Spinster Aunt of Lit
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If you should like to play, please go to after reading these hints, guides, and ect.'s
OCC: Luna Lupa: Werewolf: TA
The main story is this: Rana Callstohunt, A Silent Strider, has basically blackmailed the Glasswalkers into giving her money to run a carnival called the Luna Lupa *moon wolf* which goes up and down the west coast looking for lost cubs, bad guys, and other such things.
Werewolf: The Apocalypse
Werewolf: The Apocalypse is about anger over the loss of what the shapeshifting garou hold dearest: Gaia, the earth itself. Corruption from without and within has caused the destruction not only of the garou's environment, but also of their families, friends and culture, which extends in an unbroken line to the very dawn of life. No matter how righteously the garou hold themselves, no matter how they prey on their destroyers, the corruption spreads.
Now the time for reconciliation is past. This grave insult against Gaia can end in only one way: blood, betrayal... and rage.
Werewolf is developed by Ethan Skemp.
Garou are not made, they are born. They don't know they are Garou, they just know they don't fit in. Sometimes they never find out. The simply never had something bad enough happen to them that causes the Rage which bursts them out of their everyday life into the realm of the supernateral.
Kinfolk are those who are related by blood to Garou. They may have a Werewolf ancestor, or a Aunt who disappeared and no one ever heard from her again, or a child who tore apart a would be burgler and left a god almight mess in the living room of not enough body parts. Kinfolk are good mates for Garou, they have half the gentic code needed for brining more Garou into the world, they aren't affected by the Delerium (the state which most humans fall under when seeing that nice lady turn into a 9 foot clawed monster), and they can act as spies against enemies which can spot a Garou; like Black Sprial Dancers (bad Garou) and Vampires.
Building a Werewolf:
In a game of Werewolf there are Auspices (the moon you were born under which shapes your personality) and Tribes (The bloodline you were born to, which gives you unique abilities and powers) and your birth shape (born as a man, born as a wolf cub, born as a metis, which is the product of two Garou mateing and against the laws).
The Auspices
Garou are born of the Earth Mother,
but her sister Luna, the Moon, is their guide.
Born under the New Moon...
... Born to stalk the shadows.
You slip beneath notice
to strike Gaia's enemies unaware.
Born under the Crescent Moon...
... Born to channel nature's fury.
You wield the power of
the Earth itself against her foes.
Born under the Half Moon...
... Born to dispense justice.
You bring sentence against
those who threaten Gaia.
Born under the Gibbous Moon...
... Born to forge the legend.
You break the foes of Gaia
with songs of rage and glory.
Born under the Full Moon...
... Born to kill.
You are the true warrior of Gaia,
and nothing will withstand your rage.
The Tribes:
Black Furies
A tribe of only women, these will not be available for PC's, tho we might run into a few.
Bone Gnawers
This urban tribe is tied instinctually to life on the street. Long ago, they began as scavengers in India and Northern Africa. Now they stalk wherever the homeless and desperate struggle to survive.
I'm not really sure if some of the Carny people I see now aren't Bone Gnawers, I mean, have you SEEN the guy that runs the ferris wheel? *shivers*
Children of Gaia
As gentle mediators, the Children favor healing and understanding over bloodshed. No other tribe is as committed to helping humanity.
Exclusively of Celtic descent, the Fianna are known for their wild passions and artistic insight. They are famous for their skilled bards, great warriors and mystical ties to the fae.
Get of Fenris
Surviving the harsh lands of Northern Europe, the Fenrir have developed a savage, bloodthirsty and fatalistic view of life. As one of the most martial tribes of werewolves, they are also unparalleled at dealing in death.
Glass Walkers
For thousands of years, the Walkers hid in human cities, living as wolves among sheep. Other werewolves typically mistrust them, not only for their proficiency with high technology, but also for their love of human cities and culture.
