cork and enjoy the win. ;-)
Now comes the hard part. The Republicans tend to stand in a circle when they want to form a firing squad. If they, for example, keep supporting oil and coal, even though 60% of America's energy now comes from renewable, and that is what the people want, they will lose support, If they let the fundamentalist Evangelicals run the party again, they will further lose support. If they remain committed to oil and coal, they will lose support, What I want to do is stand up to the sick, diseased *culture* of the Left, the one thinks it's groovy to inject "gender affirming chemicals" into the bodies of children. The Hollywood culture that has to through their "woke" agenda at us in every movie or tv show. The ones still fighting for speech control despite the Supreme Court's 2017 unanimous ruling that all speech is protected by the First Amendment.
But for now, let's just pop a champagne cork and enjoy the win. ;-)
They will not lose support. If they don't lose support about taking women's rights....they will never lose support. They are Fascists and Americans as a whole are very racist and misogynistic.
They are Fascists and Americans as a whole are very racist and misogynistic.

I’ve read Mussolini. Not out of any respect or admiration, but simply to understand what fascism is and why it took hold. Fascism is simply veneration of the state as the manifestation of the will of the people. Mussolini and Hitler sold the idea that with the state firmly controlling the economy and culture, sprinkled with some Darwinian ideas about war. Italy would rise as a new Rome, and Germany would reclaim its Prussian Empire.

The US left and right are, ideologically, nothing like this. Both parties are firmly rooted in the classical liberalism of John Locke, further expounded upon by Thomas Jefferson and others. Sure, there are fringe groups like actual Nazi sympathizers, communists, monarchists, etc. that claim to fall within one political party or another, but they are more like islands unto themselves that have some minor overlap in policy with one wing or the other.

We all know that the country is going to shit. All of us, left and right, desperately want to pull out of this dive. And none of us, at the level of voter, is truly capable of making a damned bit of difference in that outcome. The US polity, both left and right, are a den of thieves who want us distracted and divided while they pick our pockets. The best we can do, in this moment, is to refuse to give in to hate, to understand and empathize with our ideological opponents, and, in cooperation, hold our government representatives accountable.

We need more love and understanding, not the misplaced hate that has become the latest fashion in political discourse. Turn off the news, stop letting them make you think that your compassionate, well-meaning neighbors and countrymen are jackbooted thugs. Let’s talk, not shout at each other. That is the way we end the cycle of deepening divisions.
What I want to do is stand up to the sick, diseased *culture* of the Left, the one thinks it's groovy to inject "gender affirming chemicals" into the bodies of children.
Good news. There isn't anything there but your addled mind to have to stand up to.
They will not lose support. If they don't lose support about taking women's rights....they will never lose support. They are Fascists and Americans as a whole are very racist and misogynistic.
Your last 9 words tell me everything I could ever need to know about you. Ridiculous........
But the extremists already are in charge of the party. To them anything to do with renewable energy is green new deal socialism and drilling for more oil is the only way to gain energy independence for some reason.
And the evangelicals run the party in everything on abortion to gay and trans rights. And they seem to be in charge of your own stance on transitional therapies too.
historically, it's 'normal' for the presidential party to lose around 20 seats mid-terms... Obama lost 63! Dems look to be bucking that trend this time around, which bodes well for '24. we'll just have to wait and see.
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historically, it's 'normal' for the presidential party to lose around 20 seats mid-terms... Obama lost 60! Dems look to be bucking that trend this time around, which bodes well for '24. we'll just have to wait and see.
A very positive post election revelation is the huge increase in young people voting Democrat. That, combined with the dying off of vax deniers bodes extremely well for the future.

Now let's just hope there is a future.
A very positive post election revelation is the huge increase in young people voting Democrat. That, combined with the dying off of vax deniers bodes extremely well for the future.

Now let's just hope there is a future.
I saw an article (don't remember where) examining post election voting patterns and it showed that Gen Z voted conservative in huge numbers in some areas. There were also huge numbers of split ticket ballots cast.

That tells me this election was about issues, not party. Which also means that the generalized hype about the GOP being facists isn't going over with the voters like it used to.
I saw an article (don't remember where) examining post election voting patterns and it showed that Gen Z voted conservative in huge numbers in some areas. There were also huge numbers of split ticket ballots cast.

That tells me this election was about issues, not party. Which also means that the generalized hype about the GOP being facists isn't going over with the voters like it used to.
It is also about candidates. Many standing (for both sides) weren't great.
We shouldn't discount personal votes.
It is also about candidates. Many standing (for both sides) weren't great.
We shouldn't discount personal votes.
In elections past, you'd have many split ticket voters that would show a pattern of policies over party. This time around, there is evidence of selective voting - a voter voting for governor in one party and then not voting at all for senator.

I'm not sure how prevelant this is, but it is clear in the GA race....many voted for Kemp and skipped the Senate race completely.
Wow, haven't read such a fantastic post in ages. Many thanks
people need to comment -- say to what extent they agree or disagree

They are Fascists and Americans as a whole are very racist and misogynistic.

I’ve read Mussolini. Not out of any respect or admiration, but simply to understand what fascism is and why it took hold. Fascism is simply veneration of the state as the manifestation of the will of the people. Mussolini and Hitler sold the idea that with the state firmly controlling the economy and culture, sprinkled with some Darwinian ideas about war. Italy would rise as a new Rome, and Germany would reclaim its Prussian Empire.

The US left and right are, ideologically, nothing like this. Both parties are firmly rooted in the classical liberalism of John Locke, further expounded upon by Thomas Jefferson and others. Sure, there are fringe groups like actual Nazi sympathizers, communists, monarchists, etc. that claim to fall within one political party or another, but they are more like islands unto themselves that have some minor overlap in policy with one wing or the other.

