Obama Admin On Church Attacks In Egypt: “We Have Seen Zero Indication The Muslim Brotherhood Is Organizing These Attacks”…
Note: I’d bet my life the “high-ranking Western official” cited by the WaPo is someone in the Obama administration, mainly because we’re the ONLY western country giving its full support to the Muslim Brotherhood, hence the reason I added it to the headline.
BENI MAZAR, Egypt — The fire burned all night long. It was only after desperate town residents borrowed the keys to a firetruck that they were able to quell the blaze. By then, the evangelical church was all but destroyed.
It was one of more than 60 churches that have been attacked, vandalized and in many cases set aflame across Egypt in a surge of violence against Christians that has followed the bloody Aug. 14 raid by Egyptian security forces on two Islamist protest camps in Cairo.
The attacks, most of them in Egypt’s Nile Valley, have lent legitimacy to the military-backed government’s claims that it is fighting a war against terrorism.
But one week after the attacks, the Egyptian government has yet to investigate any of the incidents or provide any additional security to most churches, Christian activists and church officials said.
Visits to flame-ravaged churches and interviews with activists and Western officials also cast doubt on whether the Muslim Brotherhood, blamed by the government for carrying out the violence, was actively involved.
“We have seen zero indication that the Muslim Brotherhood as an organization is organizing these attacks,” said a high-ranking Western official who was not authorized to speak on the record. The official said the blame more likely rested with Islamist vigilantes rather than Brotherhood members acting on orders.
Hundreds of Coptic Christians Rally Against Muslim Brotherhood In Nashville, Chant “Obama, Obama, Don’t You Care? Christian Blood Is Everywhere”…
The answer to their question is, no, he doesn’t care.
Via The Tennessean:
More than 200 Coptic Christians demonstrated in downtown Nashville, calling for an end to the violence in Egypt.
Many chanted “Obama, Obama, don’t you care? Christian blood is everywhere,” and “Pray for Egypt” while waiving Egyptian flags.
Others, like Anour Fares, held homemade signs with messages like “We are against Muslim Brotherhood.”
Amany Shahata, who has lived in the United States for 16 years, said she feared for Christians living in Egypt, whose churches had been burned down in recent days. She and other protesters blamed the Muslim Brotherhood.
“What is terrorism, but being afraid to go out of your house because someone will attack you,” she said. “… We can build churches anywhere but in our own country.”
At one point demonstrators lined both sides of First Avenue and called out slogans as cars went by. They shouted “eid wahda,” an Egyptian phrase that translates as “one hand,” meaning that the Egyptian people, both Christians and Muslims, were united with the army against terrorism, which they blamed on the Muslim Brotherhood.
Abram Thabet said that he hopes the Obama administration will stand by the Egyptian government. He said that he fled Cairo two years ago with his family because he feared persecution.