Red Talons
Composed entirely of lupus Garou, this tribe is well known for its fierce hatred of humans. Talons thrive whenever they can commune with the mysteries of the wild. The Luna Lupa does have a few Red Talons, during the off hours they are in the lupine form, but durning hours of operation they prowl...er...patrol as security. They don't speak much, won't really say why they are here instead of out in the wild, and no one really wants to push the issue.
Shadow Lords
Ruthless, devious and ambitious - the Lords value political power over all else, and they are fascinated by the politics of Garou society. By struggling against their rivals in Eastern Europe for millennia, they have become masters of diplomacy and Machiavellian intrigue. We don't have any Shadow Lords in the Luna Lupa, tho some do fund some projects.
Silent Striders
Once they dwelt in the fabled lands of Khem in Ancient Egypt, but no longer. Now they roam the Earth, following an insatiable wanderlust. Striders typically join packs that love to travel, often communing with gypsies, wanderers and the restless spirits of the dead along the way. Striders and Bone Gnawers are the backbone of the Luna Lupa.
Silver Fangs
Once the unquestioned rulers of Garou society, the Fangs are descended from some of the greatest werewolves in history. Lineage and ancestry is critical to them. Since their glorious days in their Russian homelands, they have fallen prey to tragic flaws, often spiraling into despair and madness.
This tribe is descended from Native American Garou. Their strongest septs are in the northernmost portions of North America, where they endure some of the harshest conditions on Earth.
This information came mostly from the
White Wolf Gameing Site where you can find more information on Werewolf and other cool games.
To build a PC you frist deside: Human, Kinfolk, Garou?
If Garou: pick a race: Human, Lupine, or Metis. Each has it's own strenghs and weaknesses.
Then you pick an Auspice, which becomes your base for character generation. A Philidox won't be easy to tempt, a Ragabash would have a hard time turning down the chance to hear or tell a story....
Pick a tribe, and remember to play it well. If you pick Bone Gnawer you can't very well say he's walking around in 1000 dollar suits, he/she more than likely would be in thrift store clothes, slightly greasy, and not above snagging a perfectly good hamburger out of the trash and polishing it off. He's also more street wise than the more "tree hugger" types or the "snooty Glasswalkers."
Werewolf is based off of North American and European myths. In these myths shapeshifters move between the spirit world and the everyday world. At a later date I will get into what this means to you as a Garou, but for now I'd like you to build your PC Garou or Kinfolk so we can begin.
What is Metis
As you know, Garou are not made, they are born.
If a Garou and a human or a wolf mate, they create a Kinfolk or another Garou. This is good.
However, it is in the Litney (see below) that Garou shall not mate with Garou. If a child should result from that unholy union the result is a monster. Metis are always born deformed in some way. Albinos, or blind, or unable to shift properly if at all....The list of cruel horrors is nearly endless.
They are shunned by Humans for being ugly, by Lupines for not smelling right, and by Garou for being horrors. Many are killed by their own family before ever takeing their frist breath, or are hidden. If they live they are more likely to turn to the Wyrm than not, and if they become warriors for Gaia they never can really prove themselves in the eyes of other Werewolves.
Metis are always born sterile.
Rana believes however that every Garou has a purpose and is willing to put them to good use. She may not be friends with them, but if their goals serve her goals, she will accept them as easily as any other Human, Kinfolk or Garou who come to her.
Wolves are always born to wolves only. Humans are only born to humans. In both the Garou strain doesn't show until after maturity. Lupine Werewolves tend to live ten years longer than their lupine counterparts, but still have shorter lives than humans. However, being Garou isn't a long lived occupation, so....
Out of a litter of pups one may be Garou, and the others lupine. Rain and Runs are unusal in that they have the same lupine mother, tho diff litters. They are two years apart. Usually any mother of any type will only have one Garou in her lifetime.
I'll get into the shapeshifting in another thread. But basically, there is more than just the two shapes....there are inbetween shapes.
And yes, in the past someone in your family had to have been Garou. Lupine or human. It's in the blood, therefore somewhere in your bloodline someone had to be a little furry/a little unhaired (depending).
