Obama admits to being a murder


Literotica Guru
Feb 17, 2003
after all, OBL was unarmed and Obama gave the orders

is this the kind of "leader" we want as a POTUS?

enjoy this post, its all yours
Obama's a murder? Can you teach me to be a verb? I wanna be a rim shot.
Oh look, it's germinflorida, the famed infant photographer! Say cheese.

Honestly, I should just start posting this in every single conservative rant-a-thon that doesn't have much in the way of logical thought or realistic facts...


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Honestly, I should just start posting this in every single conservative rant-a-thon that doesn't have much in the way of logical thought or realistic facts...

I thought you were just FACT BASED and not a partisan/

YOU LIED!:cattail:
So, you acknowledge Obama killed Bin Laden?

a team that was put in place under Bush. and that OBL would have been caught in time. Obama had nothing to do with it other then giving the orders to murder an unarmed man.

but hey, that just another day in the life of Chicago Rommel.

Why do democrats love to murder people?
Why will democrats murder Grandma on obamacare?

speaking of that, why do people feel that obamacare is free? oh yeah, because obama has expanded the welfare class to replace the middle class that his economic policies have decimated

Honestly, I should just start posting this in every single conservative rant-a-thon that doesn't have much in the way of logical thought or realistic facts...

another category where Joe Biden is the leader of!
Im surprised Obama has Osama killed

after all, he coulda used all the votes he coulda gotten:)
I thought you were just FACT BASED and not a partisan/

YOU LIED!:cattail:

I'm critical of either side....show me a democrat rant-a-thon with the same level of ignorance and scorn that conservatives are known for and we'll talk...
I'm critical of either side....show me a democrat rant-a-thon with the same level of ignorance and scorn that conservatives are known for and we'll talk...

They don't happen very often. One downside to being a Democrat is that we're all haters and would never give credit to anybody else for having accomplished anything. So unlike Republicans who have no problem with a circle jerk we are loathe to admit someone else had a part in creating the puddle.
a team that was put in place under Bush. and that OBL would have been caught in time. Obama had nothing to do with it other then giving the orders to murder an unarmed man.

but hey, that just another day in the life of Chicago Rommel.

Why do democrats love to murder people?
Why will democrats murder Grandma on obamacare?

speaking of that, why do people feel that obamacare is free? oh yeah, because obama has expanded the welfare class to replace the middle class that his economic policies have decimated

Really Jen?

And you wonder why people think you are stupid.