Oil at multi month lows, The policy of Pres Biden is working

They'll say it's GOOD because the environment!!

Or some other dumb ass shit like that.

Then try to bullshit about how none of this has anything to do with their beloved uncle Joe!!
Price dropped ten cents a gallon at my local last week, so I filled up. The next day it dropped another dime. My luck.
The only thing the government can do about gas prices would be mandate that American oil stay in America. It used to be that way until, I believe, Obama changed it. Get out of OPEC.
Good job Mr. President. Force prices to go up by $40/bbl then crow about how you got it to fall by $10/bbl.

And your lackeys all seem to believe it's a good thing while they snack on insects this Thanksgiving and shiver under blankets because they can't afford to buy heating oil.
We're at record highs for oil production in the US.

But yah.....
No lockdowns under biden either.

I'm getting some good returns on investments too. I have nothing to complain about. 😉