Obama: Legacy of “Slavery And Jim Crow” Still Exists…

Emmett Till’s Cousin: Only “Bigots” Think Race Relations Are Improving In America…

Another person with a vested interest in keeping the belief of rampant racism alive and well.

Via NRO’s Andrew Johnson:

One of the cousin’s of Emmett Till, the black 14-year-old who was murdered in Mississippi’s Jim Crow South in 1955 for flirting with a white woman, told MSNBC that he agreed with comparisons between Till and the death of Trayvon Martin. [...]

He expressed confusion about polls showing that Americans believe race relations have inmproved, and wondered who was being consulted in the surveys: “No one ever asks me something like this. Who are they asking? The bigots?”
MSNBC: GOP “A White-Nationalist, Afrikaner, Boer Party”…

Wait, did someone on MSNBC call the Republican party racist? I guess there’s a first for everything.
Obama: 'Legacy of Discrimination' Spurring Minority Poverty: With black unemployment returning to double the r... http://******/172XXRr

Enough with the NIGGER shit


Hussein Obama!
Obama: 'Legacy of Discrimination' Spurring Minority Poverty: With black unemployment returning to double the r... http://******/172XXRr


Enough with the NIGGER shit


Hussein Obama!

Where did you get that pic from?
Hollywood Moonbat Harry Belafonte Says Blacks “Not Truly Free” In America…

As he heads back to his mansion.

Via Newsbusters:

People Magazine devoted five pages in the date issue to remembering the 50th anniversary of Martin Luther King’s March on Washington by soliciting liberal celebrities (like Harry Belafonte and Ruby Dee) and liberal “civil rights” leaders (like Andrew Young and Rep. John Lewis) for their memories.

Belafonte complained there were “so many things in reversal” in current-day Washington:

“For me, half a century later to see so many things in reversal — the recent Supreme Court ruling on voter protection and the gerrymandering of districts to deny black people the power to vote — is not exactly the image I saw of America that day.”

Young added, “Without full protection of the vote, we can’t be truly free.”

we know what the TALKING POINT will be in 14 and 16

the NIGGERS CANT VOTE....WHITEY wont let em!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

forgetting of course the FACT, that NIGGER votes are at all time highs


Women and NIGGERS shouldn't be allowed to vote
He'd be a Muzzie trying to get you into a Burka and off the Internet...

No foolin'!

Well not every muzzie woman wears the burka. And he'd need an army to get me to do anything I didn't want to.

Besides he'd probably end up pissing off some extremist before he even made it out of baggage claim at the airport.
From the news stories about rape that we get out of India...

He already has his army.


(See how I do that? We get judged by gun stories...)
From the news stories about rape that we get out of India...

He already has his army.


(See how I do that? We get judged by gun stories...)

Brutal rapes take place all over the world. India gets more attention because we are sexually repressed hence people like to draw some obvious conclusions.

I haven't been raped so far and I know many women who haven't either. In fact when I think about it I can't think of a single woman I know personally who has been raped. I feel slighted and ashamed. Maybe if I wasn't so butt ugly (BTW to anyone reading this wasn't a cry/invitation to get raped. I am quite happy continuing with my non-raped existence).

And as far as the army of men is concerned, I doubt any one will get behind Pablo unless it is to drive a shank into his back. I'm just saying, that people who openly spew hate like that don't survive here... well not unless you have some political backing, then you could win a ticket to the LS.
Brutal rapes take place all over the world. India gets more attention because we are sexually repressed hence people like to draw some obvious conclusions.

I haven't been raped so far and I know many women who haven't either. In fact when I think about it I can't think of a single woman I know personally who has been raped. I feel slighted and ashamed. Maybe if I wasn't so butt ugly (BTW to anyone reading this wasn't a cry/invitation to get raped. I am quite happy continuing with my non-raped existence).

And as far as the army of men is concerned, I doubt any one will get behind Pablo unless it is to drive a shank into his back. I'm just saying, that people who openly spew hate like that don't survive here... well not unless you have some political backing, then you could win a ticket to the LS.

what hate do you see?
Everyone thinks their culture is immune to the demagogic...

;) ;)

It only takes a strong minority willing to listen and to act to cow (can I use that word? :D ) the rest into submissive silence in the hopes of surviving while others are being persecuted...
Because you don't like people of colour and well Indians aren't white.........where do you see I have ANYTHING against COLORED PEOPLE????????

Because you are against women voting and as a woman that offends me but you don't live in this country so it doesn't matter. .........Women vote with their CUNTS and are irrational, as such they shouldn't be allowed to vote, just as we don't allow people in jails and insane asylums to vote

Was that good for you? ;)

Everyone thinks their culture is immune to the demagogic...

;) ;)

It only takes a strong minority willing to listen and to act to cow (can I use that word? :D ) the rest into submissive silence in the hopes of surviving while others are being persecuted...

Actually in India we are well aware that leaders play divisive politics (and India being a multi-cultural, multi-linguistic nation that it is, makes it darned easy too) to fatten their vote banks.

Like the MNS has no agenda apart from crying for the rights of the Marathi Manoos against the bad UPaites and other North Indians stealing their jobs.

Our leaders actually give hate speeches condemning certain sections and fractions and inciting the crowds. Unfortunately our people play into their hands because at the end of the day we don't even have a common tongue.