Obamacare Fun Fact #1: Breastfeeding:


Jan 23, 2011
OBAMACARE FUN FACT #1: BREASTFEEDING: All employers must now provide a “reasonable break time” and a “private place other than a bathroom” for employees to express breast milk for at least one year after childbirth. Employers with fewer than 50 employees “may” be exempt if they can demonstrate compliance would result in an “undue hardship.” [Section 4207, Affordable Care Act].

Other than a bathroom? So a special breast feeding lounge or something? I have absolutely nothing against breast feeding (quite the contrary), but this is a regulation that the federal government needed to impose on business owners in this economy? Really?

In addition,in defining the “essential health benefits package” that all health insurance policies must offer (under section 1302 of the Act), the Department of Health & Human Services has issued regulations requiring free coverage of breastfeeding supplies and counseling.
the thread


never end

it will get worse

you had to pass it

to know what was in it
NOW THAT IT’S PASSED, NANCY, I FOUND OUT WHAT’S IN IT: Remember former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s comment about Obamacare, “We have to pass the bill so you can find out what’s in it”? Well, Nancy, I’ve now finished reading the 2700+ page “Affordable” Care Act. So I’m going to start posting a few of the stranger, little-known provisions for our readers’ enjoyment. I’m going to call them “Obamacare Fun Facts”– because this should be fun. Hold onto your hats, folks.

Posted at 4:21 pm by Elizabeth Price Foley
Two years ago.

In other news, a Space Shuttle was launched.
My employer uses an unused office, or a conference room when the need comes up.
OBAMACARE FUN FACT #1: BREASTFEEDING: All employers must now provide a “reasonable break time” and a “private place other than a bathroom” for employees to express breast milk for at least one year after childbirth. Employers with fewer than 50 employees “may” be exempt if they can demonstrate compliance would result in an “undue hardship.” [Section 4207, Affordable Care Act].

Other than a bathroom? So a special breast feeding lounge or something? I have absolutely nothing against breast feeding (quite the contrary), but this is a regulation that the federal government needed to impose on business owners in this economy? Really?

In addition,in defining the “essential health benefits package” that all health insurance policies must offer (under section 1302 of the Act), the Department of Health & Human Services has issued regulations requiring free coverage of breastfeeding supplies and counseling.

Do male spouses get the same amount of time off as mandated for maternity leave?


Are not we ALL supposed to play under the same rules?
Do male spouses get the same amount of time off as mandated for maternity leave?


Are not we ALL supposed to play under the same rules?

I think paternity leave should be mandated. It has a ton of benefits for everyone. Child abuse for example is much lower when the father has paternity leave.
That's nice.

I really love the way you think.

Another unfunded mandate, another business tax to get passed on to the consumer.
That's nice.

I really love the way you think.

Another unfunded mandate, another business tax to get passed on to the consumer.

So you're in favor of repealing maternity leave then. And sick leave. Both unfunded business mandates passed on to the consumer.
I think paternity leave should be mandated. It has a ton of benefits for everyone. Child abuse for example is much lower when the father has paternity leave.

Maybe not leave...someone has to cover the bills. Reduced work load (5 hr days?) or 3 day weekends etc might be some really great stuff.

Wait...I remember now, work is the escape one uses to get rest. Work is paternity leave!!
Maybe not leave...someone has to cover the bills. Reduced work load (5 hr days?) or 3 day weekends etc might be some really great stuff.

Wait...I remember now, work is the escape one uses to get rest. Work is paternity leave!!


I'd say 40 hours allocated however.
I thought that employeers already had to do that? Like... since I was about 16. I've never worked in a place that didn't do that. Have a breast-feeding place. Kroger had a separate break room, the water park had a separate room in the dining area, the comic shop had a little room to the side of the break room that I fucked in a couple times that was designated the breastfeeding room... I can't remember every place I worked, but if one of them had not had such an area I would have remembered it, because it would be an oddity. I totally thought that had been a law since forever. I didn't know it was new.
I think paternity leave should be mandated. It has a ton of benefits for everyone. Child abuse for example is much lower when the father has paternity leave.

Not in the states where it's unpaid. Yeah, in Europe where you aren't losing every cent you would make at work, but here, you can't afford to take three months off with an infant. Those things are expensive as hell.
OBAMA CARE GAMES: New York State Seeks to Limit Doctor Visits for ‘Benchmark’ ObamaCare Plan
OBAMA CARE GAMES: New York State Seeks to Limit Doctor Visits for ‘Benchmark’ ObamaCare Plan
The reasoning here, i assume, is that with an influx of new users allowing unlimited visits would clog up the whole system and result in diminished care across the board.

