Obama Planning Massive Crackdown on Electricity Generation


Jan 23, 2011
Obama Planning Massive Crackdown on Electricity Generation

The Community Organizer in Chief did warn us that if he took power, energy costs would “necessarily skyrocket.” His enablers at the New York Times report that America’s fundamental transformation is proceeding according to plan:

Obama is preparing regulations limiting carbon dioxide emissions from existing power plants, senior officials said Wednesday.

According to the Slimes,

Electric power plants are the largest single source of global warming pollution in the country, responsible for nearly 40 percent of greenhouse gas emissions.

The Slimes does not mention that the global warming hoax is dead in the water; temperatures have not risen since the mid 1990s, and it is likely we face an unfortunate cooling trend.

Never mind all that, full steam ahead with the leftist agenda. Since Congress is too afraid of public wrath to impose a recession in the name of a conspicuously phony crisis that only Kool-Aid–guzzling true believer liberals take seriously,

The administration has already begun steps to restrict climate-altering emissions from any newly built power plants, but imposing carbon standards on the existing utility fleet would be vastly more costly and contentious. …

[Heather] Zichal said none of the initiatives being considered by the administration required legislative action or new financing from Congress.

Congress? They don’t need no stinking Congress.

Ms. Zichal is the “White House coordinator for energy and climate change.” Try to get your head around the megalomania of a regime that thinks it controls the very climate.

Even our liberal rulers agree that this lunacy will have a devastating effect on the economy…

But administration officials signaled that Mr. Obama had decided the risks from climate change outweighed the potential economic and political costs from taking steps to address it.

Letting lunatics run the asylum comes with a price.

This latest attack on our way of life and standard of living will be inflicted by the authoritarian zealots of the EPA, which the Supreme Court has ruled has authority over all “greenhouse gases,” presumably including the breath you exhale.

Imagine trying to explain to the Founding Fathers why we let it get this bad without rebelling.
Two more weeks and my own lil nuke will be online. Best part is they will blame the farmers for the fish kill when I dump the waste into the river. :cool: