Ok Guys And Girls


The lunatic is on line
Jan 12, 2002
First the guys how many of you sat around with other guys and jacked of to a porno movie.

Now the girls how many of you fingered youself with other girls.

Tell when and how old you were.

Me i was 13 and a friend got a porn movie and by the time the movie was half way over we were al nude and jacking off.

:p :cool:
zantac666 said:
First the guys how many of you sat around with other guys and jacked of to a porno movie.

Now the girls how many of you fingered youself with other girls.

Tell when and how old you were.

Me i was 13 and a friend got a porn movie and by the time the movie was half way over we were al nude and jacking off.

:p :cool:

When i was 17 i was at a slumber party and fluffed the kitten thinking that no one noticed... to this day i dont know if anyone did. does that count?

Can't say i've ever whipped it out and started stroking with anyone present, usually when me and the guys watch a porn i go to the bathroom or my room and blow a load there.I'm not much for jerking off with guys. now if a girl started "fluffing the kitten" as redathena so elequently put it, i'd prolly be inclinded to do something about the scenario.:eek:
I was 12, my Friend was too. If you can believe it it started out as a dare after we found her uncles Porno tape and watched it, I remeber it was called; Bubblegum...OMG. Both of us SWORE we had never "played with ourselves" I Lied...:kiss:
*sniff* *sob* that is such a touching story... *sniff* no pun intended... I think we've all lied at some point or other about said material, I know it wasn't untill college that I actually admitted to stroking my soldier. Dunno why really, prolly just didn't seem like something you'ld want others knowing I suppose. :D
earthboundslave said:
*sniff* *sob* that is such a touching story... *sniff* no pun intended... I think we've all lied at some point or other about said material, I know it wasn't untill college that I actually admitted to stroking my soldier. Dunno why really, prolly just didn't seem like something you'ld want others knowing I suppose. :D

You know...I rememer that when I was in High school, it was viewed as THE MOST HORRID thing in the world to do...Touch yourself!! Lol....Then whys it Feel SOOOOOO good???:p
Yeah, back in high school, my step fatehr mentioned that something like 8 outta 10 kids have masturbated, i was caught off guard, I thought I was the only person who liked to get myself off. Masturbation is great, no fear of not pleaseing your partner, no fear of disease, no chance of pregnancy. Just pure uninhibited orgasm. Like extasy in your hand, (or finger).
And you know what, it prolly wouldn't have felt as exciting if everyone talked about it all the time, i think the negative cloak draped over masturbation only made it taboo, and taboo is a sure-fire way to arouse desire. speaking of which, I'm gettin a little wood, I think I'm going to stroke it now. ttyl:D
I so agree with you! The "no-no" aspect of masterbating when your young DEFINATELY heightened my excitement.

You know even now-a-days I will do the deed in a taboo locale...Oh boy, there's no Orgasm like the one your trying to keep silent...it Just ripples through me....Mmmmm...:kiss:
yeah, I've tried that type of thing myself, but i always have this discharge to deal with, gets kinda messy with the finish.... :( but I guess that comes with being a guy....