OK America, now's the time to kick Sharon in the balls...


The 'Euro' European
Feb 18, 2001
As the dire economic situation in Israel, a result of the Beast of Beirut's disastrous policies, gets worse, that small country on the Mediterranean coast, which already receives $billion 3.5 per year from America, is now sending a delegation to the US to ask for an extra handout of one $billion.

They blame oh so many things for their plight, but they do that anyway about anything don't they? It never is their fault. It's always someone elses. But naturally they've mentioned the Palestinian "uprising"...

"Uprising"? God, no wonder that deity cast them all out to wander the earth in perpetuity. Their constant twisting of the facts, their pleas for handouts, their smiling faces whilst holding a knife to your throat doesn't give any confidence in a country led by a serial mass murderer...

<ahem> Anyway America now show the rest of us what you're made of. Tell the Israeli delegation to fuck off back to Tel Aviv and sort their own economic problems out. After all they still receive that $3.5 billion slice of American taxpayers money, no questions asked...

TY for your opinion on our tax dollars.

I don't think they should get the extra money.

But hey, maybe they'll ask that angry Scot Sean Connery for some. ;-)
PP man apparently isn't aware that Israel is a welfare state, one that offers the "free"medical care he loves so much. Israel also obviously can't afford the tab, unless it wants to give up spending on other matters such as national defense.
Much of Israel's financial problems can be traced to the welfare state decisions made by the government, which is elected by the people. The fact that the U.S. continues to support that government's bad decisions is unfortunate. Of course, the U.S. also gives financial aid to Arafat.
Why exactly does the usa give that kind of dough to terrorists like israel anyway?

Same old story.

Usa sells guns to extremists.

Extremists take over sandlot country X for Usa.

Extremists receive billions in Usa aid.

Extemists milk aid while becoming despotic greedheads worse than the dinks the Usa paid to have eliminated.

Extremists turn on Usa.

Usa pays new extremists and/or fires up the B52's.

Lancecastor said:
Why exactly does the usa give that kind of dough to terrorists like israel anyway?

Same old story.

Usa sells guns to extremists.

Extremists take over sandlot country X for Usa.

Extremists receive billions in Usa aid.

Extemists milk aid while becoming despotic greedheads worse than the dinks the Usa paid to have eliminated.

Extremists turn on Usa.

Usa pays new extremists and/or fires up the B52's.


In this case, maybe it's because Israel is the only democracy in the region. We can debate whether or not Israel is a "terrorist" nation some other time, particularly since Canada voted to recognize the creation of Israel.
As for the rest of the post, you'll get no argument from me that billions in tax dollars are frittered away on "foreign aid" annually — and that more that enough of it goes to very bad people. I'd rather keep my money in my own pocket.
Ham Murabi said:
In this case, maybe it's because Israel is the only democracy in the region.

That old chestnut has been trotted out so many times before...

What does the US think? That democracy will spread out to other countries in the Region, who also receive aid from America?

That Arab countries will clap their hands in glee and say "Oh look, Israel's democratic, we've just gotta have a piece of that action!"?

Nahhh...I think the answer lies closer to home. Like the incredibly powerful American Jewish Lobby. You know, those people who help dictate your foreign policy...

p_p_man said:
That old chestnut has been trotted out so many times before...

What does the US think? That democracy will spread out to other countries in the Region, who also receive aid from America?

That Arab countries will clap their hands in glee and say "Oh look, Israel's democratic, we've just gotta have a piece of that action!"?

Nahhh...I think the answer lies closer to home. Like the incredibly powerful American Jewish Lobby. You know, those people who help dictate your foreign policy...


Oh, I get it. ppman would much rather prefer that we give our foreign aid to malevolent dictators.
As for myself, I believe the growth of democracy in the Middle East might go a long way toward stabilizing the region. ppman, who has experienced democracy in Europe, obviously feels differently.
As for the "incredibly powerful American Jewish Lobby," enlighten me. Are they more powerful than the mythic "conservative Christians"? Who leads the"incredibly powerful American Jewish Lobby," and who are the other key players?
Ham Murabi said:
Oh, I get it. ppman would much rather prefer that we give our foreign aid to malevolent dictators.
As for myself, I believe the growth of democracy in the Middle East might go a long way toward stabilizing the region. ppman, who has experienced democracy in Europe, obviously feels differently.
As for the "incredibly powerful American Jewish Lobby," enlighten me. Are they more powerful than the mythic "conservative Christians"? Who leads the"incredibly powerful American Jewish Lobby," and who are the other key players?

Well, the absolutely real(and completely nutso) Christian right-wingers have their own apocalyptic views that include Israel's continued existance. Israel destablizes the region, and probably should not exist in the first place. While some people would claim that teh land belongs to Jews(because of a religious text, probably), the truth is that both groups have a legitimate claim on the area. Israel has been censured for its actions by the UN for decades, and I personally think sanctions, not handouts, are what Israel deserves.
Johnny Mayberry said:
Well, the absolutely real(and completely nutso) Christian right-wingers have their own apocalyptic views that include Israel's continued existance. Israel destablizes the region, and probably should not exist in the first place. While some people would claim that teh land belongs to Jews(because of a religious text, probably), the truth is that both groups have a legitimate claim on the area. Israel has been censured for its actions by the UN for decades, and I personally think sanctions, not handouts, are what Israel deserves.