There was a time when humans were basically sheep and the Garou their keepers. But then came a bad time, a time of shame for the Garou where it was desided to put the humans down. A killing rampage ensued, which to this day causes a loatheing instintivly in most humans, and the Deiliruim in non-kinfolk if seen in certain stages of shape changing. While in the Deiliruim a human will say anything to themselves to convince themselves they DID NOT SEE WHAT THEY SAW. "Bigfoot." "I was drunk." "It was a big dog." Etc.
And the Garou can be hurt, silver is not good for them, shotguns work, they sleep, and trust and can be tricked. They heal quickly, but some things can't be repaired, like a missing kneecap.
NOTE: Kinfolk
While certain bloodlines of Garou do run thu kinfolk lines, Kinfolk don't have a "tribe" per say. Also, the chances of being Garou are one in 100, which is one of the reasons these are the End Times, there simply are fewer Garou being born than before, and more of our enemies being created.
From Steiner: Actually, Garou can be kinda vulnerable without their Kinfolk.
Firstly, as PS said, they DO have to sleep. Secondly, none of them work very well with animals, as a rule. Thirdly, the Lupus ones are VERY naive when it comes to the workings of the modern world - few of them could interact socially with humankind in a subtle way or for an extended time. Fourthly - they can heal just about any wound up to and including severed limbs, provided it wasn't inflicted by a magical or silver weapon. My Kinsfolk character carries a .357 Revolver loaded with hotshot silvertips. One of those canl make a hole the size of a side plate in even the largest Garou Ahroun. Lastly and most importantly - without us, the Garou die at the current generation. Without us there ARE no Garou.
Of course it's nowhere near a fair fight - even with the silver - but the whole point is that the GAROU are the warriors. We Kinfolk are here to support them, and to catch them when they stumble. We can't do magic, we can't change shape - but there's a lot we can do. In Army parlance, we might not be the Infantry, but vehicles need fixing, intelligence needs gathering, food needs cooking, watch needs keeping and bills need paying.
From Poohive:
1. I looked on the site, and it has a lot of information, but I didn't find much on the different strength's/weaknesses or advantages/disadvantages about being born human or lupine or metis (and maybe explain what a metis is a bit more). You have the tribes and the auspices put up very well, but this I didn't find enough to pinpoint what I want my character to be.
Ah yes, well, the way I see it, the Garou didn't have a lot of choice over what they got born as either (WEG) so you make your best choices, and then I PM you with your PC's speical skills and/or choices.
2. The Theurge auspice channel's nature's fury... and the Ahroun
are the true warriors of Gaia, and nothing will withstand their rage.
What exactly is the difference between the two?
A Theurge is more like a Shaman, working more closely with magic and spirits and Gaia herself than the other auspices. Ahrouns are raw Rage Power, more able to channel the gift of Rage than the others. However, yes, this does make Ahrouns more difficult to control, and they do tend to want to "eye for an eye" and "smite mightly" more than everyone else.
Rite of Passage
You have two names:
The name you were born with, that your parents call you by, that's on your ID
And the name you've earned during your Rite of Passage.
Rana, when she was just Rana Onji, went with a group of other cubs to a mall to recover a object of great power. While the other cubs were side tracked she spotted the item being carted off. She gave a howl, the one that compells others to follow, and without waiting ran after the object.
When the survivors gathered at the sept and told their tales many names were suggested to her, like Keeps Eyes Open, Hunts with a Purpose, but the one she chose was Callstohunt
First Change
It is a part of the Luna Lupa's mission, and Rana's personal goal, to guide as many cubs thru the transition from human to Garou as possiable. With so few Garou left it is felt by many elders that cubs are being lost just because no one is there to guide them.
This excerpt is from the White Wolf Site:
That's right. I'm a friend.
I'm a... cousin, really.
And I'm here to help you last out the night. I think we've got a minute before we're going to have to get away from here, so just keep breathing slowly and try to calm down.
