

Literotica Guru
Sep 6, 2001
For landiek and C G Raven

There are many things that attract a man to a woman, it could be her looks, her smile, the way she moves, a glance, her mind, or a combination of any or all. Some men are bold and act on that attractions, others are shy or lack the confidence to do so, and still others are held in check by society as when there is a great difference in their ages. Some love form afar, some wear their hearts on their selves and some become obsessed with the object of their affection. They will drive off any who approach her, they long not only to love the woman but to fully possess her to maker their own, insanely jealous, and willing to do anything to have her.

That was the case with Joe Henley. To all outward appearances Joe was a mild mannered man in his early 50’s, an outstanding member of the community, he coached the local girls’ soccer team, was a police officer, and a member of the local church’s board of governors. He was fit, a touch of sliver in his ginger hair and powerfully built, but for all that Joe was thought of as a kindly man.

He had known her all her life, had watched her grow up next door, had coached her, at nine when her mom died he and his wife had consoled her and her dad. When his wife was killed in an accident earlier this year they had consoled him. It was shortly there after that he began to think of her in a more then neighborly way, and though she never even suspected his new found feelings for her, that attraction slowly over the spring became an all consuming obsession and Joe started to plan how he would make her his own.

Then one day her dad Carl asked if Joe would keep an eye on her as his company was sending him on the road. And of course Joe agreed, after all there where all kinds of danger for a young woman theses days al you had to do was read the headlines. Two days after Carl left Joe began to put his plan into action.
Kari Blackwell

When Dad informed me that I was staying with Mr. Henley. I just nodded. I'm just plain me. High school kid, 11th grade as I've been held back a year plus being a December baby. I have long golden blonde hair, it comes to the small of my back, it offsets my amber colored eyes. I am average in height about 5'6". I never tell my true weight... I am afraid to even look at the scale. But I believe God really likes to poke fun at me. My boobs are huge and my waist and hips are pretty close to the same size, Dad said I would fill out below the waist too... gee wish it would hurry up.

I was just a kid when I remember meeting Mr. Henley. He lives next door. His wife was the best cookie maker I knew of. She could take what ever she had and make cookies. Once she made these cookies in a cold oven overnight.

When my Mom died, they became like family. Dad got to know Mr. Henley better. We did stuff together, camping and fishing. Cook-outs and stuff in town. Mr. Henley coached my team for six years. He even helped me with a 4H project once. Dad has no idea how to use a hammer to build anything

When Mrs. Henley died and I felt like I lost my Mom again. I grew to love her alot. Mr. Henley and I mourned together. We had a bond too. We suffered the loss openly, sometimes we would just talk about some of the things she'd do. Recalling all the happy memories would make a bad day into a better one.

Dad's company started sending him on business trips. I would go but this time the trip interferred with school. I couldn't afford to miss two weeks of school. Let alone lose my part in the school play, which was a leading part. I was Daisy Mae in this years production of Lil Abner. I had been busting my backside to get the costume adjusted to my bigger boobs. So when Dad said I was staying next door it was okay with me.

I called over to his place and asked if it would be okay to come over tonight instead of in the morning. Which he said sure to. Twenty minutes later I was packed and walking over to the Henley place. I never thought much about what I wear, so his eyes widened when I showed up in a tight short shirt and cut offs that barely cover my ass. Britteny Spears eat your heart out.
God I couldn’t believe my luck when Carl Blackwell insisted that Kari stay with me at my house while he was on the road. It would certainly make things easier for me and simplify my plans.

Kari her vision danced threw my mind, a sexy blond goddess at 5’6’’ her long golden blonde hair, trailed in silken waves to the small of Kari’s back, offsetting her firry amber eyes. The thing that caught the boy’s eyes was Kari’s tits, they her large for her build but so firm and stood proudly on her chest and Those taunt little nipples would poke at her bar and shirt just hinting and tempting you to taste the perfection.

Kari was just in that first blush of womanly sensuality, where her hips and waist where not quite that of a mature woman nor where they any longer the tomboyish strait lines of a child. Kari’s derrière was nicely rounded and firm her body was athletic and I could hardly contain my desire to possess this gorgeous creature and enjoy all her sensual charms. My thoughts where broken by the ring of the phone.

“Hi Kari………not it is no problem sure you can come over to night,………….What no date on a Friday night?..........No I’m sure it’s not problem……….20 minutes fine.”

My eyes widened when Kari showed up in the most delightfully seductive outfit, a tight short shirt and cut offs that barely cover her firm athletic ass. She was every bit as sexy as Britteny Spears and soon she would be all mine. Two weeks and all this first week end to start her training.

