Obama’s meanest streets


~Armed and Fuzzy~
Mar 14, 2001
Americans are being told we must pay the price—with our loss of Second Amendment rights and liberty—for Chicago’s obscene daily grind of violence fed by a Mexican world-class bandit.

So who is Chicago’s new Public Enemy Number 1?

Guzman is a billionaire Mexican crime boss operating one of the world’s biggest criminal profit centers from his base in Sinaloa, Mexico.

According to a Forbes.com profile:

“It is estimated that El Chapo controls at least 60,000 square km (23,000 square miles) of rugged mountains in Sinaloa and Durango. You’d need 100,000 soldiers surrounding the area and even then I’m not sure you’d succeed [in capturing him].”

That’s the number of street-gang “soldiers” Guzman has in Chicago alone. If Guzman’s nickname translates to “Shorty,” his army of armed gang criminals are called “shorties.”

A June 20, 2013, Guardian Express article says:

“The cartel is primarily involved in the smuggling and distribution of Colombian cocaine, Mexican marijuana, methamphetamine and Mexican and Southeast Asian heroin into the United States.

“From their location in [Chicago’s] ‘Little Village,’ the Cartel wholesales their drugs to local street gangs. The city of Chicago has documented over 120,000 gang members. One gang, ‘The Gangster Disciples,’ works with the Cartel. From this location alone, they distribute two metric tons a month.”

Read more: http://dailycaller.com/2013/08/20/n...rter-ii-obamas-meanest-streets/#ixzz2daZmtzAV