You might have known this was coming. Was it the dreams? Sometimes it's the dreams - dreams of running on all fours, smelling blood from miles away, the moonlight Or maybe it was the other kids. Did they treat you differently, like they could somehow see something dangerous about you? That'll happen, too. And it all got worse as you got older. Once you started getting into your teenage years, the dreams got worse, and you started to feel something bottled up inside you. Your classmates avoided you. Maybe teachers thought you were acting funny, and they started asking if you were on drugs. And the pressure inside kept building.
Yeah, I know the story. Particularly the next part. You got pushed too far. Something inside you snapped. The next thing you knew, you were covered in blood, standing in a pile of guts and flesh and bone that used to be a person - or people.
It's okay! It's okay. This time, it's okay. The people here were trying to kill you. It was you or them. You did good. You just need to learn a little more control
No, we can't go back. Your old life's dead - and if they catch us, there's a fair chance that your new life won't last much longer. They'll probably have silver this time.
You don't know why you just shuddered when I said that, do you? Or maybe you've guessed by now?
You've just gone through your First Change.
You're a werewolf.
We are Garou,
We are creatures of
human folklore,
their nightmares
and their legends.
But we are not
who they believe us to be.
We walk between worlds.
The worlds of humankind
and our Mother Earth.
The worlds of flesh and spirit.
The worlds of rage and reason.
Throughout history,
our brothers and sisters
have fought with fang,
claw and spirit to protect Gaia -
the Earth Mother.
This is Her final hour -
our Apocalypse.
This is your legend.
Thousands of years ago, before humans used language to describe the events of the past, the Earth Mother created three supernatural forces - the Weaver, the Wyrm and the Wyld - to maintain the universe. She guided all nature's creatures with a feral claw.
It was the Earth Mother, they say, who first taught us to change our shape. And it was at Her command that we fostered the fledgling human race. Many were the shapeshifting kinds, but we were the most powerful, the most feared - the Garou, the werewolves. Together, we kept the human herds in check. A conclave of our tribes ruled our kind, and we were the Earth's dominant species.
We reveled in our dominance, and we sought to command all shapeshifters. When not all would bow to our might, we claimed our kin to be a threat to Gaia's human children. In retaliation for their defiance, we waged a savage battle against our changing kind. We never expected that those we sought to protect would be the next to dissent.
The violence was so terrible that humankind turned its back on us all. While we carved out a path in blood, humans relegated us to myth and legend and began their own story. So much did humankind deny our existence that, to this day, humans who see a Garou retreat in madness and forget what they have seen.
Today, we Garou live under the Veil, concealing ourselves from the humans who are now dominant among Gaia's offspring. But still, be it in the world of flesh or spirit, we fight to prevent the Apocalypse. As humans pollute the world and cities grow, strangling the wild places, so too do the Wyrm and the Weaver fight each other in a conflict that can only destroy the world.
We Garou stand in their way. Our struggle today is more dire than ever, for indeed, we are the last generation of warriors.
The NPC's
This story will take place centering around a Carnival called the "Luna Lupa" owned and run by Rana Callstohunt, a human Ragabash Silent Strider. She is the unmated Alpha female.
She is backed up by Cookie, a human Ahroun Silver Fang. She may look very nice and sweet, back there in the cooking tent with her cap of silver curls, but she's never lost in battle.
HidesinLighting is a Metis Glasswalker Philodox albino who lives in his tricked out trailer. He's a whiz at keeping an eye on local police and building new ID's for the cubs and other fugitives who come thu the Luna Lupa.
Moveslikerain and Runslikewind are brother and sister Red Talons, tall and black haired and black eyed when in human form they don't say anything in two words they can say in one, in human or lupine form they prowl the the fairgrounds.
Clix is the human Bone Gnawer Gallarid. He'll crack a joke, spit a wad of tabbacy juice and work on anything mechancal.
Mr. and Mrs. O'Mally(who will join our merry group at the Apple Blossem Fest) are puppeters; she's a redheaded Fiana Thurage, he's her Irish kinfolk hubby.