“Kari nice outfit I really like it but I think your dad would have a heart attack if he saw how his little girl has developed into quite the attractive young woman.”

Kari and I had always been very open and frank with each other and or teasing had become more sensual over the last year.

“Our you trying to tempt this old man?”

I teased Kari.

“Well you know where the guest room is………. Can I get you a coke or something a little stronger to drink, after all your not a kid any more.”

I laughed at his comment about dates. Really Dad didn't like me dating too much afraid I will get a bad reputation.

I went over and he teases me about my outfit. "Hey have to keep up with the fad. Besides all the girls are wearing stuff like this but hey I know cpr and can always call 911" I smiled and teased "If I didn't tempt then I wouldn't learn how to turn Scott on"

Scott was a boy I really liked but he was into someone else. I had tried to win him over but so far no luck. Mr. Henley and I had talked about Scott a few times. I came to realize that trying to win Scott wasn't going to work unless I gave him incentative.

I took my bag to the guest room and walked back to the front room. I liked coming over here, "I'll take a Bud if you have any" picking out the beer of choice. Mr. Henley let me try one when I told him about a party I was going to. I was really sick afterwards as the beer sucked.

" Hey have you seen Queen of the Damned yet? I hear it is on video now. Maybe we could rent it this weekend." I suggested as I took a sip from the ice cold Bud he handed me. He smiled at me. I could count on seeing that movie too, since Dad was all tuned out about letting me see it at theaters.
There was the usual banter about Scott, and how Kari really had the hots for him. Well I had taken care of Mr. Scott sometime ago, he was not about to get within a country mile of Kari, being a cop had its advantages.

"I'll take a Bud if you have any"……………………… " Hey have you seen Queen of the Damned yet? I hear it is on video now. Maybe we could rent it this weekend."

I watched as Kari sipped her beer, and could just picture those full moist lips wrapped around my cock. steady Joe take your time Kari isn’t going any where

Well Kari If you throw on a couple of stakes, I’ll pick up Queen of the Damned and a another movie I was think of “The Lover” it’s about a Chinese man and a young French school girl in French colonial Vietnam. Some wine to go with Dinner Kari?”

Yes a couple of movies to set the tone and a little booze. It was still true that candy was dandy but liquor was quicker and by the end of the evening I would finally see my Kari in all her naked glory.

The one thing that always gets me is how much Mr. Henley likes steak. Me too... "Sure I can grill up some steaks while you get movies. Can you pick up my fav chips too... those cheddar cheese Lays?"

I went into the kitchen and pulled out the meat and started fixing supper. I had spent a lot of time in this kitchen so I knew where to find everything. I put a layer of sauce of two of the four steaks, I remember Mrs. Henley making his steaks spicy. I wasn't so gutsy, yet. I heard the door slam and the car start..okay he was going. I quickly grabbed the phone and called Heather and told her the number so she could fill me in about the party on Saturday night. I would have loved to go but it was by invitation and I didn't get one...damn that Scott.

I had just pulled the steaks off the grill and on plates as the headlights flashed in the driveway. "Perfect timing." I walked into the dining room and set the plates down and went back for wine glasses. A dinner for two and I light the candles for good measure. I love eating at candle light cause it makes you feel good when you have had a bad day. I really wasn't having a bad day but I liked the mild ginger scent the candles have. Reminds me of cookies. Mr. Henley was really surprised at the table, candles lite, dinner ready, a fresh pie in the center of the table cooling..... the homey setting.

"I'll make popcorn later..ok" I looked at him as he smiled. I guess he was as hungry as I was.
"Sure I can grill up some steaks while you get movies. Can you pick up my fav chips too... those cheddar cheese Lays?"

“Sure thing Kari.”

I give Kari a hug that is just a little more than a fatherly hug and savor the feel of her youthful, firm body against mine, then a quick pick on those seductively full moist lips of hers.

“Kari you know if I was 30 years younger I would give Scott a run for his money.”

I teas her.


I picked up the movies and then took my time selecting the wine it had to be just right, potent, sweet for Kari’s tastes, but not something that would knock her out, just loosen her up a bit, well more than a bit. I smiled to myself. Yes a mead wine made from honey would do quite nicely.

When I walked in the door the table was set, the lights dimmed and candles lit, really a quite romantic setting. Kari’s eyes where sparkling, and I knew she was looking for my approval, and for me to notice the pie that she had baked as a surprise. Oh yes I would have pie to night a golden pie served with Kari’s own sweet nectar, but that would be later.

