Oh the possibilities


Creepers Gotta Creep
Jan 24, 2002
This is the future of cybersex, but you'll need a faster connection than dial-up will give you:


LONDON (Reuters) - Scientists in Britain and the United States will try to shake hands on Tuesday.

No big deal one might think -- only they will be 5,000 km (3,000 miles) apart, using the Internet to connect them.

In a technological first, they will use pencil-like devices called phantoms to recreate the sense of touch across the Atlantic, organizers of the experiment said.

The phantoms send small impulses at very high frequencies down the Internet using newly developed fiber optic cables and extremely high bandwidths.

When a scientist in London prods a screen with the phantom, the sensation should be felt by a colleague in Boston, and vice versa.

"Pushing on the pen sends data representing forces through the Internet that can be interpreted by a phantom and therefore felt on the other end," said Mel Slater, Professor of Computer Science at University College London (UCL).

"You can not only feel the resulting force, but you can also get a sense of the quality of the object you're feeling -- whether it's soft or hard, wood-like or fleshy."

UCL will conduct the experiment on Tuesday with colleagues from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT).

Two scientists -- one in London and one in Boston -- will try to pick up a cube between them and move it, each responding to the force the other exerts on it.

The secret behind the technology is the speed at which the successive impulses are sent -- up to 1,000 Hertz," UCL said in a statement.

"In much the same way that the brain re-interprets still images into moving pictures, the frequencies received by the phantom are similarly integrated to produce the sense of a continuous sensation," it said.

The implications of the experiment could be vast, said UCL, which describes the event as the world's "first transatlantic handshake over the Internet."

If successful, it could allow people to touch and feel each other over the Internet.
Just think, in 5 years we could caress each other, finger each other, or maybe more, all without ever being in the same area code as each other.
So, how is this a good thing?:confused:

Personally, it is too scary for me!
BgMma99 said:
So, how is this a good thing?:confused:

Personally, it is too scary for me!

How so? It's Virtual Reality to the next level.
RawHumor said:
How so? It's Virtual Reality to the next level.
Hell, the internet bugs me to no end! I guess I am just one of those who are not suited for change. Sorry......:(
I'm not saying it's good to lock yourself in a room and not have any real human contact, but for people who are literally on opposite sides of the globe, it could be great. A grandmother could virtually hold her new granddaughter, a father on a business trip could help his son with his penmanship, two cyber-lovers could caress each other's face. Not to mention the possibilities that could come from it. Imagine not having to travel 1000 miles to get to a specialist surgeon. In theory, you could go to your local hospital and he could virtually do the surgery while he's at his own office.
Okay, I will give you that, but to me it is still creepy.

yeah.. my perverted mind can't wait to fondle over the internet..

and that surgical theory sounds cool too..
RawHumor said:
I'm not saying it's good to lock yourself in a room and not have any real human contact, but for people who are literally on opposite sides of the globe, it could be great. A grandmother could virtually hold her new granddaughter, a father on a business trip could help his son with his penmanship, two cyber-lovers could caress each other's face. Not to mention the possibilities that could come from it. Imagine not having to travel 1000 miles to get to a specialist surgeon. In theory, you could go to your local hospital and he could virtually do the surgery while he's at his own office.

RH, I requesting that in the future you keep this mushy stuff off and just stay with the perverted sexual stuff. Thank you in advance.

Backyard sweaty said:
RH, I requesting that in the future you keep this mushy stuff off and just stay with the perverted sexual stuff. Thank you in advance.

Yeah, how 'bout those Lions?

Sex toys with USB connections.

Microsoft will make billions on this, Manu are you listening?

PM will become "private massage" and instead of people discussing avatars and sig lines, there will be threads about "the best hand job" and "wildest pussy licking."

You can give your doll a good vigorous fucking in New Jersey, and she'll feel every subtle jab, poke and jackhammer in her office in New Zealand.

One small step for a man, a giant leap for mankind...
Purple Haze said:
Sex toys with USB connections.

Microsoft will make billions on this, Manu are you listening?

PM will become "private massage" and instead of people discussing avatars and sig lines, there will be threads about "the best hand job" and "wildest pussy licking."

You can give your doll a good vigorous fucking in New Jersey, and she'll feel every subtle jab, poke and jackhammer in her office in New Zealand.

One small step for a man, a giant leap for mankind...

Finally a man with a vision.
This is amazing!!!

Phone sex will be no more.
But I don't think I'll ever concentrate at work if this is the case.

Hazie the images you just put in my head will have me giggling ramdomly all afternoon.