OCC: Luna Lupa: Werewolf: TA
The main story is this: Rana Callstohunt, A Silent Strider, has basically blackmailed the Glasswalkers into giving her money to run a carnival called the Luna Lupa *moon wolf* which goes up and down the west coast looking for lost cubs, bad guys, and other such things.
Werewolf: The Apocalypse
Werewolf: The Apocalypse is about anger over the loss of what the shapeshifting garou hold dearest: Gaia, the earth itself. Corruption from without and within has caused the destruction not only of the garou's environment, but also of their families, friends and culture, which extends in an unbroken line to the very dawn of life. No matter how righteously the garou hold themselves, no matter how they prey on their destroyers, the corruption spreads.
Now the time for reconciliation is past. This grave insult against Gaia can end in only one way: blood, betrayal... and rage.
Werewolf is developed by Ethan Skemp.
Garou are not made, they are born. They don't know they are Garou, they just know they don't fit in. Sometimes they never find out. The simply never had something bad enough happen to them that causes the Rage which bursts them out of their everyday life into the realm of the supernateral.
Kinfolk are those who are related by blood to Garou. They may have a Werewolf ancestor, or a Aunt who disappeared and no one ever heard from her again, or a child who tore apart a would be burgler and left a god almight mess in the living room of not enough body parts. Kinfolk are good mates for Garou, they have half the gentic code needed for brining more Garou into the world, they aren't affected by the Delerium (the state which most humans fall under when seeing that nice lady turn into a 9 foot clawed monster), and they can act as spies against enemies which can spot a Garou; like Black Sprial Dancers (bad Garou) and Vampires.
Building a Werewolf:
In a game of Werewolf there are Auspices (the moon you were born under which shapes your personality) and Tribes (The bloodline you were born to, which gives you unique abilities and powers) and your birth shape (born as a man, born as a wolf cub, born as a metis, which is the product of two Garou mateing and against the laws).
The Auspices
Garou are born of the Earth Mother,
but her sister Luna, the Moon, is their guide.
Born under the New Moon...
... Born to stalk the shadows.
You slip beneath notice
to strike Gaia's enemies unaware.
Born under the Crescent Moon...
... Born to channel nature's fury.
You wield the power of
the Earth itself against her foes.
Born under the Half Moon...
... Born to dispense justice.
You bring sentence against
those who threaten Gaia.
Born under the Gibbous Moon...
... Born to forge the legend.
You break the foes of Gaia
with songs of rage and glory.
Born under the Full Moon...
... Born to kill.
You are the true warrior of Gaia,
and nothing will withstand your rage.
The Tribes:
Black Furies
A tribe of only women, these will not be available for PC's, tho we might run into a few.
Bone Gnawers
This urban tribe is tied instinctually to life on the street. Long ago, they began as scavengers in India and Northern Africa. Now they stalk wherever the homeless and desperate struggle to survive.
I'm not really sure if some of the Carny people I see now aren't Bone Gnawers, I mean, have you SEEN the guy that runs the ferris wheel? *shivers*
Children of Gaia
As gentle mediators, the Children favor healing and understanding over bloodshed. No other tribe is as committed to helping humanity.
Exclusively of Celtic descent, the Fianna are known for their wild passions and artistic insight. They are famous for their skilled bards, great warriors and mystical ties to the fae.
Get of Fenris
Surviving the harsh lands of Northern Europe, the Fenrir have developed a savage, bloodthirsty and fatalistic view of life. As one of the most martial tribes of werewolves, they are also unparalleled at dealing in death.
Glass Walkers
For thousands of years, the Walkers hid in human cities, living as wolves among sheep. Other werewolves typically mistrust them, not only for their proficiency with high technology, but also for their love of human cities and culture.
