Obesity Suit Against McDonald's Dismissed


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Apr 18, 2001

NEW YORK (Reuters) - A federal judge on Wednesday dismissed a lawsuit against McDonald's Corp. . that alleged the fast food chain was responsible for children's obesity.

Technology News

U.S. District Judge Robert Sweet threw out the suit in its entirety. The judge held that the plaintiffs did not show that McDonald's products involve a danger unknown to the public.

"This opinion is guided by the principle that legal consequences should not attach to the consumption of hamburgers and other fast food fare unless consumers are unaware of the dangers of eating such food," Sweet said.

The suit was brought on behalf of overweight children who consumed foods at two McDonald's located in the Bronx. One of the plaintiffs is a 14-year-old girl who is 4 foot 10 inches tall and weighs 170 pounds.

Lazy fat fucks should try eating a salad at home.

And then lay off the crackpipe so they can realize McDonalds ISN'T HEALTHY!

Or just do us all a favor and have a heart attack already.

Suits like this one are the reason that the world laughs at our country.

Not only are we fat, but it's not our own fault that we're fat.

Oh Thank God. I was really worried about the state of our Union after that one.

Then again, we still have the same people in our country, just without a lawsuit. How long until they find another?

Starblayde said:
The justice system - the bane of stupid fat people everywhere! :D
It will be nice when they realize that people should know that coffee is hot too!
What is really shocking about this ruling is the fact that it occured in New York, which has the most liberal court system and has historically denied people having any sense of accountability for their actions.

The damages awarded in Civil lawsuits in NY usually are way higher than in other areas.
zipman7 said:
What is really shocking about this ruling is the fact that it occured in New York, which has the most liberal court system and has historically denied people having any sense of accountability for their actions.

The damages awarded in Civil lawsuits in NY usually are way higher than in other areas.
so, what you are saying is someone finally did not agree to the Super Size upsell?
Starblayde said:
awww thanks..... my first nomination, no less :D
that was the funniest damn thing I'd seen around this place in a long time. I am gonna burst out laughing over my Big Mac later.

The bastards, I should sue
brokenbrainwave said:
so, what you are saying is someone finally did not agree to the Super Size upsell?

LOL that sums it up quite well BBW!

I remember working in the restaurant business and watching a hugely obese person eat enough food for 3 people, order a hot fudge sundae for desert and then demand sweet and lo for their coffee.

Accountability at last!
brokenbrainwave said:
that was the funniest damn thing I'd seen around this place in a long time. I am gonna burst out laughing over my Big Mac later.

The bastards, I should sue

They should engrave it over courthouses i think :D
brokenbrainwave said:
that was the funniest damn thing I'd seen around this place in a long time. I am gonna burst out laughing over my Big Mac later.

The bastards, I should sue

"Man Dies Over Big Mac While On Sex Chat Site: Family To Sue McDonalds, Literotica, Starblayde, Internet"
zipman7 said:
LOL that sums it up quite well BBW!

I remember working in the restaurant business and watching a hugely obese person eat enough food for 3 people, order a hot fudge sundae for desert and then demand sweet and lo for their coffee.

Accountability at last!
or try this one on for size, pardon the pun

I used to manage a place that sold a pound of freakin fries, covered and smothered with cheese, bacon bits, sour cream, and ranch dressing.

I was utterly amazed at the lard butts that would insist on a booth, their belly rolls laid upon the table, order THAT and a diet fuckin coke.

I suppose the diet coke made it all better

I had a running bet with the cooks wether or not they'd get dessert, I usually won the bet.
Eve32 said:
"Man Dies Over Big Mac While On Sex Chat Site: Family To Sue McDonalds, Literotica, Starblayde, Internet"
LOL...open a contest and everyone is a comedian

brokenbrainwave said:
Post of the day candidate.

We should pay homage with a bow....

My first thought was what if you're too fat to bow?
brokenbrainwave said:
LOL...open a contest and everyone is a comedian


Sorry - couldn't help it. And I've got enough anxieties in my own cloest, Binkley. Don't need anymore. *grin*
zipman7 said:
My first thought was what if you're too fat to bow?

Someone who's too fat to bow should automatically have to join a sideshow for my amusement.
RawHumor said:
Suits like this one are the reason that the world laughs at our country.
The world may laugh, but I bet a good portion of the world is jealous that we are able to bring such frivolous lawsuits in the first place.
brokenbrainwave said:
or try this one on for size, pardon the pun

I used to manage a place that sold a pound of freakin fries, covered and smothered with cheese, bacon bits, sour cream, and ranch dressing.

I was utterly amazed at the lard butts that would insist on a booth, their belly rolls laid upon the table, order THAT and a diet fuckin coke.

I suppose the diet coke made it all better

I had a running bet with the cooks wether or not they'd get dessert, I usually won the bet.

A 3000 calorie snack that consisted of 95% fat calories... what's wrong with that?
Eve32 said:
Sorry - couldn't help it. And I've got enough anxieties in my own cloest, Binkley. Don't need anymore. *grin*
umm dearey, I am not Binkley!!!!

hey, it was hillarious and I could not think of anything to come back with. Kudos, that happens rarely...
brokenbrainwave said:
umm dearey, I am not Binkley!!!!

hey, it was hillarious and I could not think of anything to come back with. Kudos, that happens rarely...

Wait, you're not? Oh right...that would be...a joke...


(Your av made me reread Babylon last night. I was meaning to thank you for that!)