"I'll make popcorn later..ok"

Her smile was so innocent and sensual

“ Popcorn, movies and you, damn almost like a date Kari”

I tease her. We ate and I listen as Kari talked about the part that Scott had not invited her to. The meal was perfect and I lavished Kari with praise and Told her I had not had a better pie since Marty had died. I feel silent for a moment as I remember how Marty and I had been wild lovers.

“Come on Kari I‘ll help you with the dishes. I’ll wash You Dry?”

I loved doing the dishes with Kari for it always became a tickling session and a water fight, and tonight was no exception . I loved how Kari body squirmed against mine and the accidental feels I would cop of her breasts and sweet firm ass. But there was a little difference to night as in the water fight that always followed the tickling and wrestling I soaked her down with the hose from the sink till her thin shirt and shorts clung to Kari like a second skin.

We where ther both soaked and sitting on the floor laughing.

I think we better change don’t you Kari……………..and as I am taking you out on our first date do you think we should dress?”

I tease Kari laughing all the while and suggested that she might wear a skirt, and sweater. Those shorts where great but I wanted something a little easer to get to that young innocent blond pussy of Kari’s.

We sat to a nice dinner and we talked about Scott's party. It hurt that I didn't get an invitation, but I figured that it was more his sister's doing. The girl that Scott was into was a friend of his sister's.

“ Popcorn, movies and you, damn almost like a date Kari” I laughed "Yeah it does, doesn't it" Maybe Friday wasn't too bad after all. I was going to see a movie I wanted and be with a person I could tell anything and not feel like I said the stupidest thing on earth.

When he remarked about the pie I was beaming with pride. I bet Mrs. Henley was looking down at us and glowing as all the time I spent around her. I had learned to cook, be a good homemaker, and general bargin hunter from her. Like I said she was like my second Mother.

Doing the dishes was hilarious. We were squirting each other and I was soaked by the time we were done. My top clung to me like I won a wet T-shirt contest. My bra was soaked too. Changing sound good and I agreed to the outfit he recommended for our "first date". Then I went into the guest room and changed when I came out I had a light demin skirt and a soft pink sweater that I got from Grandma last christmas, I changed to one of my blush sport bras. It looked nicer than the other bras and a pair of my lacy hip hugger undies. After that I was stepping back into the front room ready for our "date". He made Mircowaved buttery popcorn and we were ready. This was soooo cool.
I gave Kari a playful little slap on her heart shaped ass as he started for the guess room.
Ant put the popcorn in the microwave before heading to my room. I quickly changed but not before switching on the TV in my room. I was delighted with the flickering image of Kari in the guest room. I watched her strip off her clothes, and she was every thing I had hoped for. She was gorgeous and soon I would be seeing the real thing and not just a flickering image.

I was in the kitchen as Kari came bouncing into the room. Her light demin skirt was modest and her pink sweater really showed off her tits to the maximum. I smiled and took her hands holding her at arms length.

“Kari you are beautiful and Scott is an idiot…………… Why don’t you put in Queen of the Damn and I’ll get the popcorn and drinks.”

I handed Kari her wine and placed the bowl of popcorn on the coffee table and then dimmed the lights.

“Horror moves are much better in with low lighting don’t you think Kari?”

We nibbled on the popcorn, sipped our drinks yet Kari’s glass never seemed to be quite empty as I kept topping it off. I loved the way she would jump at the scary sexy scenes of the movie, and hide her face in my shoulder. Then watch intently lost in the film. And I would play the vampire and pretend to bite her neck and she would jump giggle and beat her fist playfully on mm chest. By the time the CD was finished Kari was snuggled up on my shoulder and it really did feel as if we where on a date. There was a rosy glow to Kari’s cheeks and her skirt had ridden high up on her smooth silken thighs, yet Kari seemed unaware of it.

I slipped in the second CD “The Lover” and we watched the sexy story unfold as the older man seduced the young French high school student. The scenes where hot and sexy and my arm was now around Kari’s shoulder.

“What do you think of it so far Kari?”

I was pretty happy to finally get to see Queen of the Damned and when the scary parts came up I hid my face in his chest. He played by biting at my neck which I retalitated with a playful punch.

The wine was really sweet and I swear I could have sworn I drank it gone, but I hadn't and I kept drinking. I was really getting a buzz from it when Mr. Henley switched movies. I felt really warm too... must be from the wine. I gave Mr. Henley a look kinda smiled. I was feeling pretty nice. The movie was really awesome, I felt myself yearning to be touched that way.