If I catch your drift, you're suggesting the Middle East would be the picture of stability if Israel no longer existed. Then those news reports of war between Iraq and Iran, and Iraq and Kuwait, must be pure rubbish.
Ham Murabi said:
If I catch your drift, you're suggesting the Middle East would be the picture of stability if Israel no longer existed. Then those news reports of war between Iraq and Iran, and Iraq and Kuwait, must be pure rubbish.
No, bullshit, obviously no situation is that simple! We can't control every little detail, nor should we. On the other hand, Israel's behavior is a destabilizing influence, and if we give them money, we have an obligation to tell them to cut it out. I know that there are Palestinians killing Israelis, but a proper response usually doesn't involve dropping a bomb on an apartment building in order to kill one person.
Imagine if America used those tactics here. Someone in your neighborhood commits a crime, so they lock you all in your houses, shoot little kids for being outside, refuse to let people out to shop, work, or go to the hospital. Would you put up with that?
Johnny Mayberry said:
No, bullshit, obviously no situation is that simple! We can't control every little detail, nor should we. On the other hand, Israel's behavior is a destabilizing influence, and if we give them money, we have an obligation to tell them to cut it out. I know that there are Palestinians killing Israelis, but a proper response usually doesn't involve dropping a bomb on an apartment building in order to kill one person.
Imagine if America used those tactics here. Someone in your neighborhood commits a crime, so they lock you all in your houses, shoot little kids for being outside, refuse to let people out to shop, work, or go to the hospital. Would you put up with that?

"Imagine if America used those tactics here."
Where is "here"? I'm not aware of a particular ethnic group in America destroying buses and killing dozens of innocents with suicide bombers. Nor am I aware of suicide bombers destroying market areas or popular clubs.
You are comparing apples and oranges. As such I ask you, what would you do if you were a political leader in Israel, one capable of giving orders to the military and the police?
Ham Murabi said:
"Imagine if America used those tactics here."
Where is "here"? I'm not aware of a particular ethnic group in America destroying buses and killing dozens of innocents with suicide bombers. Nor am I aware of suicide bombers destroying market areas or popular clubs.

And of course in America you're not occupying anyone's land, building more and more settlements on it, forbidding the inhabitants internal travel without your authority, completely control the electricity, water and communications and surrounding the whole area with a military might that can, at a moment's notice drop a bomb on an apartment building to kill one person, destroy the houses of the relatives of terrorist suspects, shoot to kill young stone throwing children, offer non-practical peace deals and have a declared policy that you wanted the whole country for yourselves and that the original inhabitants should be eradicated by one method or another.

No in America you prefer to let other people do that sort of thing in other lands and give them the funds to do it.

There are more jews in New York city than their are in the State of Israel.

And don't forget Truman's famous words "I don't have 100,000 arab constituents to consider"...well he would have to consider them now if he were alive...

Your call...

p_p_man said:
And of course in America you're not occupying anyone's land, building more and more settlements on it, forbidding the inhabitants internal travel without your authority, completely control the electricity, water and communications and surrounding the whole area with a military might that can, at a moment's notice drop a bomb on an apartment building to kill one person, destroy the houses of the relatives of terrorist suspects, shoot to kill young stone throwing children, offer non-practical peace deals and have a declared policy that you wanted the whole country for yourselves and that the original inhabitants should be eradicated by one method or another.

Well, we did at one time, but they built casinos and got even.
Eliminate all the external threats...

And the Western nations like Britain, Australia, Canada, NZ, France, and Germany can slow or stop their monetary support of Israel. If you leave Israel on it's own, their final retaliation will be with their 120 low yield nukes!

*Israel was established by UN decree, so slam them for awhile! :D
Re: Eliminate all the external threats...

Lost Cause said:
*Israel was established by UN decree

So was Palestine...


"United Nations General Assembly Resolution 181 called for the partition of the British-ruled Palestine Mandate into a Jewish state and an Arab state. It was approved on November 29, 1947 with 33 votes in favor, 13 against, 10 abstentions and one absent"

Source: The Partition Plan

Re: Re: Eliminate all the external threats...

p_p_man said:
So was Palestine...

And if you ever wondered why the Palestinians and Arabs refused to accept UN Resolution 181, here's the reason...

"Between 1900 and 1947, the Jewish population in Palestine increased from 10% to 30% due to immigration of European Jews. Because of civil unrest, the United Nations proposed in 1947 that Palestine be divided into a Palestinian Arab state and a Jewish state.

The UN Partition Plan recommended that 55 percent of Palestine, also the most fertile region, be given to the Jewish settlers who compromised 30 percent of the population. The remaining 45 percent of Palestine was to comprise a home for the other 70 percent of the population who were Arab. The Palestinians rejected the plan because it was unfair. During Israel's "war of independence," 700,000 Palestinians were driven out of their homes and 418 villages were depopulated and destroyed, what is today referred to as 'ethnic cleansing'. By 1949 Israel had captured 78% of historic Palestine.

In 1967 Israel captured the remaining 22% of Palestine. Currently 3 million Palestinians live under the oldest and most brutal military occupation in history."


Jews against the Occupation


...and Rabbi Schmidt has spewed more diatribe to make Kuntmode think he has a bad case of potty mouth too.

After wading through all your shit, I am now wondering what the figures are for the monies given to the Palestinian's.

$100US to go and buy a few more picks and shovels to dig up bigger rocks to throw at Israeli tanks and troops?

I was talking about the Palestinian's.

Not politicians.

At least you recognise the Pali's as refugees. Displaced from their homes and land.

Keep up the Christmas spirit. :)
A post for Hanns Schmidt...

I notice you have been posting to some of my threads recently and you may be wondering why I haven't replied. I've got you on Ignore and so I don't know what you're saying. I have sometimes picked up what you have posted when others quote you and sometimes I get the gist of what you're saying by what others write but in general I haven't the foggiest.

If you still want to add to my threads please do, the more the merrier, but you may be better off addressing your remarks to others and not to myself...