Red Talons
Composed entirely of lupus Garou, this tribe is well known for its fierce hatred of humans. Talons thrive whenever they can commune with the mysteries of the wild. The Luna Lupa does have a few Red Talons, during the off hours they are in the lupine form, but durning hours of operation they prowl...er...patrol as security. They don't speak much, won't really say why they are here instead of out in the wild, and no one really wants to push the issue.
Shadow Lords
Ruthless, devious and ambitious - the Lords value political power over all else, and they are fascinated by the politics of Garou society. By struggling against their rivals in Eastern Europe for millennia, they have become masters of diplomacy and Machiavellian intrigue. We don't have any Shadow Lords in the Luna Lupa, tho some do fund some projects.
Silent Striders
Once they dwelt in the fabled lands of Khem in Ancient Egypt, but no longer. Now they roam the Earth, following an insatiable wanderlust. Striders typically join packs that love to travel, often communing with gypsies, wanderers and the restless spirits of the dead along the way. Striders and Bone Gnawers are the backbone of the Luna Lupa.
Silver Fangs
Once the unquestioned rulers of Garou society, the Fangs are descended from some of the greatest werewolves in history. Lineage and ancestry is critical to them. Since their glorious days in their Russian homelands, they have fallen prey to tragic flaws, often spiraling into despair and madness.
This tribe is descended from Native American Garou. Their strongest septs are in the northernmost portions of North America, where they endure some of the harshest conditions on Earth.
This information came mostly from the
White Wolf Gameing Site where you can find more information on Werewolf and other cool games.
To build a PC you frist deside: Human, Kinfolk, Garou?
If Garou: pick a race: Human, Lupine, or Metis. Each has it's own strenghs and weaknesses.
Then you pick an Auspice, which becomes your base for character generation. A Philidox won't be easy to tempt, a Ragabash would have a hard time turning down the chance to hear or tell a story....
Pick a tribe, and remember to play it well. If you pick Bone Gnawer you can't very well say he's walking around in 1000 dollar suits, he/she more than likely would be in thrift store clothes, slightly greasy, and not above snagging a perfectly good hamburger out of the trash and polishing it off. He's also more street wise than the more "tree hugger" types or the "snooty Glasswalkers."
Werewolf is based off of North American and European myths. In these myths shapeshifters move between the spirit world and the everyday world. At a later date I will get into what this means to you as a Garou, but for now I'd like you to build your PC Garou or Kinfolk so we can begin.
What is Metis
As you know, Garou are not made, they are born.
If a Garou and a human or a wolf mate, they create a Kinfolk or another Garou. This is good.
However, it is in the Litney (see below) that Garou shall not mate with Garou. If a child should result from that unholy union the result is a monster. Metis are always born deformed in some way. Albinos, or blind, or unable to shift properly if at all....The list of cruel horrors is nearly endless.
They are shunned by Humans for being ugly, by Lupines for not smelling right, and by Garou for being horrors. Many are killed by their own family before ever takeing their frist breath, or are hidden. If they live they are more likely to turn to the Wyrm than not, and if they become warriors for Gaia they never can really prove themselves in the eyes of other Werewolves.
Metis are always born sterile.
Rana believes however that every Garou has a purpose and is willing to put them to good use. She may not be friends with them, but if their goals serve her goals, she will accept them as easily as any other Human, Kinfolk or Garou who come to her.
Wolves are always born to wolves only. Humans are only born to humans. In both the Garou strain doesn't show until after maturity. Lupine Werewolves tend to live ten years longer than their lupine counterparts, but still have shorter lives than humans. However, being Garou isn't a long lived occupation, so....
Out of a litter of pups one may be Garou, and the others lupine. Rain and Runs are unusal in that they have the same lupine mother, tho diff litters. They are two years apart. Usually any mother of any type will only have one Garou in her lifetime.
I'll get into the shapeshifting in another thread. But basically, there is more than just the two shapes....there are inbetween shapes.
And yes, in the past someone in your family had to have been Garou. Lupine or human. It's in the blood, therefore somewhere in your bloodline someone had to be a little furry/a little unhaired (depending).
