Obama Tells Students To Reject Their Heritage...

You know even by Vetteman standards I'm unable to see what he's offended about here. Can someone explain it to me in common?
That's a rather creative and loose interpretation of someone else's words.

No seriuosly. I'm confused. Normally I can squint my eyes, tilt my head and figure out what he means. I thought when this started it was gonna be something about how whites shouldn't go around crowing about being British or French or German or what not but . . .is Vette rejecting our form of government because Obama is celebrating it? Have I finally lived long enough to see that moment when Obama came out and said "The sky. . .I think it' s blue." And the Republicans had to come out against it?
You know even by Vetteman standards I'm unable to see what he's offended about here. Can someone explain it to me in common?

Is it that hard to see?! Obama is denying that government is the source of all our problems. How plain does he have to declare his Marxism?!
Even for Vette that's a bit of a stretch. Hell that's more like a lunge.
It's all part of the Obama plan to change the country fundamentally. Americans have never embraced big government and it's huge bureaus, nor have they ever considered it's ubiquitous intrusions into the affairs of the civil society as "self government." They have been demanding to be left alone and not be put upon for much of our history.

The country was born in revolution against oppressive government. Obama is in essence asking them to submit to the centralized authority of the administrative state, and forget all those natural tenancies to fear for one's liberty in the face of it's ever expanding authority. He's saying it's time for them to do something different than their fathers did, he's saying it time to knuckle under and think of it as self government.:rolleyes:

I'm thinking the dept of education needs more funding. This has more grammar errors than a boxlicker post.
It's all part of the Obama plan to change the country fundamentally. Americans have never embraced big government and it's huge bureaus, nor have they ever considered it's ubiquitous intrusions into the affairs of the civil society as "self government." They have been demanding to be left alone and not be put upon for much of our history.

The country was born in revolution against oppressive government. Obama is in essence asking them to submit to the centralized authority of the administrative state, and forget all those natural tenancies to fear for one's liberty in the face of it's ever expanding authority. He's saying it's time for them to do something different than their fathers did, he's saying it time to knuckle under and think of it as self government.:rolleyes:

Stalin's victims kissed his ring and wrote love poems to him as they awaited the firing squad. Its the nature of girly men to be that way. Our resident assclowns adore Obama, and if he wants their nutz in a candy dish, nothing is too great to sacrifice.
Most pusillanimous and benighted commencement speech since Castro at Harvard.
Awwwww but it's not government over reach to for them to come manage you genitals!!! :rolleyes:
I have to thank Vette for clearing that up. I have to admit, I didn't think Obama was playing long game like that.

Now I know that if Obama says "Islam is not the enemy" what he means is "Prepare for the New World Order." Is there some kind of translation guide out there. This shit is pretty confusing.
Stalin's victims kissed his ring and wrote love poems to him as they awaited the firing squad. Its the nature of girly men to be that way. Our resident assclowns adore Obama, and if he wants their nutz in a candy dish, nothing is too great to sacrifice.

Damn fine post right there.
Amazing isn't it? What two generations of supervised ignorance can do to the collective store of knowledge left by those who went before us. Santayana wasted his breath.

Vette is even worse. These people are as bad as the Jews who revealed the hideouts of other Jews back in Nazi Germany. Their attitude was ITS NOT FAIR THAT THEY GET TO LIVE. That's how these people are.
Vette is even worse. These people are as bad as the Jews who revealed the hideouts of other Jews back in Nazi Germany. Their attitude was ITS NOT FAIR THAT THEY GET TO LIVE. That's how these people are.

You got one thing right. Finally.
Are were seriously making Jew jokes now? Its rare that I'm this confused.
I was just thinking that every Democrat I ever met was as clueless of his paternity as he is the paternity of Romulus and Remus.
6 years ago...

Not Supporting the Government..." why do you hate America?"


Supporting the Government....." why do you hate America?"