“What do you think of it so far Kari?” I hadn't realized that I had snuggled closer to Mr. Henley. I looked into his eyes and smiled. "Kinda sexy, don't you think?"
"Kinda sexy, don't you think?"

Kari’s eyes where a bit un focused her, speech slow and a little slurred. I smiled to myself, the wine was having the desired effect and Kari’s blushed deeply as the young French school girl begged the older Chinese man to take her virginity to use her and to make her a woman.

“ So Kari you think it is kind of sexy when he touched her like this.”

The arm around her shoulder slid down to cup her firm young breast my thumb brushing across Kari’s nipple.

“Do you think she liked his Kisses Kari?”

My lips brush hers in a soft kiss that deepens as the fingers of my other hand start to unbutton her soft pink sweater.

“ So Kari you think it is kind of sexy when he touched her like this.”

I parted my lips and let out a soft sigh. I was so buzzed that it felt hot and burning. His hand cupping my breast was making my mind whirl... I answered with a shudder, "yes"

“Do you think she liked his Kisses Kari?”

I was about to answer when his lips caressed mine. I was turned on by the softness. Yet in my fuzzied eyes I was seeing the man from the movie. Talking to me, kissing me, wanting me.... I tenderly touched his cheek as the kiss continued. His face was soo soft... my mind left me in a daze as I hungrily devoured his kisses.

Kari’s breathless response as her young body shuttered with desire, the wine sweet seductive haze letting my young beauty relax.

Kari’s lips part to answer my second question and my tongue slips into the warm, moist haven of her mouth. My tongue gently seducing hers to come taste me. the soft touch of Kari’s hand on my cheek ignites a trail of fire in its wake. Kari mouth now devours my kisses.

Her cute little pink sweater hangs open now. My eyes feat on the perfection of her smooth supple body. Kisses soft, tender and teasing, follow the sensual curve of her neck, light tonguing to fan the fires of her innocent passion. Feathery kisses follow the contours of Kari’s firm, ample breasts I slow lick up the sweet scented valley between those supple twin peaks.

I gently lean Kari back and a hand working sensually up her sculptured legs maddeningly tracing light, teasing patterns on her supple thighs.

The haze of wine..was taking the effects of an illusion. The man that yearns for his child lover was kissing me... touching me.

I felt his hand move over my body and work it's way to my quivering virgin pussy. I arched to his touch... it was amazingly soft and tender.... my body was on fire and I had no idea how to put out these feelings... did I really want them to go...

Without a second thought and maybe just repeating the line from the movie I uttered "take me...."

His kisses ravished my whole body... I was lost between the reality and the fantasy.... his touch only mattered... his touch all over me.
My kisses bathed Kari’s body, one hand massaging her breast rubbing and tweaking her tender nipple threw the thin material of her bra. My moth suckling and tonguing her other nipple. My hand upon Kari’s thigh climbs higher teasing and exciting her, till my fingers graze the sweets moist crotch of her lacey panties.

"take me...."

Kari whispers in a dreamy whisper mimicking the dialog of the movie. I smile as I suddenly realize that Kari is in her own fantasy world living out the role of the young French school girl and a wicked thought crosses my mind. It is risky but if I do it right The show Kari will put on and the rewards will be well worth it.

“Ma belle chere….”

I mimic the mans dialog.

“Dance for me to the music in your heart to the firry tempo that burns with in you, dance and show me the naked perfection that you are.”

My voice, hands, and mouth played Kari’s young innocent body like a fine instrument, bring her drunken fantasy to life. I held my breath would Kari do it, would she become Michelle, and live out the fantasy that was now claiming her.
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I slide out of my clothes .... he asked me ..his kisses were so intoxicating.... I reached forward and kissed him... my exotic friend, the one who loves me... his kisses excite me ... cause me to feel alive....

"La chat... amour duex" I uttered as I moved closer to him.... my passionate lover..the one that would show me the joys of womanhood... going to him with open arms.... "take me..."
I am almost mesmerized as Kari slides from under me, the innocent blush as she slides her sweater from her smooth shoulders, the gentle seductive sway of her young hips. The shy smile that graces Kari faces as her fingers release the clasp of her bra, the garment fluttering to the floor to lay discarded by her pink sweater. The rasping of the zipper in the stillness of the room as Kari’s delicate fingers draws it open the way she steps from her skirt. Then her fingers at the waist band of her lacy panties, the first glimpse of Kari’s golden pussy, as she removes panties to stand there naked, innocent and so very desirable.

