Oh Jim_Henson! Darling...

Ah well dad wont be up for another 2 hours.

Beats the hell out of all the skylines I've seen.
Jim_Henson said:
Ah well dad wont be up for another 2 hours.

Beats the hell out of all the skylines I've seen.

Poor darling! I don't blame you if you feel a little homesick. Los Angeles is just LA, y'know?
Jim_Henson said:
Oversized hole in the ground, but hey.

Tomato tomatoe

You know, we actually agree on something there! Holy Shit !! I am pretty sure that the open gates of Hell are under Los Angeles, and thats why there are so many fucked up people here.
Vulnavia said:

You know, we actually agree on something there! Holy Shit !! I am pretty sure that the open gates of Hell are under Los Angeles, and thats why there are so many fucked up people here.

You've been watching too much Buffy. lol

Are you telling me Cheffie and I are going to be in the same city next week? Shit, that could be cosmically dangerous.
No I wont be in that hole in the ground.

I remember coming down on the plane and looking out thinking, this is fucking worse than Sydney.
Eep! Caught me there! I do watch too much Buffy. I am in LA. I am still not too sure where he is though.
Jim_Henson said:
No I wont be in that hole in the ground.

I remember coming down on the plane and looking out thinking, this is fucking worse than Sydney.

LOL! Yeah I have heard about Sydney. You fly over LA, and fly over LA and eventually after about an hour you land. Then comes the fun part. Driving in LA Which I actually like but then I have been told I am insane too. :D
sunstruck said:

You've been watching too much Buffy. lol

Are you telling me Cheffie and I are going to be in the same city next week? Shit, that could be cosmically dangerous.

LOL. Sending you a PM
I am hearing background music. Missing Persons, "Walking in LA"

I really need to go back to bed.
Jim_Henson said:
Daylight savings starts soon, morning is breaking.

They do daylight savings time there too? I didn't know that. I have to admit I don't know a helluva lot about Australia, aside from the animals I have seen in the zoo.
SummerRose said:
I am hearing background music. Missing Persons, "Walking in LA"

I really need to go back to bed.

"Only a nobody walks in LA":D Rhys has just about every cd known to mankind in his collection. I know its a staple when he's actually writing. ~ahem, *cough cough cough*~
Vulnavia said:

They do daylight savings time there too? I didn't know that. I have to admit I don't know a helluva lot about Australia, aside from the animals I have seen in the zoo.

Yeah, we go forward you go back... which means America ends up a FURTHER 2 hours behind from Oct through March.
Jim_Henson said:

Yeah, we go forward you go back... which means America ends up a FURTHER 2 hours behind from Oct through March.

I think we get more sleep that way, at least.:D So, what do Australian's do for fun besides drink? Do you have a boomerang? Do you surf?
Is it just me? Does anyone else have problems holding a conversation with this Muppet?