Oh Sheetz!! They got one right!!!


Dec 31, 2009
" “Nothing in constitutional text, history, or precedent supports exempting legislatures from ordinary takings rules, Justice Amy Coney Barrett, a Trump appointee, wrote for the unanimous court.

The court’s ruling said that property rights get the same amount of protection against legislators as they do against administrators.

George Sheetz received a $23,420 bill from the El Dorado County Traffic Impact Mitigation Fee Program. The country charges developers with traffic impact fees to pay for a portion of road improvements necessary to offset traffic impacts from new infrastructure developments like roads and highways.

Sheetz wanted to build a 1,854-square-foot prefabricated house on his plot of land. He applied for a permit in 2016 and found out his development would come at a high cost. "

9-0 Unanimous Court decision overruling California courts

Opinion seems narrowly defined, not sure what this means for homeowners wanting to build on their property. Government can still apply permitting fees, not sure exactly what this issue as about? Size of fee? Arbitrary valuation?

"Justice" Barrett wrote the decision, so I'm assuming the general public gets fucked over in some way, shape or fashion.

Someone light teh JimArpy Signal!
I read about it long ago. What bugged me was applying it to a residential property for a small single family dwelling. It seemed like it was geared more retail, industry, businesses or multi-family developments that would generate increased traffic and government services use.
I read about it long ago. What bugged me was applying it to a residential property for a small single family dwelling. It seemed like it was geared more retail, industry, businesses or multi-family developments that would generate increased traffic and government services use.
I think of the fee in terms of YUUUGE master planned subdivisions that are so common here in Texas. The subdivision I live in is one of seven individual subdivisions all under the umbrella of a master planned subdivision. 2000 homes total. Our master planned community is a magnet for suburban Korean massage parlors. The community newsletter notes each month which ones have opened and which ones have closed.
Exactly. But this guy's case didn't fit that profile in any way as I recall.
DAMN!! They got another one right!!

Supreme Court upholds funding structure for Consumer Financial Protection Bureau

ABC|3 hours ago
The Supreme Court on Thursday issued a ruling upholding the funding structure of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, a key consumer watchdog and banking regulator.

And Clarence of all people wrote the 7-2 Majority, while his pal Alito dissented.