"La chat... amour duex"

Kari softly whisper coming to me with open arms.

"take me..."

There is a pleading urgency in her soft little voice.

“Oui ma belle chere”

I sweep Kari into my arms Kissing her softly, passionately fanning the fires of her fantasy. Gently I lay her upon the deep pile carpet. As she lays there her deep amber eyes watching trying so hard to focus as I slowly remove my clothes.

I lower my naked body to hers, I kiss my way slowly down her flawless, supple, form. My mouth worships her breasts and nipples tongue swirling around her areolas, teeth grating across to tip of her nipples. Lower they travel down across the flat smooth plain of Kari abdomen, to have my tongue ream her naval. I tongue the nibble at the at soft spot where hip and thigh join. My hot moist breath stirs the spun gold of her pussy. I lower my lips to tenderly kiss her delicate rose pink folds.

Je t’amie vous ma belle chere.”

He came to me a gentle as the falling rain.... my fantasy moved quicker... his words were enticing, alluring, and revealing. I watched his eyes and soft words were spilt from his lips.

“Oui ma belle chere” I was on fire and ready for the journey to womanhood. His words rekindling my desire....
"oui, oui....." as I watch his clothes drop from his lithe body. The haze made him slightly fuzzier but he was there, I could feel his touch and his breathe on my skin. His kisses were devine, and they left mine and lowered .... seting a new flame thur my body. I moved to him... the one that wanted me.. he was rigth in front of me ...his kisses at my breast were searing the need and causing the cascading effect of the first wave of moistness at my legs... I squirmed at first the feelings were bringing me to something that I had not experienced before. His kisses moving over me ..going lower and lower until he reached the golden treasure.

I shivered as his tongue entered the lips of my unbloomed garden of honey.... I let out a moan and straightened my back. I felt like I was lifted from the ground... heavenly lifted to unbelievable heights of sensual pursuit. An urgency overtook me as I lifted upwards bringing his tongue further into my bush. I was shaking as the juices were gushing to meet his tongue. I wanted it... I needed it... "ma chere .... "
Ah my poor little innocent Kari, her virginal body squirms, , quivers under the seductive assaults of my mouth. My tongue parts Kari’s silken rose pink folds, a breathy moan escapes her lips, her back straitens then arches drawing my tongue to her, then Kari’s nubile body shivering in delight. I smile for at that first touch of my tongue to Kari’s unblemished innocents, her sweet dewy nectar graces my tongue. There is an urgency, a need primeval in the way this virgin, lost in her fantasy, thrust her secret garden to my mouth.

"ma chere .... "

Kari’s voice now laced with her passion is music to my ears. I know I could take her now, but no not yet not till Kari cries out with her first orgasm, but before that I will drive my little dove to heights of pleasure the her naïve mind can not even conceive of. Slowly my tongue laps Kari’s golden slip, each lick ending with the tip of my tongue flicking at the hooded guardian of her chastity, coaxing it from its hiding place. The tempo increase to a blinding crescendo as my tongue lashes Kari virginal pussy, darting into ream the hot moist entrance to her sex. Now my lips claim the swollen guardian my tongue fluttering, teasing, then suddenly I inhale deeply drawing a cool stream of air across Kari’s clit’s feverous surface.

I jerked and shivered... his tongue drawing, begging, tempting me to reach deeper into my soul. I cried out as my hands reached into his hair.... I weeped and shuddered as the wave swept me from the normal exciting rush to a wave of exploading passion.... I reached for him.. trying to draw him back to my lips... yearning for more...

"ma chere...take me... pllleeeasee" I jerked again. I was overwhelmed with the sensation. I wanted more ..needed more the haze getting fuzzier as his face was becoming harder to focus upon.

I reached down and twisted my self to touch the forbidden fruit. It was hard and erect, it quivered in my fingertips. I wasn't sure what I was to do ... I just kept touching his manhood.... letting my fingertips stroke and explore the curves and the throbbing veins along the sides and the warmth of the precum on the tip. It was sooo strange yet it was sooo smooth... I let out a soft moan and closed my eyes as the waves shook my inner pussy.
Kari’s innocent virginal body jerked and shivered as her first orgasm engulfed her. Kari’s long delicate fingers where in my hair trying to draw me up, back to her parched lips. Yet my mouth wrung out another shuttering orgasm from her delicate young body.

