Of Gods, Demi-Gods & Monsters


Literotica Guru
Jan 15, 2008
“Two,” the dark-haired man said as he tossed the same number of cards towards the dealer. The dealer was the only person there in a uniform, she smiled and dealt two cards toward him. The dark-haired man took the cards and said nothing, putting his hand down on the table. His face was always somber, and nothing changed with the delivery of these two cards. He may as well have been a statue. He was obviously young, and quite handsome, and wearing a simple dark shirt and dark slacks he was the only person at the table who was under dressed. “Check,” he said quietly.

“So tell me, Hades,” the red-haired man next to him asked, “How does it feel to be worshiped again?” The red-haired man smiled at the dealer, exposing two prominent and sharp canines. The dealer didn't seem to notice. “Three,” the red-haired man said. He received his cards, looked them over and frowned. “Well shit, it looks like I'll just have to drive you both off the table. I raise it by forty thousand.” The red-haired man was dressed in a very expensive Italian suit. His face was pale and while he wasn't as attractive as the dark-haired man, Hades, he was still quite handsome.

“Hades was his old nickname,” the third man at the table explained to the dealer, “he was Hades, I was Apollo, it was a greek thing.”

The dealer nodded. “Like a fraternity.”

“Exactly,” Apollo said, a smile on his face, “I see you're not just beautiful, you're smart too.” When Apollo smiled the world around him rejoiced. While Hades was young and handsome, his somber attitude kept him from being noticed. Apollo was blonde-haired, blue-eyed and breath-takingly beautiful. Even straight men acknowledged that he was good-looking. “Hades had a number of nicknames; Loki, Pluto, I like Pluto because he's so good with money. You wouldn't know it by looking at him, but Hades here is probably the richest man in the world.”

“Not like Apollo here with the gift of gab,” the red-haired man said, “Ever since I've known him he's mostly been a destitute wanderer. It's only since he started selling songs to rock stars that he's had any money. The bet is forty thousand, to you.”

“Relax Dracula,” the blonde said, “let me at least get my cards. Three.” He discarded and picked up his new cards. “Hmmm. Too rich for my blood.” He tossed his cards onto the table, folding. “So what are you talking about Drac, Hades is getting worshiped?”

“They were talking about it at the last gathering,” Dracula said. “Apparently it started as a college project. Something about recreating authentic bronze age pagan worship. Now they've got a temple set up and everything. One of my nephews was planning on heading over there and seeing if he could set himself up as their god. Bet's to you, Hades.”

“I see your forty and raise you eighty.” Hades didn't give away anything. “Which nephew was it?”

“Call,” Dracula said, putting in the last of his chips. “Victor.”

Apollo groaned. “I should have killed him when I had the chance.”

“Indeed.” Hades flipped over his cards revealing a flush.

“Damn your eyes Hades, I'm out.” Dracula sighed. “Yes, well, Victor is part of my covenant, so be very careful if you decide to move against him.”

“That was the only reason I left him alive in Singapore. However, if Victor is trying to feed off Hades' followers than he's the one moving against Hades,” Apollo interjected. “That's a violation of Adun's treaty. Those laws are older than your precious covenant.”

“What are you saying?” Dracula asked.

Apollo shrugged. “If Victor preys on Hades' followers he will be facing the might of the assembled pantheon.”

“You mean the immortals. You two, Ares, Adun and Osiris?” Dracula asked.

“No,” Hades said as he gathered in his chips, his deep voice resonating across the table. “Adun's treaty is very clear. Followers are off limits in the god wars. If anyone violates that, god, demi-god or monster, all others will oppose them. It happened once before.”

“Atlantis” Apollo and Hades said together in a low voice.

“Shit,” Dracula replied.

“I'll go out to the temple and see what's going on,” Hades said. “With any luck Victor will be smart enough to stay away.”


OOC: Closed
The soft silk of her black gown clung to her like like a second skin as she kneeled before the statue of Hades with her head respectfully bent. Her raven black hair hung in loose waves shielding her face from view. All the worshippers had left a while ago but it was her job to maintain the temple that had been erectered.

When the group had left they had left a mess not caring that she would be the one left to clean it and make it once again prisent. No one ever really saw her so she figured they all thought it magically cleaned itself but it wasn't true she spent hours upon hours cleaning the temple. Sweat poured from her body as she knelt infront of the statue. Silently she placed a single blood red rose on the lap of the statue and as darkness encrouched on the temple she rose ever silent and began lighting the candels.

Her face was clean on makeup her skin creamy and soft. Her dark hair caused her pale grey eyes to be much more prominent. Her black gown was loose and looked much like what the priestess of old would wear. As she walked around the temple she looked almost like a wrath floating here and there ever silent.

