Oblivious cuckold stories?


Nov 27, 2012

I apologize if this isn't the correct place for questions like this, but I'm looking for a very specific type of cuckold story and was hoping I could get some suggestions? I'm very interested in stories where the man's female partner reluctantly begins cheating with another man right in front of him. Either because he's in denial/rationalizing or because he's just oblivious, he doesn't realize it at first but it slowly dawns on him what's happening. Ideally the wife isn't blatant about it, but she's not exactly being super careful about it either. And he's not exactly enthusiastic about it, but doesn't interfere once he realizes what's happening. In case I'm not being clear, here are a few examples of what I'm talking about:

Clarkovens seems to have a few like this that I liked:


And here's another one I really enjoy:

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I'm having a hard time finding more stories like this and would greatly appreciate it if anyone could give me some pointers or links to find similar stories! Thanks in advance for any help.
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I apologize if this isn't the correct place for questions like this, but I'm looking for a very specific type of cuckold story and was hoping I could get some suggestions? I'm very interested in stories where the man's female partner reluctantly begins cheating with another man right in front of him. Either because he's in denial/rationalizing or because he's just oblivious, he doesn't realize it at first but it slowly dawns on him what's happening. Ideally the wife isn't blatant about it, but she's not exactly being super careful about it either. And he's not exactly enthusiastic about it, but doesn't interfere once he realizes what's happening. In case I'm not being clear, here are a few examples of what I'm talking about:

Clarkovens seems to have a few like this that I liked:


And here's another one I really enjoy:

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I'm having a hard time finding more stories like this and would greatly appreciate it if anyone could give me some pointers or links to find similar stories! Thanks in advance for any help.

I read the stories suggested and one element is missing from the stories that you have listed as part of the fantasy. That is the word "reluctant". None of the women in the stories listed are reluctant about anything. In fact they all act like well seasoned swappers or very familiar with open marriage sex. You also have the readiness of the hubby to play at the same time so where is the reluctance, denial or the state of oblivion?
The description of a room full of men getting completely naked and lining up to play a version of musical chairs with the fully dressed wives is a very long way from "reluctance".
I think I know the type of fantasy you are reaching for. There are people in this world who are very adept at seduction, sexually and otherwise. I think the couple in your fantasy is one that suffers from naivety at best and that combined with a touch of curiosity puts them in a position to be seduced separately and collectively with varying degrees of regret and or acceptance after their sexual envelope has been thoroughly stretched.;)
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Cuckolds to use the term properly ARE more likely to be as you described.

Guys that want their wives to cheat are more properly called "Wittals" ut no one uses the word.

By autgored fictional blog for a while, I wrote from the cheating wifes point of view. I think in some ways it was some sort of weird therapy I was doing.

I kept expecting somebody to call b******* on me but no one ever did they all thought it was real.

I dealt a little bit with her motivations and her evasions but other than the initial setup the husband doesn't figure much in the blog.

He was a guy who wanted her to cheat and she found out he was trying to set her up and it pissed her off.

Weirdly I'm dealing with this in real life with a friend of mine whose boyfriend more or less wants her to be with other guys but when it comes right down to it the chickens out