Obama is a dangerous person


Literotica Guru
Jun 20, 2011
I think deep down obama knows he’s one fucktard. He’s never been successful in the real world. he says words that other people wrote. Other than obamacare, which God willing is repealed, is his one and only success.

Obama made a promise that if the economy wasn’t any better, than he would not run for a 2nd term as he wouldn’t deserve the office.

Well America doesn’t deserve obama as he has clearly lied on this position. The economy is still fucked due to some of this socialist agenda fucked up ideas.

And as the polls stay close, desperation will over take and obama will once again go rabid

As he is desperate for attention, fame, and lets face it, can’t do a real job
I think deep down obama knows he’s one fucktard. He’s never been successful in the real world.

I am sorry I didn't realize you were a beat selling author and graduated magna cum laude from Harvard. Must be nice in your world.
He was elected President, but according to you he has never accomplished anything in this world. You have pretty high standards:rolleyes:
I am sorry I didn't realize you were a beat selling author and graduated magna cum laude from Harvard. Must be nice in your world.

just shows how stupid socialist are and how they don't value a dollar - as they purchased a fresh pile of crap, aka obama's book
He was elected President, but according to you he has never accomplished anything in this world. You have pretty high standards:rolleyes:

he's a stick figure, with someone's hand up his ass telling him what to say. when he speaks on his own, the obama falters and gets into trouble.

he hides his past, has closed door meetings

"we must pass this law, in order to see what's in it"

winds of change = winds of more the same - when it came to obama