The temple was not overly large but it was good sized with plenty of room with a large statue of Hades seated on a throne toward the back of the room. Every thing in the temple was constructed of black or grey marble with viens of white. With only the light of the candles the room had an other worldly feel to it with all the darkness and only cracks of paleness. The temple was for the most part just this room though there were 3 smaller rooms hidden in the back of the temple. One was storage for items needed for ceremonies, one was a cleaning closet, and the last was her room which was tucked directly behind Hades. She was the only worshiper who lived even on the same grounds as the temple.

With the candels lit she went back to kneel before the statue bowing her head once again before the figure she had polished not long ago. Finally she spoke her voice sounding like a thousand tinkling bells playing a sad mellow song. "Hades, God of the Underworld, I kneel before your feet ever at your mercy. I pray for guidance if the life I have choosen for myself until my soul joins the rest in your kingdom. I offer to you my loyalty and faith, body and soul."

Finished with her nightly prayer and offering up another single blood red rose to the God she choose to worship she slowly rose to her feet gliding closer to the Statue of Hades and placing a tender kiss upon his hand.
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Finding the temple had been surprisingly easy. They advertised. Not in the yellow pages or with billboards, but put 'Temple of Hades' into google and it's the first result.

He pulled up in front of the building in his black '57 Mercedes 300L. He lifted the gullwing and stepped out, surveying the 'temple.' It was a simple two-story brick & mortar job with with wood doors. You had to look to see it, but there used to be windows that had been removed & bricked over. It was one hell of a job. If it had been out in a field it would look like a brick barn. Here in the city it was just another brick building. Hopefully it would be more impressive inside, Hades had standards, damn it.

Hades took a deep breath and let it out. "Here we go again." He walked up to the door and knocked.

Hades was dressed in a simple black suit with a black shirt, socks & shoes. Even his sunglasses were black.
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Danika jerked up from having softly placing her lips on the statues hand when there was a knock on the temple doors. She frown causing her brow to wrinckle. Who could possibly be here at this time of night? She was normally the only one around and visitors only came during the day. She shook herself out of her musing and glided over to the door straightening her slim shoulders before pulling the door open slightly. A tall attractive man stood before her dressed in dark but expensive clothing.

For a reason she was unaware of she felt the need to bow her head before him and did just that. Danika was a firm believer in following her instincts. “How may I help you Sir?” She said in that voice that sounded like a thousand tinkling bells playing a sad melody.

She wanted to lay her eyes upon the handsome man again but some how she knew that she should keep her head bowed before this man whom ever he was unless he told her otherwise. More than that she wandered what he was doing here at the temple of Hades and what he wanted.
"Persephone?" The name slipped out before Hades could stop it. The way she opened the door and kept her head respectfully down, it all came together and rocked Hades back five thousand years before the ambrosia, before the immortality, to his first wife, his first love.

They had known each other since childhood. Their families lived near each other on that little greek island. They played together, they seemed to like each other and the marriage was arranged early on. Until Hades' father, Chronos, died.

He was the oldest boy, Hestia was born first then Hades. Father had died of the fever shortly after Zeus was born. Hades took over everything. He taught his sisters to tend the gardens while he shepherded the goats and chickens and fished as much as he could. When Posiedon was old enough he taught his little brother to fish and sail.He also hunted, with spear and knife, like Father had taught him. Absolute silence was required and Hades was good at that. And as responsibility for his family weighed heavy on his shoulders that silence became somber, a somber that stayed with him for five thousand years.

Persephone was quiet as well, but her silence was his solace. They married young and Persephone died during childbirth shortly thereafter. She never lived to see the rising sea waters,the raids of the sea people and Hades earning his reputation as the Lord of Death. She never got to meet her niece, Demeter's daughter, named in her honor. She never drank of the sweet ambrosia Apollo and Hermes created, that granted immortality, or great power or monstrous form. OF course, she never met Hades second wife, the necromancer Kore of Etrusca.

Hades shook his head to clear it. This girl, though attractive, was not his Persephone.

"Forgive me, you reminded me of someone I knew a long time ago." HE smiled at her. "TEll me, is this the temple of Hades?"
Danika blushed when the man called Persephone. Feeling nervous she reacted by speaking uselessly. "They Persephone is the name of Hades first wife. It is also said she had beauty beyond compare so I'll thank you for the compliment Sir." She nibbled her pouty bottom lip to keep herself from rambling.

"Yes Sir this is indeed the temple of Hades. I suppose you could call me a priestess my name is Danika how may I help you Sir?" She asked unsure of what the attractive, well dressed, and obviously wealthy man would want with the temple.

