Obama State Department: Phrases Like “Holding Down The Fort” Are Racist…


Jan 23, 2011
Obama State Department: Phrases Like “Holding Down The Fort” Are Racist…


The PC police strike again.

Via Daily Caller:

John M. Robinson, the Chief Diversity Officer at the U.S. Department of State, wants America’s diplomats to know that common phrases and idioms like “holding down the fort” are, in fact, deeply racist.

Robinson, who also serves as director of the Department’s Office of Civil Rights, used his “Diversity Notes” feature in the July/August issue of the official “State Magazine” to examine the hateful roots of everyday sayings. In one recent public relations kerfuffle at Nike, Inc., he wrote, the company torpedoed a sneaker called the “Black and Tan.”

“What a wonderful celebratory gesture and appreciation for Irish culture. Not!” wrote Robinson, an adult.

Robinson notes that “Black and Tan,” in addition to being an enjoyably robust alcoholic concoction, can refer to the brutal Protestant militiamen who ravaged the Irish countryside in the early 20th century — which is why Irish bartenders always get so upset when you order one. [...]

And did you know using the phrase “holding down the fort” is the linguistic equivalent of scalping a Cherokee? According to Robinson, the phrase dates back to American soldiers on the western frontier who wanted to “hold down” all that land they stole.
tell it to State Dept

YOU ARE A RACIST:rolleyes:

Bitch, don't make me sing the goddamn song again.

Black and Tan could also be a reference to a good hunting dog or a glass of beer. Nazi Idiots like Robinson have no business being employed by the people of the United States.


Everything is RACIST!
Is obama and michelle going to claim that all americans are racist when he gets booted out?
Is obama and michelle going to claim that all americans are racist when he gets booted out?

No. If they were to be "booted out" they would, as sensible lawyers who know how to capitalize and when nouns are plural, press charges of assault. If Mitt Romney were to be voted in by people who are voting the interests of the 1% in the hopes that they may, through some magical stacking of jeeps on the front lawn to heaven, join their ranks, then I am certain that the Obamas would be clever enough to discern the tactic of racism from the self-interested billionaires who wield it to control the ignorant masses.
No. If they were to be "booted out" they would, as sensible lawyers who know how to capitalize and when nouns are plural, press charges of assault. If Mitt Romney were to be voted in by people who are voting the interests of the 1% in the hopes that they may, through some magical stacking of jeeps on the front lawn to heaven, join their ranks, then I am certain that the Obamas would be clever enough to discern the tactic of racism from the self-interested billionaires who wield it to control the ignorant masses.

and by 1% you mean people who have small businesses or are self employed aka the non welfare class, right?
A "chief diversity. Officer"? What the fuck! This warm and fuzzy bullshit has to stop.
A "chief diversity. Officer"? What the fuck! This warm and fuzzy bullshit has to stop.

Obama just needs more "things" to blame his failures on. After all, Obama is not responsible nor accountable. We all know that the socialist polices of Obamaism are not to be blamed
A "chief diversity. Officer"? What the fuck! This warm and fuzzy bullshit has to stop.

yeah, at the DOJ

they are looking for GIMPS and CRAZIES and MIDGETS for employment

No. If they were to be "booted out" they would, as sensible lawyers who know how to capitalize and when nouns are plural, press charges of assault. If Mitt Romney were to be voted in by people who are voting the interests of the 1% in the hopes that they may, through some magical stacking of jeeps on the front lawn to heaven, join their ranks, then I am certain that the Obamas would be clever enough to discern the tactic of racism from the self-interested billionaires who wield it to control the ignorant masses.

Don't come into threads like this speaking sense.