

Literotica Guru
Nov 10, 2020

The GB is now almost all sex. There are numerous other boards for sex talk​

Stop trying to ban what appears to be more popular than repeated moans about sex on a sex site.
If you think the GB should be different, start your own interesting threads.
If not, you will have proved people don't want the GB to change..

Where is the General Board Discussion Forum?​

pushing the same old shit. Go away!


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The prevalence of picture threads show what the GB want and it isn't you or your alts.
The prevalence of picture threads show what the GB want and it isn't you or your alts.
Not true.
Been here since the beginning.
The front page is what all the easily offended wanted and got and then was left as too boring.

Laurel allowed herself to suck the life out of it in order to please those who could never be pleased. I hope she at least swallowed.
"Been here since the beginning" and yet the join date is Dec 2020.

Another alt.

I have been here since 2002 and the Politics Board was a good thing. If you don't like what the GB now is - stay away.
You must be as senile as our President Brandon.
Another ad hominem. I detect a similarity.

You can't discuss rationally, just call people names. Go away and play with the kid's toys elsewhere. You're not mature enough to be on this site.
According to Hobbit I'm so far a right-wing conservative that I want to resurrect Mrs Thatcher...

But he's so Left, he's out of sight.
LOL. Me and him are pretty much on the same page politically. If anything he's slightly more moderate than me.
No. I don't mind alts unless they attempt to 'prove' their other identity's assertions. I am an alt myself. There is no such person as oggbashan.
That’s the thing; everyone here’s an alt.

Only Conager knows everyone’s real names and addresses.