Oh Canada! "Godamn Americans; I hate those bastards."


Lit's Most Beloved Poster
May 14, 2002
That was today's quotable quote by Canadian Liberal Government MP J Parris just after she was done responding to press questions about the impending invasion of Iraq outside Parliament.

However, please be assured that we like you bloodthirsty savage moron cocksuckers.

We really do.

And all of this time I thought the World Trade Centers were in New York City.
Lancecastor said:
That was today's quotable quote by Canadian Liberal Government MP J Parris just after she was done responding to press questions about the impending invasion of Iraq outside Parliament.

However, please be assured that we like you bloodthirsty savage moron cocksuckers.

We really do.

I love Canada , and I will gladly accept the cocksucking you will give us , God forbid you are ever invaded.
Let's see.....

Softwood lumber is having to go to the international court level because of inflexability.

Property is being bought up in huge volume.

Small business is suffering because of so-called "Big Box" retail outfits coming in from US.

Protectionist attitudes in the US movie business is cutting into Canadian film industry.

We lose because our dollar is lower by selling out at a price we can't refuse and being beaten down because the lower dollar attracts certain business away.

Then you act surprised Canadians resent you......
I like the way (some of) our politicians actually say what they mean in plain English versus using weasel words like, for example, Trent Lott used to try and explain why he thought ending slavery was such a bad idea.

Makes for an interesting National News....
I've never done anything to Canada. But Canada think's it's all great and shit.

Well, I've got something to tell you Canada! You think you're hot shit, but you're really just cold diarrhea!
HeavyStick said:
Lance, what is that in your av?

It's an aerial photo of The Plains of Abraham in Quebec City, where the English whooped the French in the battle for Canada.
Lancecastor said:
It's an aerial photo of The Plains of Abraham in Quebec City, where the English whooped the French in the battle for Canada.

That's odd. Maybe this indicates some psychological imbalance in me, but to me it looks like an old dude with grey chest hair sitting in proximity to a window through which the sun is streaming.
Ummm... I"m with CBM on that one.

Btw - the pic in your av, CBM - I saw a few years back, attached to some long silly e-mail...

"My daughter was kidnapped, please help me find her, here is her picture, blah blah blah blah...." and then at the bottom, a letter from her daughter, saying "dear mom, I'm never coming home," with the pic you have as an av. It made me laugh.
Cuckolded_BlK_Male said:
That's odd. Maybe this indicates some psychological imbalance in me, but to me it looks like an old dude with grey chest hair sitting in proximity to a window through which the sun is streaming.

Recognizing you have a psychological problem is the first step to recovery. Be well.

Here's another view, with the light behind the camera, taken at the same time:

watergirl said:
Ummm... I"m with CBM on that one.

Btw - the pic in your av, CBM - I saw a few years back, attached to some long silly e-mail...

"My daughter was kidnapped, please help me find her, here is her picture, blah blah blah blah...." and then at the bottom, a letter from her daughter, saying "dear mom, I'm never coming home," with the pic you have as an av. It made me laugh.

The pic on my AV first appeared in a hustler magazine in the early 1980s. He was the winner of Larry Flynt's contest to find the biggest (non-porn actor) meat in America.
MP apologizes for calling Americans 'bastards'

OTTAWA - A Liberal MP has apologized for saying about Americans: "I hate those bastards."

MP Carolyn Parrish was speaking to reporters about Canada's diplomatic initiative on Iraq. At the end of her comments Parrish said, "Damn Americans … I hate those bastards."

CBC reporter Susan Lunn who heard Parrish make the comment, says the MP then laughed as she was walking away.
