~Ok, Call me crazy, but this is HOT~

Jeez between you and kotori is it Spankin' Saturday here tonight, or what?

well, lucky lucky me then:D
I saw that the other day - it brings up some fairly erotic imagery to me.
I'd have to agree with the ladies on this one.
Sounds very nice to me.
Sounds like a recipe for a call-the-cops-I-think-she's-killing-him domestic disturbance to me.
I think it's wonderful to see a spanking thread here on the GB, Kotori, many thanks.

The BDSM Forum has been my home at Lit; it's what brought me here.

But the GB is lighter, breezier, and is chock-o-block with babesgalore compared to the Forum, so I spend time at both now.

Seeing the Kink-O-Meter responding here is, well....heart-warming.

Thank you.

Lancecastor said:
I think it's wonderful to see a spanking thread here on the GB, Kotori, many thanks.
No need to thank me. I think I should be signing up for lessons. Thanks to Indigo for quoting your post.
Indigo.Rose said:
oh good gawd, if you're gonna do it, do it right. for fuck sakes do i have to flame myself for you? you're hopless.

I can make fun of you if you want.
Indigo.Rose said:
oh good gawd, if you're gonna do it, do it right. for fuck sakes do i have to flame myself for you? you're hopless.

Thanks for the laugh, Indigo....maybe he needs some Viagra for Flames.
Oliver Twisted said:
Yes, my feet are hanging on someone's keychain, I'm hopless. Where's your compassion you gramatically challenged twat?

Hey, that's not bad!

For those of you following at home...Indigo spelled "hopeless" as "hopless"......so Oliver took "hopless" and turned it into a rabbit foot keychain cruelty joke to go with the Suburban he proposed running over Indigo with in his opening salvo.

Clearly Literary!

I put the score at 1-1.

We're here to applaud the works of the Supreme Overlord Lancelot, can we do so without trolling? :)

I did like that line about flaming yourself - priceless!