On the other hand limiting visits deprives people of access to medical care which also diminishes care accross the board.

Hmmm. Catch 22. I sometimes think that the purpose of Health Care systems is to scare everyone into taking care of themselves. :eek:
New York State Seeks to Limit Doctor Visits for 'Benchmark' ObamaCare Plan

As part of its “benchmark” health care plan to satisfy ObamaCare’s requirement of the establishment of Essential Health Benefits (EHB’s) in each state, the state of New York has requested that annual doctor visit limits be substituted for lifetime and annual dollar limits in health care plans.

States had until October 1, 2012 to choose an existing health care plan to serve as the minimum “benchmark” plan that would contain the EHB’s as required by ObamaCare. President Obama’s signature health care law gives HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius sole authority to determine the EHB’s for the insurance plans in the state health insurance exchanges. The most controversial EHB to date is the “HHS Mandate,” which requires all employers to provide contraception, sterilization procedures, and abortion-inducing drugs, free of charge, to their employees.

In its letter to the Centers for Medicaid and Medicare Services (CMMS), the state of New York wrote:

Removal of Annual/Lifetime Dollar Limits - New York State awaits further federal guidance on the process for substituting dollar limits on benefits with actuarially equivalent quantitative limits (e.g., annual visit limits).

If ObamaCare is not repealed, millions of currently uninsured people will be sent into the state exchanges to purchase health insurance, or pay the “tax” as the Supreme Court defined it. The sheer numbers of new patients alone will make for longer waiting times to get in to see doctors. In addition, as many businesses find it is too costly to offer health insurance benefits to their employees, these individuals, and their families, will also be sent into the exchanges. Finally, as New York, and perhaps other states, are granted permission by HHS to make annual doctor visit limits part of their EHB package, the number of visits will be carefully monitored, leading to an even greater rationing of health care.

ObamaCare is gradually setting up a two-class system of health care access in this country. Only the very wealthy will be able to obtain the types of treatments and access to health care that many Americans have enjoyed in the past. Everyone else…well, just take a check and wait in line.
this is a funny one, I'm all for the "mom" right of choice and what she feels works for her and her family.

however, when you whip a tit out in public don't be shocked when men turn around and look:devil:
Don't hire any women. Problem solved.



there is merit to what you say

when you hire WOMEN...BLACKS...GAYZ...etc.....it is almost IMPOSSIBLE to fire em........

these "anti discrimination" lawz actually backfire

it is my opinion, that these lawz as well as disability lawz INHIBIT hiring, full time hiring across the board
OBAMACARE FUN FACT #3: Under section 4203 of the Affordable Care Act, all medical diagnostic equipment used by physicians, hospitals and other health care providers–e.g., ex-rays, exam tables, exam chairs, mammography equipment, MRIs, etc.– must be equipment that is “accessible to, and usable by, individuals with accessibility needs, and shall allow independent entry to, use of, and exit from the equipment by such individuals to the maximum extent possible.”

While I think we can all agree that this is a nice goal, is it really appropriate to mandate this, in this economy, regardless of its cost? Price tag: Unknown.
From the "Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act":

Title V of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (29 U.S.C. 791 et seq.) is amended by adding at the end of the following:


(a) Standards - Not later than 24 months after the date of enactment of the Affordable Health Choices Act, the Architectural and Transportation Barriers Compliance Board shall, in consultation with the Commissioner of the Food and Drug Administration, promulgate regulatory standards in accordance with the Administrative Procedure Act setting forth the minimum technical criteria for medical diagnostic equipment used in (or in conjunction with) physician's offices, clinics, emergency rooms, hospitals, and other medical settings. The standards shall ensure that such equipment is accessible to, and usable by, individuals with accessibility needs, and shall allow independent entry to, use of, and exit from the equipment by such individuals to the maximum extent possible.

(b) Medical Diagnostic Equipment Covered - The standards issued under subsection (a) for medical diagnostic equipment shall apply to equipment that includes examination tables, examination chairs (including chairs used for eye examinations or procedures, and dental examinations or procedures), weight scales, mammography equipment, x-ray machines, and other radiological equipment commonly used for diagnostic purposes by health professionals.

(c) Review and Amendment - The Architectural and Transportation Barriers Compliance Board, in consultation with the Commissioner of the Food and Drug Administration, shall periodically review and, as appropriate, amend the standards in accordance with the Administrative Procedure Act.

The complete text of the Act is available on the Library of Congress website at http://thomas.loc.gov/.