There was a time when humans were basically sheep and the Garou their keepers. But then came a bad time, a time of shame for the Garou where it was desided to put the humans down. A killing rampage ensued, which to this day causes a loatheing instintivly in most humans, and the Deiliruim in non-kinfolk if seen in certain stages of shape changing. While in the Deiliruim a human will say anything to themselves to convince themselves they DID NOT SEE WHAT THEY SAW. "Bigfoot." "I was drunk." "It was a big dog." Etc.
And the Garou can be hurt, silver is not good for them, shotguns work, they sleep, and trust and can be tricked. They heal quickly, but some things can't be repaired, like a missing kneecap.
NOTE: Kinfolk
While certain bloodlines of Garou do run thu kinfolk lines, Kinfolk don't have a "tribe" per say. Also, the chances of being Garou are one in 100, which is one of the reasons these are the End Times, there simply are fewer Garou being born than before, and more of our enemies being created.
From Steiner: Actually, Garou can be kinda vulnerable without their Kinfolk.
Firstly, as PS said, they DO have to sleep. Secondly, none of them work very well with animals, as a rule. Thirdly, the Lupus ones are VERY naive when it comes to the workings of the modern world - few of them could interact socially with humankind in a subtle way or for an extended time. Fourthly - they can heal just about any wound up to and including severed limbs, provided it wasn't inflicted by a magical or silver weapon. My Kinsfolk character carries a .357 Revolver loaded with hotshot silvertips. One of those canl make a hole the size of a side plate in even the largest Garou Ahroun. Lastly and most importantly - without us, the Garou die at the current generation. Without us there ARE no Garou.
Of course it's nowhere near a fair fight - even with the silver - but the whole point is that the GAROU are the warriors. We Kinfolk are here to support them, and to catch them when they stumble. We can't do magic, we can't change shape - but there's a lot we can do. In Army parlance, we might not be the Infantry, but vehicles need fixing, intelligence needs gathering, food needs cooking, watch needs keeping and bills need paying.
From Poohive:
1. I looked on the site, and it has a lot of information, but I didn't find much on the different strength's/weaknesses or advantages/disadvantages about being born human or lupine or metis (and maybe explain what a metis is a bit more). You have the tribes and the auspices put up very well, but this I didn't find enough to pinpoint what I want my character to be.
Ah yes, well, the way I see it, the Garou didn't have a lot of choice over what they got born as either (WEG) so you make your best choices, and then I PM you with your PC's speical skills and/or choices.
2. The Theurge auspice channel's nature's fury... and the Ahroun
are the true warriors of Gaia, and nothing will withstand their rage.
What exactly is the difference between the two?
A Theurge is more like a Shaman, working more closely with magic and spirits and Gaia herself than the other auspices. Ahrouns are raw Rage Power, more able to channel the gift of Rage than the others. However, yes, this does make Ahrouns more difficult to control, and they do tend to want to "eye for an eye" and "smite mightly" more than everyone else.
Rite of Passage
You have two names:
The name you were born with, that your parents call you by, that's on your ID
And the name you've earned during your Rite of Passage.
Rana, when she was just Rana Onji, went with a group of other cubs to a mall to recover a object of great power. While the other cubs were side tracked she spotted the item being carted off. She gave a howl, the one that compells others to follow, and without waiting ran after the object.
When the survivors gathered at the sept and told their tales many names were suggested to her, like Keeps Eyes Open, Hunts with a Purpose, but the one she chose was Callstohunt
First Change
It is a part of the Luna Lupa's mission, and Rana's personal goal, to guide as many cubs thru the transition from human to Garou as possiable. With so few Garou left it is felt by many elders that cubs are being lost just because no one is there to guide them.
This excerpt is from the White Wolf Site:
That's right. I'm a friend.
I'm a... cousin, really.
And I'm here to help you last out the night. I think we've got a minute before we're going to have to get away from here, so just keep breathing slowly and try to calm down.