We all know that the country is going to shit. All of us, left and right, desperately want to pull out of this dive. And none of us, at the level of voter, is truly capable of making a damned bit of difference in that outcome. The US polity, both left and right, are a den of thieves who want us distracted and divided while they pick our pockets. The best we can do, in this moment, is to refuse to give in to hate, to understand and empathize with our ideological opponents, and, in cooperation, hold our government representatives accountable.

We need more love and understanding, not the misplaced hate that has become the latest fashion in political discourse. Turn off the news, stop letting them make you think that your compassionate, well-meaning neighbors and countrymen are jackbooted thugs. Let’s talk, not shout at each other. That is the way we end the cycle of deepening divisions.
A very positive post election revelation is the huge increase in young people voting Democrat. That, combined with the dying off of vax deniers bodes extremely well for the future.

Now let's just hope there is a future.


An initial look at youth voting patterns shared by the Center for Information and Research on Civic Learning and Engagement at Tufts (CIRCLE) shows that young Americans ages 18-29 overwhelmingly backed Democrats for the U.S. House of Representatives. CIRCLE’s analysis of the Edison Research National Election Pool exit poll found that 63% of young Americans voted for a Democratic candidate for the U.S. House, while 35% of young Americans backed Republican candidates.

Americans ages 18-29 were the only age cohort to support Democrats for the U.S. House by such a large margin. Voters ages 30-44 split their votes more evenly, 51% for Democrats and 47% for Republicans, according to CIRCLE’s report.

The strongest support for Democrats came from youth of color – 89% of Black youth and 67% of Latino youth voted for a Democratic candidate – CIRCLE said. Young white voters were more evenly split across party lines with 58% supporting Democrats and 40% backing Republicans.

Now they just need to keep flexing that muscle. If they do, the politicians won't be able to ignore them - they'll make themselves a voting bloc.
The thing I worry about with the Republicans, is they don't feel like they NEED the support of the majority anymore. They are run by a group of people who believe that any time an election doesn't go their way, they can just claim "Fraud" and overturn the results- despite losing the popular (and/or the electoral college) vote.

I believe FelHarper has the right idea. I also think that while the term "Fascist" may not be technically correct in terms of the actual far-right ideology in America today, a better term would be "Totalitarianism." The belief that the wishes of the people are subordinate to the State, and the concept of "Freedom" should only apply to giving carte blanche to buisnesses and those wielding power, as opposed to individual freedom of choice.

But what most people want, and are not getting, is a rational, reasonable government that RESPECTS the freedom of choice of all individials and does not impose undue burden on these freedoms, while also enacting sound, effective fiscal, economic and social policy. The Republicans are failing at the first thing. The Democrats, at the latter. Visit any left-leaning major city and you can witness the failures of ineffective and counter-productive liberal ideas, and next time you go shopping, you can witness the failures of ineffective liberal fiscal policies.

But this should not mean that those with a distain for liberalism and Democratic Party policy automatically want women to be reduced to government-mandated breeding stock, have religious and social freedoms taken away, or want an unfair economic system that only benefits the top percent. Nor do they want a government that refuses to even address problems like environmental destruction or a public health crisis. Most Republicans- moderate conservatives like the average "Red State" farmer or buisness owner- do NOT want these things. This is where we as voters need to do a better job of holding our elected officials- of both parties- accountable.
If I had to guess, it looks like the Republicans will take the House (though it's still not out of the question that they won't), but I have a feeling Kevin McCarthy won't be the speaker. Too many others are pissed off at him for coming so close to blowing it, regardless of whether or not he's really responsible.
If I had to guess, it looks like the Republicans will take the House (though it's still not out of the question that they won't), but I have a feeling Kevin McCarthy won't be the speaker. Too many others are pissed off at him for coming so close to blowing it, regardless of whether or not he's really responsible.
As hilarious as it would be if the lesser McC got snubbed for speaker, after sacrificing what little dignity he had left in exchange for Trump and his voters, I don't see it happening. Just like I don't see the greater McC getting snubbed for majority leader if the GOP somehow wins control of the Senate.
Wasn’t the plan to make Donald Trump Speaker, so he can become President after Biden and Harris are thrown out? Isn’t Donald good enough any more?
Wasn’t the plan to make Donald Trump Speaker, so he can become President after Biden and Harris are thrown out? Isn’t Donald good enough any more?
I hear the new plan is for Desantis to be speaker. And then everything you said.
Wasn’t the plan to make Donald Trump Speaker, so he can become President after Biden and Harris are thrown out? Isn’t Donald good enough any more?
So Trump can do the same document tearing or wiping his nose with the State of the Union report behind the two presidents, like Pelosi did to him. Or he will point his fat finger to one of them, saying "You are fired!" as in his homemade reality show "Apprentice".
In elections past, you'd have many split ticket voters that would show a pattern of policies over party. This time around, there is evidence of selective voting - a voter voting for governor in one party and then not voting at all for senator.

I'm not sure how prevelant this is, but it is clear in the GA race....many voted for Kemp and skipped the Senate race completely.
Similar situation in Ohio. DeWine’s margin of victory was a mile wider than Vance’s
There are some suspicious results with sudden lead changes. Some Dems may have put a thumb lightly on the scales, so Repubs win enough that they can take a congressional majority but not take control of some states. Now Repubs must decide how much do they want to fight.
I posted a link to a TedTalks video describing how game theory plays out in war. Yes, he was talking about our Foreign Relations policy...but it became immediately obvious how this applies to political parties. This is exactly what I have been saving about being reactive instead of proactive and why both parties are failing the people. Here it is again