"ma chere...take me... pllleeeasee"

Kari sobbed as her body arched and jerked again in her new found pleasure and need. desperately Kari twist as her body weathers under my never ceasing assault. Her fingers find and stroke my ironed coked manhood. She stoked me, her shy little fingers smearing the precum on my mushroomed tip cock and a shuttering little moan escaped Kari’s lips. There is a wicked smile that bows my lips as I kiss my way back op Kari’s supple body, It shimmers in the flickering light from the TV, a fin e film of sweat covers my captive dove from head to toe. I tease and pleas all the special little places I have discovered that bring pleasure to Kari till at last our lips meet in a wild urgent kiss, as I lay between Kari’s thighs the tip of my cock brushing her sweet golden pussy as I dry hump Kari teasing her with the promise of what is to come.

His kisses searing me and the need is soo great.I yearned for his touch and I had jerked upwards.. spearing myself on him.... my eyes widened in fright.

The breif moments as I took a sharp breathe...my haze getting more and more distorted. I drew him closer and kissed him. I wanted him...my lover from the movie... My waves were rising and peaking. I was enthralled with his touch within me and out.
Kari is lost in her fantasy, the wave of pleasure crash over her innocence, engulf her in a world of unbelievable physical pleasure . Kari arches her hips to me and willingly impales her golden treasure on my throbbing cock. Her supple little body jerks, Kari’s eyes go wide as the velvet tip of my manhood parts her delicate moist folds to rasp across her swollen bud of passion, slipping into the entrance of her hot quivering pussy.

God is Kari tight, even with her golden pussy dripping with her freely flowing nectar. Her arms draw me to her hips thrust up to me her young body flooded with passion will not be denied. I have dreamed about this moment, longed for it so long I was in no rush to end it. Kari would be wild, savage, and lost beyond all hope when I took her. virginity. I slowly started to ease my way into her sweet innocence where no man had been before, each stroke a little deeper. My mouth savagely claimed Kari’s, my fingers interlaced with hers, Kari’s arms now pinned above her head. My back now arched like a cat’s lips, tongue and teeth feast on Kari’s diamond hard nipples. She withers in sinful passion, Kari’s hips rising to meet my thrust.. I feel her maidenhead, Draw back and thrust forward and my little dove’s virginity is just a memory.

My lover was kissing me and loving me I felt his member embedded into my tightness. I jerked up to him as he pressed into my depths. I loved him and as he held me in his power... I was filled with passion

I moved with him the fluidity of our lovemaking. As he pushed, I moved upwards crashing together and feeling the joy of love. My body started getting warmer as juices flow within me.

I moved with my lover, savored his passion, his kisses.... I let out a loud moan..as I cresendo into the wave of sheer extasy. I showered him with kisses and devoured his in return... I basked in his tenderness and the utlimate orgasm... I took flight as he showered me with his milk. A moan escaped my lips as I am shivering with joy as I reached the goal of my victory... I was a woman now.

I started to breathe harder and my heart raced in my chest, the labored breathes were evident as my chest heaved. Within the after glow I found peace and snuggling in my fantasy lovers arms fell in blissful sleep.
As Kari’s sunders her cherished virginity ther is a wild savage need in her, we savor each other’s kisses, at times they are long, deep, sensual, and lingering; at other times they are urgent, demanding as our tongues dance between our parted lips in wild abandoned passion.

Our bodies move as one, in a fluid sensual dance older that time itself. I let Kari set the tempo, and it rapidly builds to a crescendo, accompanied by Kari’s moans, sighs and gasps of ecstasy. God she is wild the muscles of her tight little pussy griping me clasping me in sweet heavenly moist delight till finally I gaps and moan my own release deep with in my captive dove, her body again in the throws of a powerful orgasm holding me deep with in Kari’s body greedily milking every last drop of my scalding seed.

We layer there spent in each others arms basking in the warm after glow of our fevered passion. love. Kari snuggles closer in my arms her cheek resting on my chest, a blissful little smile on her face as her breathing steadies and she drifts off to sleep

I never imagined even in my wildest fantasy that it would have been this good, and I was resolved never to let my little dove go, she was to much woman to be wasted on little boys. Gathering Kari into my arms I carried her to the guest room and laid her naked body on the bed, then lovingly covered her with a blanket. I made sure to lay her clothes on the chair as if she had stripped and then gone to bed.

I grabbed a beer from the kitchen , in my bedroom I rewound the video tape. I sipped my beer as I replayed the video of Kari and I making love in the living room god was she a wild little thing when she let herself go.

I feel asleep visions of my naked little dove dancing in my mind’s eye.