Obama's Mandate


In Bizarro World, a 325-213 Romney win is a "landslide," while a 332-206 Obama win is a "squeaker."
Romney won sparsely populated areas. Good for him. I'm sure that give you succor.
And here's one that shows shades of red and blue based on how many people voted for each.

Lit RWCJ Last Week: "This election is a clear choice between two fundamentally diiferent philosophies of government."

Lit RWCJ This Week: "What election?"
OK OK, I didnt say anything the past couple of days coz you were just showing Moochelle back in the pics,, you have when to far by posting her mug, horrors!

OK OK, but you're a hater who's pressed and you're illiterate to boot, horrors!


Yes we know, all we have to do is cave in to every position the Democrats make to their constituents and we can win an election. Yes we know.:rolleyes:

I'll humor you for a moment. Because I can afford to magnanimous.

In your esteemed wisdom, where do you think we could find some common ground to cut programs?

Let's see if you and I can put aside our mutual loathing for each other for a bit and come up with a solution.