Oh my god??


*insert random title here
Feb 23, 2002
There is a woman about my age that I've known for the past six months or so. We met her while she was working at the 7-11 a few blocks away. At first we would just make small talk when we saw each other, but over the next few months small talk got to be talk of more personal detalis, how our weekends went, issues we were dealing with.. Anytime I walked in she'd give out this sexy whistle just to get my attention... About a month ago she said she was going to be quitting, but before she did she ended up getting my cell phone number (she asked for it after she found out I had one) but she hasn't called since. While we started to get to know each other, one of her friends and her boyfriend moved in together to the apartment right below me...

I hadn't seen her since she quit her job at 7-11 until tonight.. I was just getting home at the same time she was at the door of the buliding waiting for her friend to let her in. Before I even had a chance to say hi she says "Oh my god..."

Huh?! 'Oh my god'? What does that mean? Is that an "Oh my god he saw me now I HAVE to talk to him" or an "Oh my god he saw me and I am wearing no make up and a plain untucked T-shirt" or is it an "Oh my god those tight black jeans look good on him"?

She said it quietly, almost to herself but it was still loud enough that I could hear.. After letting her know that it wasn't god but just little old me, we talked for a few minutes just catching up on how the past month is going (she now has a job at another resturant.. something she mentioned freely without me even asking where she worked now.)

But now I'l still wondering.. What the hell does "Oh my god" mean? Does this mean that if I worked on it a little, dates with this woman would be very possible? Or does it mean she's doing her best to avoid me but it's not working well?

Any ideas?

If she is trying to avoid you, she is not doing a whole lot to put off that type of vibe.

If she wants you, she's not being agressive enough.

either way, just take the chance dude. Just ask her out sometime. You can get two things done here.

1. You find out if she wants a date or not. If she does, that's great for you and the guessing game is over.

2. If she doesn't want anything, then you know right up front and again the guessing game is over. Otherwise, you are getting your hopes up for nothing and leading yourself on.

In my experience "Oh my god" is a very, very bad thing. But you must remember that this is in my experience, and I am a big loser.
Women are strange and mysterious creatures aren't they.

I'd listen to what the females have to say before I'd take the advice of a guy on this one.
I hadn't really considered the obvious answer to my question of course.. Asking her would take out the guessing game. It's just that whole "No" responce that I don't like.. I've heard it enough.. But at this rate as you said cybergirly, what do I have to lose?

Thanks all.. I'll let you know how it turns out..
what was her facial reaction?

i would say in this case if she talked nicely to you and didn't blow you off then this "oh my God" was a good one. maybe she was pleasingly surprized :)
No, it wasn't a case of blowing me off at all.. In fact she held the door open for me (her friend let her in, and as she turned around she saw me then said omg) and we talked for a good two or three minutes.. She also smiled and laughed a little when I responded with "No no, not god.. it's just me."

I hadn't really thought about her this much until tonight, and now that I have it sure does seem like she'd rather have me make the first move..

She doesn't turn away from me or avoid me, but any invites I have given her to call me or stop by my door and say hi while she's at her friends have not been taken up... It wasn't until tonight that I figured that the reason she hasn't shown up or called is not because she wants nothing to do with me, but that she may just want to make sure that I'd want to be with her.

It's hard to realize at times, but there are others like me who have a dislike of that "no" responce. :)
"Oh my god, that stud lives right here in the same building with my friend. I wonder if I can move in with him right away."


"Oh my god, I forgot all about calling that hot guy, and here he just walks up. I wonder if he'll believe that I lost his number."


"Oh my god, my makeover is tomorrow. Why did I have to run into that guy today?"
Liontamr said:
No, it wasn't a case of blowing me off at all.. In fact she held the door open for me (her friend let her in, and as she turned around she saw me then said omg) and we talked for a good two or three minutes.. She also smiled and laughed a little when I responded with "No no, not god.. it's just me."

I hadn't really thought about her this much until tonight, and now that I have it sure does seem like she'd rather have me make the first move..

She doesn't turn away from me or avoid me, but any invites I have given her to call me or stop by my door and say hi while she's at her friends have not been taken up... It wasn't until tonight that I figured that the reason she hasn't shown up or called is not because she wants nothing to do with me, but that she may just want to make sure that I'd want to be with her.

It's hard to realize at times, but there are others like me who have a dislike of that "no" responce. :)

then hell yeah GO FOR IT! she sound ripe for the picking :D