OCC - Newbe's casting call


Really Really Experienced
Nov 4, 2002
Hi everyone.. I'm new to the idea of SRP and erotic writing.. I would love to try my hand at it... but I would like an experienced writer to help me... if the SRP turned out good, I would like to translate it into a story for Lit...

I hope to find a single person to join me in this adventure... topic/theme/genre open for discussion

I would like to help

Althought not new to erotic writing in itself, I am new to this, but I belive I have a well enought grasp on it, I do this more so under Yahoo Messanger, so when I came, I felt right at home ^_^ PM me if you have anymore questions

I have done a few of these before, I would like to help if you want.
I would be more then willing to help you out just let me know. :]

I'll help too. I usually play in the ORP section, where there is a little less sex involved.


Hi there Jess... I am interested in helping but I am now to this so I may need some coaching.
Does the sex matter?

That is...are you looking for either male or female? Or are you only looking for men? I am interested at anyrate :)


Let me know if you want to try another too! Have done a few a while back.. I can share the thread names if you want to take a gander to see if your interested. Done a few Fantasy role play. PM if your interested! Your writing in the Bride is outstanding.. vEry impressive~!:rose: