Obama administration attacks Confederate flag


Break up Amazon
Aug 30, 2007
What possible problem do they have with the Stars and Bars? Its a part of American heritage that tens of millions of Americans revere as a part of their heritage and history.

Why is this administration implying there is something wrong with those to whom that flag is a positive symbol of pride in their heritage? I thought we had long ago had reconciliation between the north and south. I thought we were supposed to respect differences and the cultural heritages of all of America's people? :confused:
"A Heritage of Hatred"

The Stars and Bars is a symbol of treason against the United States.

As such, it's a favorite of traitors, America haters, and Retard Ruse.
I feel the same way renard_ruse. The only thing I don't agree on, as most alleged "intelligent" Americans do, is the Confederate flag as a symbol of legalized slavery and hatred against the world.
The Stars and Bars is a symbol of treason against the United States.

As such, it's a favorite of traitors, America haters, and Retard Ruse.

No, actually, its not. The states that joined the Confederacy are an integral part of the country and this part of their heritage is therefore an integral part of US history.
I feel the same way renard_ruse. The only thing I don't agree on, as most alleged "intelligent" Americans do, is the Confederate flag as a symbol of legalized slavery and hatred against the world.

Then the US flag is as well. As is the British flag, and the flags of most countries in Western Europe and the Americas, which permitted slavery in themselves or their colonies.
No, actually, its not. The states that joined the Confederacy are an integral part of the country and this part of their heritage is therefore an integral part of US history.

Again, I agree. To deny one's nation an integral part of their history and heritage is to deny the very reasons, be they negative or positive or leading to opinionated current events, that came to shape the US as we believe it to to be today.

That is, before Odumba took office.
That is the flag of traitors. There is a difference between wiping it from history and marching underneath it. It's no different from a Nazi Flag in that regard. Not that the two of you don't know that and aren't just hoping someone else doesn't know that.
Then the US flag is as well. As is the British flag, and the flags of most countries in Western Europe and the Americas, which permitted slavery in themselves or their colonies.

Again, I agree. I don't agree with slavery as being the singular issue of the American Civil War. Victory and self righteousness goes to the winners of that war, however misplaced.
That is the flag of traitors. There is a difference between wiping it from history and marching underneath it. It's no different from a Nazi Flag in that regard. Not that the two of you don't know that and aren't just hoping someone else doesn't know that.

So, you're gonna preach to us how we are Nazis while denying our agreements on enslaving fellow human beings? I expect no different from an uninformed person such as you.
So, you're gonna preach to us how we are Nazis while denying our agreements on enslaving fellow human beings? I expect no different from an uninformed person such as you.

I'm glad that you expect nothing less than the truth from me.
Mississippi's Articles of Secession

Our position is thoroughly identified with the institution of slavery-- the greatest material interest of the world. Its labor supplies the product which constitutes by far the largest and most important portions of commerce of the earth. These products are peculiar to the climate verging on the tropical regions, and by an imperious law of nature, none but the black race can bear exposure to the tropical sun. These products have become necessities of the world, and a blow at slavery is a blow at commerce and civilization. That blow has been long aimed at the institution, and was at the point of reaching its consummation. There was no choice left us but submission to the mandates of abolition, or a dissolution of the Union, whose principles had been subverted to work out our ruin.

Georgia, on leaving the Union.

For the last ten years we have had numerous and serious causes of complaint against our non-slave-holding confederate States with reference to the subject of African slavery. They have endeavored to weaken our security, to disturb our domestic peace and tranquility, and persistently refused to comply with their express constitutional obligations to us in reference to that property, and by the use of their power in the Federal Government have striven to deprive us of an equal enjoyment of the common Territories of the Republic. This hostile policy of our confederates has been pursued with every circumstance of aggravation which could arouse the passions and excite the hatred of our people, and has placed the two sections of the Union for many years past in the condition of virtual civil war.

I'm glad that you expect nothing less than the truth from me.

Your misguided version of the truth is far different than reality.

True that the Confederates wanted to separate from the Union, but for it was for state's rights issues; which entails far more than you imply. Not the SINGULAR misconception of slavery. After all, it was the northern states that imported enslaved humans from another country. In the end, I am glad the northern states won, but not for the reasons you think. We were still a young, ignorant nation trying to conform to it's own beliefs as a united people. At the time of the Civil War, slavery evolved as the primary reason and that's become the singular focus of a modern society that wants to deny it has any relations to a UNITED STATES that denies any of its' wrongdoings as a whole. This, in no way, means all southerners are prejudice and intent on returning to those days as asshats like you imply.
An Alabama secession speech

[QUOTEMr. President, if pecuniary loss alone were involved in the abolition of slavery, I should hesitate long before I would give the vote I now intend to give. If the destruction of slavery entailed on us poverty alone, I could bear it, for I have seen poverty and felt its sting. But poverty, Mr. President, would be one of the least of the evils that would befall us from the abolition of African slavery. There are now in the slaveholding States over four millions of slaves; dissolve the relation of master and slave, and what, I ask, would become of that race? To remove them from amongst us is impossible. History gives us no account of the exodus of such a number of persons. We neither have a place to which to remove them, nor the means of such removal. They therefore must remain with us; and if the relation of master and slave be dissolved, and our slaves turned loose amongst us without restraint, they would either be destroyed by our own hands-- the hands to which they look, and look with confidence, for protection-- or we ourselves would become demoralized and degraded. The former result would take place, and we ourselves would become the executioners of our own slaves. To this extent would the policy of our Northern enemies drive us; and thus would we not only be reduced to poverty, but what is still worse, we should be driven to crime, to the commission of sin; and we must, therefore, this day elect between the Government formed by our fathers (the whole spirit of which has been perverted), and POVERTY AND CRIME! This being the alternative, I cannot hesitate for a moment what my duty is. I must separate from the Government of my fathers, the one under which I have lived, and under which I wished to die. But I must do my duty to my country and my fellow beings; and humanity, in my judgment, demands that Alabama should separate herself from the Government of the United States.


Your misguided version of the truth is far different than reality.

True that the Confederates wanted to separate from the Union, but for it was for state's rights issues; which entails far more than you imply. Not the SINGULAR misconception of slavery. After all, it was the northern states that imported enslaved humans from another country. In the end, I am glad the northern states won, but not for the reasons you think. We were still a young, ignorant nation trying to conform to it's own beliefs as a united people. At the time of the Civil War, slavery evolved as the primary reason and that's become the singular focus of a modern society that wants to deny it has any relations to a UNITED STATES that denies any of its' wrongdoings as a whole. This, in no way, means all southerners are prejudice and intent on returning to those days as asshats like you imply.

State's Rights was a stupid idea from the get go and one that was thoroughly trounced in the Civil War. That is no less treasonous than wanting to maintain slaves. Hell it's technically worse.

Who cares who imported the slaves originally? The North learned faster and the South had to be dragged at the point of a gun into the future. Just as they may force their betters to do again.

No, not all Southerners are racists, but any who would stand beneath that flag are.
You can pretend that the Confederate flag carries some sacred symbolism of patriotic values, but for most people it is a symbol of traitorous slavers. Anyone who thinks it's OK to wave at a political rally at the White House needs some serious schooling.
No, actually, its not. The states that joined the Confederacy are an integral part of the country and this part of their heritage is therefore an integral part of US history.

Tell us about your Confederate heritage. Could you be accepted as a bona fide member of the Sons of the Confederacy?

Or, are you just another poseur trying to fit in with the cool kids?
No, actually, its not. The states that joined the Confederacy are an integral part of the country and this part of their heritage is therefore an integral part of US history.

Your pathetic revisionism notwithstanding, if you support the flag of treason, then you support treason against the USA.

End of discussion.
We live forward, but examine it backwards.

So, can anyone in this thread explain to me why it is the northern states, who claim they are not racist or prejudiced in any way, consistently blame southern states for the slavery of black Africans, and their descendants, for the current 'alleged' slavery and racism that still exists in the USA today?

Bottom line is, it happened and we can't go back to change whatever misconceptions "WE" have. I truly understand many people in the free society of today's America cannot get over the BS that has contributed to us being the people we are today.
State's Rights was a stupid idea from the get go and one that was thoroughly trounced in the Civil War. That is no less treasonous than wanting to maintain slaves. Hell it's technically worse.

Who cares who imported the slaves originally? The North learned faster and the South had to be dragged at the point of a gun into the future. Just as they may force their betters to do again.

No, not all Southerners are racists, but any who would stand beneath that flag are.

You sir, do not understand all Southerners. I stand behind the the nation upon which I live on for the reasons that make me a free person, though I might disagree for some of those same reasons. I do NOT support the reasons of those that cause it only to place blame upon those that take advantage of it.
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We live forward, but examine it backwards.

So, can anyone in this thread explain to me why it is the northern states, who claim they are not racist or prejudiced in any way, consistently blame southern states for the slavery of black Africans, and their descendants, for the current 'alleged' slavery and racism that still exists in the USA today?

Bottom line is, it happened and we can't go back to change whatever misconceptions "WE" have. I truly understand many people in the free society of today's America cannot get over the BS that has contributed to us being the people we are today.

To answer your question would be to validate your premise that "northern states claim they are not racist or prejudiced".

I categorically reject that premise.

Someone wavin' the Flag of Treason supports treason against the USA, and his geographic location does not matter one fucking bit.

Nice try to hijack the thread, though.
Why are you a hater and why do you have an avatar with a guy hanging from a tree with a noose around his neck?

Liberals are notorious haters, both on this forum and otherwise. Certainly you know that by now. :(

And states' rights are incorporated in the Tenth Amendment.
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