You might have known this was coming. Was it the dreams? Sometimes it's the dreams - dreams of running on all fours, smelling blood from miles away, the moonlight Or maybe it was the other kids. Did they treat you differently, like they could somehow see something dangerous about you? That'll happen, too. And it all got worse as you got older. Once you started getting into your teenage years, the dreams got worse, and you started to feel something bottled up inside you. Your classmates avoided you. Maybe teachers thought you were acting funny, and they started asking if you were on drugs. And the pressure inside kept building.
Yeah, I know the story. Particularly the next part. You got pushed too far. Something inside you snapped. The next thing you knew, you were covered in blood, standing in a pile of guts and flesh and bone that used to be a person - or people.
It's okay! It's okay. This time, it's okay. The people here were trying to kill you. It was you or them. You did good. You just need to learn a little more control
No, we can't go back. Your old life's dead - and if they catch us, there's a fair chance that your new life won't last much longer. They'll probably have silver this time.
You don't know why you just shuddered when I said that, do you? Or maybe you've guessed by now?
You've just gone through your First Change.
You're a werewolf.
We are Garou,
We are creatures of
human folklore,
their nightmares
and their legends.
But we are not
who they believe us to be.
We walk between worlds.
The worlds of humankind
and our Mother Earth.
The worlds of flesh and spirit.
The worlds of rage and reason.
Throughout history,
our brothers and sisters
have fought with fang,
claw and spirit to protect Gaia -
the Earth Mother.
This is Her final hour -
our Apocalypse.
This is your legend.
Thousands of years ago, before humans used language to describe the events of the past, the Earth Mother created three supernatural forces - the Weaver, the Wyrm and the Wyld - to maintain the universe. She guided all nature's creatures with a feral claw.
It was the Earth Mother, they say, who first taught us to change our shape. And it was at Her command that we fostered the fledgling human race. Many were the shapeshifting kinds, but we were the most powerful, the most feared - the Garou, the werewolves. Together, we kept the human herds in check. A conclave of our tribes ruled our kind, and we were the Earth's dominant species.
We reveled in our dominance, and we sought to command all shapeshifters. When not all would bow to our might, we claimed our kin to be a threat to Gaia's human children. In retaliation for their defiance, we waged a savage battle against our changing kind. We never expected that those we sought to protect would be the next to dissent.
The violence was so terrible that humankind turned its back on us all. While we carved out a path in blood, humans relegated us to myth and legend and began their own story. So much did humankind deny our existence that, to this day, humans who see a Garou retreat in madness and forget what they have seen.
Today, we Garou live under the Veil, concealing ourselves from the humans who are now dominant among Gaia's offspring. But still, be it in the world of flesh or spirit, we fight to prevent the Apocalypse. As humans pollute the world and cities grow, strangling the wild places, so too do the Wyrm and the Weaver fight each other in a conflict that can only destroy the world.
We Garou stand in their way. Our struggle today is more dire than ever, for indeed, we are the last generation of warriors.
The NPC's
This story will take place centering around a Carnival called the "Luna Lupa" owned and run by Rana Callstohunt, a human Ragabash Silent Strider. She is the unmated Alpha female.
She is backed up by Cookie, a human Ahroun Silver Fang. She may look very nice and sweet, back there in the cooking tent with her cap of silver curls, but she's never lost in battle.
HidesinLighting is a Metis Glasswalker Philodox albino who lives in his tricked out trailer. He's a whiz at keeping an eye on local police and building new ID's for the cubs and other fugitives who come thu the Luna Lupa.
Moveslikerain and Runslikewind are brother and sister Red Talons, tall and black haired and black eyed when in human form they don't say anything in two words they can say in one, in human or lupine form they prowl the the fairgrounds.
Clix is the human Bone Gnawer Gallarid. He'll crack a joke, spit a wad of tabbacy juice and work on anything mechancal.
Mr. and Mrs. O'Mally(who will join our merry group at the Apple Blossem Fest) are puppeters; she's a redheaded Fiana Thurage, he's her Irish kinfolk hubby.