"Obama's deputizin' doctors to create a network of gubbmint gun snitches!"


Pragmatic Metaphysician
Jul 8, 2009
Once in a while I run into the un-listenable show "The Five" on Fox News radio... which is nothing more than a summary of the day's marching orders to people like Vette and AJ. Today we're being told to fear doctors because Obama made them all gun control deputies. This is what these people believe.

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Just when I thought you couldn't get more moronic.:rolleyes:
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Your obsession with Vette is comical. How long are you going to cry because he put you on iggy, MORON. :D
Do we all have to say *views post* or can it be assumed that since we are responding that we viewed the post???
Do we all have to say *views post* or can it be assumed that since we are responding that we viewed the post???

It denotes the person is still on ignore, mostly that they shouldn't expect a response particularly in a different thread.
It denotes the person is still on ignore, mostly that they shouldn't expect a response particularly in a different thread.

One would think so but he replied to the OP. When a thread starter is on ignore one can't see the threads.