She stoticly before him and even though she had been preparing for bed she was no switching gears to give a tour and hoped there would be no complaint from the man because if there was and Courtney found out Danika knew she would be praying to join Hades kingdom sooner rather than later in life.
"Priestess?" Hades asked a bit in shock. He'd never had a priestess before. Then again, his temples tended to be simpler affairs, open air henges of worked stone. People prayed to Hades for money and terrible vengeance. When they wanted mercy for the dead they prayed to Persephone. It was his brother Zeus & his family that enjoyed being worshipped with intricate ceremonies. Not that it really mattered.

Hades was merely immortal, he had no other powers. It was Kore who talked to the dead; and now she was dead herself. Yes, he was amazing with wealth, but anyone else who devoted five thousand years to the pursuit would be as skilled. That was the way of it. Ambrosia granted immortality or vast power. It could also grant lesser portions of both, but at a cost, like the minotaur or the vampires or the werewolves.

Or the thrice-cursed Elves of Atlantis.

Hades reached out his hand and lifted Danika's chin. He tilted her head to the left and then to the right, looking her over. She was very attractive, and the black dress she wore was quite flattering. Her grey eyes were quite striking.

"Yes, you will do." Hades smiled at the girln dropping her chin & removing his sunglasses to a pocket inside his suit coat.

"Show me the temple."
Danika stood loose and fearless as the name lifted her chin turning her face to and fro. She comment mentioning she would almost made her lift a brow inquizitavely but as soon as he released her chin her head was back to slightly being bowed. When he instructed her to show the temple it seemed natural. He did not ask or demand he just simply expected it to be done.

She stepped back opening the doors wider so that the man could enter and see the main area of the temple. “There is not much Sir just this main area then a few storage areas and my quarters.” She told him softly.

It never occurred to her to have fear of the man and being alone with him at night in the temple. She was simply safe and if the man ment her harm then she would lean on her belief in Hades as to rather she should join his souls or continue to serve him. She would not turn away anyone with an intrest in the temple.
Danika opened the other wooden door and stepped to the side clearing a path for Hades. The immortal stepped from the relative light of pre-dusk to the darkness of candlelight. The simplicity of the design was the first thing that struck him. Even with the oversized, bearded galloot carved into a throne on a raised dais, it was simply a large rectangular room.

"I don't look anything like that, " realizing he spoke a moment after he said it. He felt himself blush a bit. That's what Ares always said when he saw a statue of himself. As Lord of Death & the Underworld, people had iconized him rarely, fearful that they'd incur his eternal wrath. Oh there were a few statues, usually with his family, and those they all got a good laugh out of. After all, the immortals of Olympus were eternal youths in fantastic shape, not dour ancients wearing beards like Guan Yu.

Then there were the paintings of that farcical, incestuous rape story. Those were laughable because the entire story was fictional. Hades suspected one of the demi-gods had made it up & spread it around as the only sort of lasting vengeance you could have against an immortal.

There was also the Disney movie where he was blue with flames for hair and the voice of James Woods. Hades rather liked that one, not that it was realistic, but Jim was a good guy.

Seeing this bearded fool in HIS temple distracted him from the expensive marble & excellent masonry.

Hades turned toward Danika and asked her, "What do you think? Does that statue do me justice."
Danika barely heard the first comment and cocked her head to the side curiously but didn’t say a word. When he turned and face her his other worldly voice asking plaining if with a bit of amusment, "What do you think? Does that statue do me justice?" she stared at him in confusion for a moment. Cocking her head slightly to the she studied his young good looks taking not of every feature. She sent out her scenses to get a feel for the man behind the looks.

Danika was a natural born witch and though she didn’t study the craft as most do she had the gift to open her scense and get a feel for the person beyond what the eye could see. When she did so the power she felt come back almost made her stagger. She kept her face neutral and scerne. Along with the power she felt a melancoly and sadness that spoke to her but there was no evil or malicousness in what she felt. After a few moments she realized indeed she was standing before her God, Hades himself.

Again she bowed her head a little lower than before, “Not at all my Lord.” She said softly shock and awe apparent in her voice.
“Not at all my Lord.”

Hades looked over the sensually dressed girl bowing before him. Lustful thoughts filled his brain as he remembered Persephone, long nights with very little sleep. So help him, Danika did look like her.

Hades remembered how willing his priests had been over the millennia. Men had offered him jewels and gold for the promise of him enriching them further or wrecking horrible vengeance on their enemies. He wondered what a priestess would offer him.

"Very well. Show me the rest of my temple. Danika."