Oh No!!


Reborn into kitty
Mar 7, 2002
I have around half a pack of ciggarettes left.

They are not going to last me through the night until I get to a store tomorrow. Now if I weren't so lazy I would get my clothes on, brave the cold and run the 25 minutes it takes to get to the store and buy some.

I'm considering that this might be the perfect time to quit smoking....

*gets the jitters*

Why do we start freaking out when we get down to only 10 cigs left?
His_kitty said:
I have around half a pack of ciggarettes left.

They are not going to last me through the night until I get to a store tomorrow. Now if I weren't so lazy I would get my clothes on, brave the cold and run the 25 minutes it takes to get to the store and buy some.

I'm considering that this might be the perfect time to quit smoking....

*gets the jitters*

Why do we start freaking out when we get down to only 10 cigs left?

ya kitts......it's the whole oral gratification thang

*winks and offers her a carrot stick til something better cums along*

I roll my own, so I make sure I always have spare tobacco around, and a few tubes, just in case the supply gets low.

I do not do tobacco withdrawal in a friendly and orderly manner....
11-30-2002 02:48 PM This person is on your Ignore List. To view this post click [here]

Now go away.
JazzManJim said:

I roll my own, so I make sure I always have spare tobacco around, and a few tubes, just in case the supply gets low.

I do not do tobacco withdrawal in a friendly and orderly manner....

Now how did i know you were an oral kinda guy?
Re: Re: Oh No!!

*goddess*emi* said:
ya kitts......it's the whole oral gratification thang

*winks and offers her a carrot stick til something better cums along*

Y'know how I get when I'm going through tobacco withdrawl, I need something to wrap my lips around on and suck.

takes the offered carrot stick and nibbles

JazzManJim I normally buy a carton at a time, but your idea is great. I might try and quit... I kinda wanna... sorta :D
*goddess*emi* said:
Now how did i know you were an oral kinda guy?

You know well my love for things oral. ;)

But far better than my mouth are my hands. I an the Paganini of Foreplay, you know. ;)
Re: Re: Re: Oh No!!

His_kitty said:
JazzManJim I normally buy a carton at a time, but your idea is great. I might try and quit... I kinda wanna... sorta :D

What I buy makes a carton, and I only spend about 12 dollars on it. It only take a small amount of effort to inject the tobacco and make cigarettes out of the empty tubes. I save a hell of a lot of money and have the advantage of cleaner and longer-lasting smokes, sanschemical preservatives.

And don't try quitting until you really want to. If you're ambivalent about it, you won't quit and it'll discourage you the next time you try.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Oh No!!

Indigo.Rose said:
Ok, so you asked for an answer as to why you start to freak out when you get down to ten smokes. I provided the answer, allbeit a very simple answer, but indeed the answer you were looking for, and now you're telling me you don't care? Why did you ask in the first place? Just wanted to see your words in print or what? Try asking questions you do care about in the future, it makes life a lot less boring.

Obviously the word rhetorical isn't well known to you :)

As to my posting.. the same could be asked of you, many times over, could it not? :)

My thread is obviously done in a joking manner... I'm not one for big drama whorish antics here. I don't really get my rocks off on asking people to ignore me or to put them on ignore. If people wanna ignore me then that's their prerogative and while I respect other peoples rights to use the ignore function it isn't something that I have yet to bother with. I just skip over those that give me the eye roll effect. :D
Re: Re: Re: Re: Oh No!!

JazzManJim said:
What I buy makes a carton, and I only spend about 12 dollars on it. It only take a small amount of effort to inject the tobacco and make cigarettes out of the empty tubes. I save a hell of a lot of money and have the advantage of cleaner and longer-lasting smokes, sanschemical preservatives.

And don't try quitting until you really want to. If you're ambivalent about it, you won't quit and it'll discourage you the next time you try.

I only smoke Menthol lights (yuck I know! lol) but the regulars are too harsh for me.

I've quit many times in the past with years having passed in between. I'm not actually serious about quitting tho I do know that I should. I'm just addicted ;)
JazzManJim said:
You know well my love for things oral. ;)

But far better than my mouth are my hands. I an the Paganini of Foreplay, you know. ;)

oh you multi-task well?
i make a great assistant if you need to work on your technique


*points to kitty's troll.....look hun it seems you've arrived, as it were,...you have a troll! i hear you shouldn't feed them*
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Oh No!!

Indigo.Rose said:

LoL!! I invite you to post in the thread from my sig line, I would adore having you on ignore, thanks for reminding me. :)

Doll that's far more effort than I care to exert towards you... feel free to do it from here. :)
11-30-2002 03:12 PM This person is on your Ignore List. To view this post click [here]

Buzz buzz buzz goes the bumblebee
Bleat bleat bleat goes the sheep....

emi - I'm a trained, professional multitasker. ;)
Re: Re: Re: Re: Oh No!!

Indigo.Rose said:
Ok, so you asked for an answer as to why you start to freak out when you get down to ten smokes. I provided the answer, allbeit a very simple answer, but indeed the answer you were looking for, and now you're telling me you don't care? Why did you ask in the first place? Just wanted to see your words in print or what? Try asking questions you do care about in the future, it makes life a lot less boring.

you have ulcers don't you?
Welcome back Indigo - making friends as easily as ever I see! :D

I would have said hello on your thread, but I just get so upset when I feel ignored.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Oh No!!

Indigo.Rose said:
Not one to get off on drama yet you flip flop right off topic and into my latest "antic" the first chance you get?

LoL!! I invite you to post in the thread from my sig line, I would adore having you on ignore, thanks for reminding me. :)

What a pathetic little bitch, IR is. But since I made the top 10 on her ignore list, she won't see this.

BTW, I'm going out to the garage for a smoke. ;)